Speaking of Fun With Guns: Wife Shooting Edition

May 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

That’s his story and he’s sticking to it.

In Oregon a 76 year old man accidentally shot his 75 year old wife in the stomach at 9:00 on Saturday morning.  She’s in serious condition.

Police suspect that her husband, who has Alzheimer’s disease, accidentally triggered a loaded gun.

Yes, a 76 year old man with Alzheimer’s disease should often have access to a gun in case Obama tries to take over Oregon.

Maybe it was something in the air Saturday morning because in Utah, this happened —

Cheap_Guns_Hi_PointThe man was watching an instructional video about how to manipulate his .40-caliber handgun on Saturday morning, said Tooele Police Officer Tanya Turnbow. But at some point, a round accidentally discharged, striking both the man and his wife, Turnbow said.

Instructional video with a handgun?  Point, pull trigger.  That’s about it.  Too damn bad he didn’t shoot the VCR.

No charges are being filed in either case because … FREEDOM!

Thanks to John and Trish for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Speaking of Fun With Guns: Wife Shooting Edition”

  1. All part of our “well-regulated militia”! I feel so safe….

  2. Maybe they should begin the video with ” Do Not Load Live Ammunition Until You Know What You Are Doing”

  3. daChipster says:

    “Officer, she’s been asking for it as long as I’ve known her!”
    “How long have you known her?”
    “Known who?”

    Aaaaand, scene!

  4. e platypus onion says:

    In Utah it was Happy Hour-twofers.

  5. Another installment of the Sunday Morning Well Regulated Militia Report. So many guns, even more bullets, and just not enough hours in the day.

  6. Corinne Sabo says:

    What do I need to do to be able to shoot someone and get away with it?

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Apparently Glock semi-autos come complete with the just itching to shoot someone genetics wingnuts carry around.

  8. Um, the age thing here. Wonder if anyone on the court level handed this guy over for evaluation for dementia of some sort. Yes, I know I have just opened myself up for charges of age-ism, but h e double hockey stix, somebody had to say it. And I am closer to this guy’s age, so maybe I can get a freebie here?

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    Alzheimer’s … a gun … oh sure, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?

    Good grief!!

  10. My mother has mild dementia and I took her car keys away. If she had a gun in the house, you bet your seatcushion I’d have taken that away even faster.

  11. RepubAnon says:

    After all, what better safeguard for our personal freedom than having so many untrained people carrying dangerous firearms that no supervillian feels they can make the situation worse.

    “I wanted to destroy America” said the head of Al Qaeda, “but the republicans and the NRA have shamed me – they’re destroying America far more efficiently that I could!”


  12. maryelle says:

    Guns and dementia…what could go wrong??????????????????
    (sounds like the recipe for the tea party punch)

  13. UmptyDump says:

    Instructional video? Musta been some video.

  14. Karnemc says:

    That Oregon fellow with Alzheimer’s: ”Hill was elected Wasco County sheriff in 1996 and served two terms. Before that, he was The Dalles police chief.”

    So no one thought to remove guns from his home after he was diagnosed with rapid progressive dementia last year? It’s not like law enforcement in the area didn’t know him.

