War in Waco

May 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Heads up.  Biker wars have broken out in Waco.  At least 9 dead.  The fights are apparently continuing in the area.

Guys, Fun With Guns has a rule that nobody dies.  As one of the commenters said, it is not fun when someone dies.   Well, except for the gun toter.  That’s why I didn’t title this Fun With Guns.

It was stunning and frightening for me because I have a friend from college who innocently drove by this war as it was happening.  I cannot imagine losing her, especially some thing so senseless and brutal.

There will be more news and maybe we can process it.  No, it is not funny.  It scares the crap outta me.

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0 Comments to “War in Waco”

  1. 1toughlady says:

    They may need to change the town’s name to Wacko if this keeps up.

  2. RepubAnon says:

    Let’s play the Fox News spin pool! Choices include:

    * Where was Hillary, and how does this relate to the Clinton Foundation?

    * How was ISIS involved?

    * This shows how the Obama Administration has caused rising lawlessness in the US.

    * If only all the other people in the vicinity had also had guns.

  3. Heard about this from another source. Nine dead. Much sorrow and grieving for someone and some families. Very sad indeed. The participants and the objective of the conflict aside, a simple moment of silence, here.

  4. Biggomama says:

    Alas poor Waco…

  5. Let’s see… Waco is the epi-center of Southern Baptist-ism, what with Baylor and all… there’s a breastaurant in Waco named Twin Peaks which draws a biker clientèle …. the local po-lice were there … rival biker “gang”s were there … what could go wrong?? the ensuing fisticuffs escalated to knives and firearms … bikers were shooting, police were shooting, other folks were diving for cover … I hope all the 2A worshippin’ ammo-sexuals are real happy this evening

  6. Guns don’t kill people. They just make killing people easy.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, what are they rivaling, turf or the rights to dominate the methamphetamine trade? Sure do wonder about po-lice training in matters of deescalating situations. What does it take to announce once, “lay down all you mo-joes, and no one gets filled with lead.” Then, if you have to make an example of one slow moe, watch the rest start setting some speed records to the floor.

    Saw Miss JJ’s headline and was figuring maybe the Oaf Keepers were having an early jump on Jade Helm15. Or, maybe Janet Reno had a senior moment and returned to renovate Waco, as only she can.

  8. June Bug says:

    @ 1 toughylady6 Some former residents os Waco, do refer to it as Wacko

  9. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I picked a good time to leave town. I live in Waco but I’m happy to say that I’m in Tennessee right now. That was good timing.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Link doesn’t work.

  11. Marge Wood says:

    e platypus onion, just google 9 bikers dead in waco. Probably lots of folks are online going ooooohhhh. Property vaLues dropping by the minute.

  12. Nothing to see here, Just move along. All we got are some folks exercise their 2nd amendment rights and standing their ground.

  13. coozledad says:

    Are the cops as thick with the bikers in Texas as they used to be in my hometown of Durham, NC? All the public safety folks back in the late seventies were Hell’s Angels or wannabees.

    The Hell’s Angels resold drugs confiscated by the cops until the feds came in and busted that shit up.

  14. AliceBeth says:

    You know I love this site, but wounded people can be funny, dead people are nothing to joke about.

  15. “9 Bikers Dead From Shootout in Waco” Only $19.95!

    That’s right you can participate in our next Sunday Parking Lot BBQ and Gunfight for only $19.95! Don’t be left out as lots more action and and blazing guns guaranteed for next weeks event.
    Order your tickets now and receive this official memerative tombstone and tea shirt.

  16. @PKM
    At first blush it appears at least three “gang”s call this Twin Peaks home. (As an aside here, the guys in these “gang”s appear to be geriatric. of course old people can kill so…) Two Guys from different gangs got into a physical confrontation over a … get ready for it … parking place. Yep. Parking place. Came to blows, then escalated to a cutting and a shooting, over a parking place. I’ve eaten at Twin Peaks in Plano before it closed. Neither their food nor their parking places are to die for!

  17. BarbinDC says:

    @AliceBeth: you are correct that dead people are no joke. What makes this story interesting–for people outside of Waco–is the sheer tackiness of it all. Beginning and ending with the restaurant they all gathered at for some as yet unknown reason and its unwillingness to cooperate with the police about said gathering.

    That, and the pictures of SS tattoos on some of the gang members. Oh, and the vast array of weaponry the restaurant “patrons” were carrying.

    I have no idea at all what to make of any of it.

  18. Unbound says:

    Honestly, they should have let them shoot it out as a service to the community. Cops should have not gotten involved unless innocent lives were being defended.

