Friday Toons

April 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized








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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. I have to say that might be the most accurate explanation of Cruz I’ve ever seen.

  2. Yoicks. That sums up Cruz nicely. {shudder}

  3. Good equation for Cruz (he shares Palin’s run-over-your-granny lust for the camera and microphone too), but not even Scalia is oily enough to account for Cruz. Maybe some of Scalia’s nasty got squeezed into oil.

    And now I really want to leave that mental image alone.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    I’m guessin’ it took Cruz’ chin along with Snookies politics to make Scalia originally.

  5. I’m not sure I’d have used “Palin’s politics” since I don’t think she has any core political values. (Of course, it’s entirely possible Ted doesn’t either, but that’s not determined yet.)

    Cruz seems to have Palin’s logic. And her ability to not play well with others. And her ethics.

  6. Now if only Cruz had Palin’s staying power in office, the Senate would be rid of him. But I suppose he can ignore actual work better than a governor can while he’s prancing around the country looking for cameras.

  7. maryelle says:

    The Sermon on the Mount ‘toon so accurately shows how the self-described Kristian leaders of today have perverted the original message of Christ into their own fear-mongering rules for their own exclusive club for their own hateful people. The rest of us be damned. They got it all wrong on purpose.

  8. Read in the Letters to the Editor in today’s paper that liberty means we have to tolerate being offended by other people. I got a bone to pick with that one. I’ve been offended by slavery which is still in existence in this world and sometimes even shows up in this country and I am not about to tolerate that damn offense. Next go-round: we have to tolerate other folks’ offensiveness. OK. So other people believe differently than I do but where is it writ in platinum that they have to come after me in all so many ways and insist in fightin’ terms that I gotta believe what they do. I sure don’t do that to them. This craze to have at least 15 minutes of fame has had an awful lot of brainless people using religion in order to get it. I can remember when folks didn’t put everything out for everybody to see, hear and smell. I liked it a lot better then.

  9. Zyxomma says:

    Happy Passover (at sundown), and Happy Good Friday to all who are celebrating.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Some of us have been passed over for a long time,Zyx. Been missing your sweet voice of reason. 🙂

  11. Yep, the Cruz cartoon is the best. Maybe that’s because Cruz IS a cartoon.

  12. Thanks maggie @8 — I’m with ya’ there. Maybe I’m just getting too old, but this isn’t how I remember “freedom.”

  13. “liberty means we have to tolerate being offended by other people.”

    Right back at them: how come these christians aren’t tolerating the things/people they find offensive? Instead they are trying to legislate our lives to fit their offensive morality.

  14. For this up to it, Happy Easter!

  15. e platypus onion says:

    Here is an opinion from a man of the cloth from South Dakota. Nice guy. NOT!
