Your Daily Gohmert

May 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie has found his presidential candidate and you’re not going to be surprised.

Screen Shot 2015-05-24 at 7.51.35 PMLouie endorsed Ted Cruz.  He wants Ted to win so Louie can be Secretary of Baptism Down At The River.  Ted would make that a cabinet position.

Louie gave his testimony —

“As he led the battle against Obamacare, while fighting for the right and ability to choose our own best healthcare, Ted demonstrated principled leadership,” said Gohmert. “He is also more interested in the opinions of those he serves than of some focus group.”

Yeah, and the foreign country Ted was born in is a bunch of white people so that hardly counts.

Louie and Ted Cruz, even Texas has a legal limit on crazy.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Your Daily Gohmert”

  1. I have actually seen people being baptised in, well, not a river but a lake. That makes me a certified really old deep East Texan. Me, I passed.

    And of course I think these people are dangerous nuts. I also think Ted’s a fake – I think he’d say whatever it took to get money and power.

  2. All the Ted-ster needs is the newest version Amiee Semple McPershon and you would immediately know his true self. No doubt. No question. Snake oil salesman.

  3. Just had a thought. No need to award me a medal. Wait until you hear it. Cruz was born in 1970. The Canadian national health plan was instituted in 1957 and updated in 1966. That means the man who has led the vote against Obamacare so damn many times had national healthcare from birth in Calgary until his family emigrated to the U.S. That national health care plan didn’t do him any harm. (My own 2 nieces were born in Canada in the early 60’s. My sister got amazingly good obstetrical care and the kids got the best pediatric care.) This is something I know that the Ted-ster absolutely does not want to discuss but he should start hearing a question from someone as he tap dances through what he calls his campaign:”Hey, you were born on a national health care plan and were covered by it until you were 4 years old. Did it do you any good?” If he swears it did him harm, he had better have an army of back-up evidence. Anecdotes not allowed.

  4. Love the photo. Crud looks as if he’s playing the kid’s game of “Here’s the church and here’s the steeple,” only he’s still trying to figure out how to make the steeple. And Loopy Louie thinks he’s looking like a really determined, serious supporter, but he winds up looking like a grumpy old man with a bad case of piles.
    If Crud tries to cite his senatorial experience as a positive for being president, I’ll be in the front lines shouting, “What senatorial experience?” He arrived in DC running for president, making outrageous statements whenever a TV camera was in his neighborhood so he could gain some name recognition. But he has never truly represented Texans (for which, actually, we should be truly grateful), because he’s out schmoozing up the potential money boys and missing votes like mad.

  5. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    I wasn’t aware that Texas had a legal limit on crazy. What is the limit? Obviously it hasn’t been reached yet.

  6. Bernie has missed the least votes – Cruz the most (25%).

  7. Cheryl – I’m thinking that may actually be a GOOD thing for all of us!

    I suspect I would approve of how Bernie votes wayyy more than how Teddy votes.

  8. By their works ye shall know them.

    Go, Bernie, go.

  9. It’s a pity that there won’t be a Cruz-Gohmert ticket, since they’re both “from” the same state. It would be good for laughs. On the other hand, I’d have to look at their faces repeatedly, and even once was more than enough.

  10. It is not true that we get to “choose our own best healthcare” when millions of people can’t afford it. What is technically “true” may be realistically false.

    As Anatole France once pointed out, “In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.”

  11. Since Louie is widely known as the Stupidest Man in Congress (he just showed up *again* in that role in the Washington Post Style Invitational weekly wit contest, and the assumption is that everyone will get the joke), is his endorsement really something that anyone wants?

    No, wait, silly me– we’re talking about Ted Cruz, who would run over his mother to get in front of a camera or microphone. To him there really is no such thing as bad publicity. he’d take an endorsement from Charles Manson, the Unabomber, and the ghost of Joe Stalin if it would get him into the paper.

  12. Fred Farklestone says:

    Question No. 1:
    Has Cruz ever been to Cuba, his adopted motherland, if so when and how many times?
    Question 2:
    Why did it take Rafael his father 48 years (from 1957- to 2005) to become a U S citizen?

    “Cruz’s father was born in 1939 in Matanzas, Cuba, and as a teenager, he joined Fidel Castro’s guerrilla groups to fight against the regime of Fulgencio Batista. He left Cuba in 1957 to attend the University of Texas. Rafael Cruz became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 2005. Cruz’s father eventually left the oil business to become a minister, and he is now a pastor in Carrollton, Texas, a Dallas suburb”

    How to become a naturalized U S citizen.

  13. “More interested in the opinions of those he serves.”

    Yes, and to prove he is crazy he didn’t put air quotes around that. It’s easy to be a principled leader when you’re a leader of one. Ted Cruz is all about Ted Cruz. Louie is all about Louie. I guess it makes sense.

  14. L Lester says:

    I only hope that people will wake up and Vote Responsibly. Just say no to Cruz and hope that amnesia does not afflict everyone when it comes time to cast the ballot. This is the same man that made a mockery of his role as a US Senator by reading Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss on the floor of the US Senate, who said “Obamacare is a train wreck” as he cost the US Taxpayer 27 billion dollars by shutting down the government over it (as he is now a willing participant of it), also said “We need 100 more men like Jesse Helms in the US Senate (Jesse a known racist), and practically proposed anarchy with this statement “The second amendment is your constitutional right ….to serve as the ultimate check against government tyranny” . Need we go on? This man is a snake oil salesman for sure–cloaking himself in so called piety. Just remember how many people were conned into buying snake oil back in the days of the wild west, and be very, very leary folks.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Born free
    My father was a fascist
    Free as the wind blows
    Shapes my policies.

    Oh yeah, an endorsement from Loopy Louie sure adds to Raphael’s ‘credibility.’ Just another Dominionist nut job floated out of nowhere by Koch money and their “grass roots” Tea Bag patsies.

    In schadenfreude fashion, it will be amusing which of the leading nut jobs Fox not the News includes in the first GOP debate. Such a strong field of “my 1% beats your 1% poll numbers.” Also a little poetic justice that their poll numbers match the 1% of the people that they would represent.

  16. “more interested in the opinions of those he serves” may be the most accurate thing Louie has ever said, but “those he serves” are not the people of Texas.

  17. maryelle says:

    Machiavelli and stooge.