    Life choices should have rewards and consequences. If you decide to join a biker gang that is known for its destructiveness and violence, and something bad happens to you, don’t expect any pity from me. Your ‘lifestyle’ of badness and intimidation is entirely your choice.

    I quit the ACLU because it defended “Nazi rights’. Moral people need to take a stand, and my stand is… go ahead and kill each other, you are doing us a favor in the process since you contribute nothing but hatred and violence into our society.

  19. e platypus onion says:

    Nine dead gives “take out” a new meaning. Just saying.

  20. Angelo Frank says:

    If this occurred in a predominantly black area the event would have been replete with riot squads, curfews and possibly the national guard called out. The media circus on Faux News would be 24/7, with so-called experts blaming everyone and everything from Obama down to the liberal education system.

  21. Edward Starsmith says:

    As I recall, it was an incident like this that lead to Australia establishing gun control.

    I know better than to hope.

  22. @Unbound
    re: “since you contribute nothing but hatred and violence into our society.”
    As do you, as exemplified by your post.

  23. UmptyDump says:

    Texas has some of the nicest people: The Bandidos, the Cossacks, the Bloods, the Crips, the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas, Louie Gohmert, Ted Cruz, Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, Rick Perry, etc…

    And no, I feel no compassion or respect whatsoever for the goons, thugs, criminals and morons who shot each other up in Waco. Let ’em all have one more fight postmortem as they all try to squeeze through the door to the Darwin Awards. Makes me wonder if they can take their guns and unlimited ammo into their afterlives. They can spend the rest of eternity shooting each other and being shot.

  24. A lot of us here om Texas asked…. when the Texas Lege made it legal for people to mix guns and alcohol….(open carry guns in bars)

    “What could possibly go wrong?”

    Now we know….. EVERY DAMNED THING.

  25. “om”


  26. UmptyDump says:

    @miemaw – Didn’t take long to find out, did it?

  27. UmptyDump says:

    Historical note: Only three people died in the so-called “Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.”

  28. @UmptyDump: ‘improvements’ to gun technology (6 vs 15) and gun ownership laws (carry into bars) will get you.

    I happen to know of a couple of other ‘watering holes’ around. Which one explodes next?

  29. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Mel, you have the question of the entire incident with: “Which one explodes next?” As others have indicated this is very concerning. It wasn’t reassuring when a police spokesperson indicated this isn’t over.

    As a frequent reader at Hatewatch, http://www.splcenter.org/blog/ saw the rise of right wing reactionaries, secessionists and any other outlaw living under the banner of “Freedumb” set off warning signs more than a decade ago. And, iirc, the Fibbies were ordered to stand down and stop persecuting these poor right wing Xtian ammosexuals.

    Stay safe Texas, especially you folks who live in Waco, travel through Waco or the neighboring towns.

    My hope for you is that the Fibbies didn’t entirely obey that crazy stand down order and the intelligence they have on the situation is better than what the media has presented to date.

  30. maryelle says:

    Wonder if the SCROTUS regards shooting people as free speech too, you know, like money. The implications of scenarios like this are absolutely frightening, but logical consequences of the tea bagger philosophy.

  31. e platypus onion says:

    Why not,Maryelle? You can voice your displeasure with someone with a bullet to the head just as easy as calling them funky names or punching them in the nose. Scrotus made it perfectly clear that it is legal to buy elections,why not gun your way to victoy?

  32. e platypus onion says:

    You don’t actually have to shoot anyone,just intimidate them with your shooty-gun and scare them off the ballot.

  33. I will say this for the Waco Police..they were all over this..would have had better results if the management team had cooperated, which they didn’t and resulted with them losing the Twin Peaks franchise..it was a ‘peace meeting’..hahahahahha

  34. As much as I hate to see lives lost to stupidity (as these were), I think we’re going to have to see a real-live epidemic of these things happening before somebody finally stands up and calls, “enough!”

    Unfortunately, the from road here to “enough” is going to be a long, tangled one, and it’s going to take a lot more than “more good guys with guns” to get to the end of it.

  35. I expect “enough” to come when when NRA’s congress people begin getting shot.

  36. Now we know why that new CDC map that shows the most distinctive causes of death for each of the 50 U.S. states listed accidental discharge of firearms for Tennessee and Alabama, but not for Texas.

    In Texas they shoot you on purpose.

  37. This is probably not an ‘intended consequence’ of the TX legislature and the NRA but check out the bottom comments on this article from Slate regarding biker gangs and arms.


    And do you really believe only the CCL licensed riders had guns?
