And Jesus Said, “Scare the Little Children To Come Unto Me”

March 16, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz is trying to scare old white people and little baby girls into following him into hell.

I think it might be child abuse to bring a child to Ted Cruz concerts.  I mean, please, at least put headphones on her.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And Jesus Said, “Scare the Little Children To Come Unto Me””

  1. Seriously. This guy should not be allowed out without a keeper.

  2. dbtexas (Dennis Boyter) says:

    When I was a child, our family were big time Southern Baptists. I vividly recall a revival service where the preacher – a real hellfire and brimstone type – describing an evening service where he implored a man to be saved. He refused. That night a tornado roared through the town, killing the unrepentant soul. The minister gave graphic depictions of the rescuers picking up the remains of folks that were killed and filling washtubs with body parts. As a child, I was very upset. I’ve thought of that many times and recount that as probably the beginning of my journey away from the SBC. Now when anyones asks about my religious preferences, I simply say I am a “recovering baptist.” There are many reasons to loath Ted Cruz. I will simply add this to my list.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    Good grief. How’d he get that gig? Well, yeah, the world IS on fire thanks to all the super duper rich who don’t care about needed change. Pounding the pulpit here.

  4. charles phillips says:

    I think he has the makings of a fine Republican presidential candidate, and I will do what I can to help that along.

    Now if Russ Feingold would run, we’d have a primary season.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    It’s ironic that Daffy Cruz Jr. is keeping his Pappy out of sight for fear of his revealing the crazy within the message. Little Junior has let that ‘gift’ out of the bottle all by his lonesome. His third time out on the 2016 stump should be his last. Those Texas Republicans and the number 3, there’s a lesson there somewhere.

  6. Ted Cruz is a wonderful Republican. And a terrible human being.

  7. Ted Cruz ain’t right.

  8. Has Teddy ever stepped out into the sun? Is he a vampire. Has he ever seen the struggles of fellow man. This pale perverse excuse for human being masquerading as a Christian has no shame.Truly he is the servant of greed. How have so many been duped into to believing him.

  9. @dbtexas
    Similar history.
    When I was a child, there was a tent preacher that spent quite a bit of time in north Texas, named Haggai. When I was 11 going on 12 he put up his circus tent in the parking lot of Washington Street Baptist Church. Because I was best friends with WSB’s pastor’s boys I got a front row seat with them. I might say here I was not brought up either evangelical or Baptist. Oh my. That presentation scared me to death and pretty much kept me out of churches for 15 years.

  10. If he were running for preacher, he’d be right at home. All the more reason to keep him out of any position of responsibility.

  11. Aggieland Liz says:

    @ PKM:
    Here it is-
    Texas Republican. White House. OOPS!

  12. Hellfire and damnation! The rwnj’s want more of it because it is soooo profitable for so many of them. Fear and ignorance are their stock in trade and Cruz, the Great Agitator and Master Manipulator of Mindlessness stands ready to whip up the “faithful” into a frenzy against those who prefer diplomacy.
    Here’s hoping for a tornado with Ted’s name on it.

  13. There is another video link that comes up after the one posted here with Cruz on Crossfire where Sen. Whitehouse from Rhode Island successfully challenges Cruz’ sputterings, putting him in his place. I have heard other really good things about Whitehouse. Anyone familiar with him? I see him as good presidential material. Wouldn’t that be a kick? Whitehouse in the whitehouse!

  14. daChipster says:

    I endured listening to the 3 minute tape of this nutjob, which I normally strenuously avoid doing for ANY of these blatherskites. And now I know why I do.

    The entire thing was a lie, each and every statement individually, as well as the entire 3 minutes taken as a whole. Not only were none of his critiques valid, but neither Ted, nor the girl’s mom, nor anyone in the room, nor the GOP are able to make ANYTHING better.

    I take that back, one thing is true: The world IS on fire, almost literally, due to climate change. And Smoking Jacket Ted, not so much brilliant as brilliantine, and that little girl’s mommy, are going to keep adding fuel to the fire, until someday she and her own little girls will have to find a way to fix a world dying of thirst.

  15. I believe it was Gandhi who once said, when you wear sandals the whole earth is covered in leather.

    To put that in terms a child can understand, when a person (Ted Cruz) is a liar liar pants on fire, to entire world seems to be in flames.

  16. The sad thing is that Cruz was probably exposed to the same or worse when he was a child. Cruz’s father is even crazier than Ted is.

  17. Craig Waters says:

    Dear Miss Juanita,

    That video needs a trigger warning. Senator Cruz makes my ears hurt.

  18. UmptyDump says:

    If this footage is ever used for a documentary film Ted Cruz should be rated NC-17. No way do I want my grandkids or anyone else’s children to be exposed to his vile scaremongering.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    More irony! Daffy Cruz, Jr. was speaking at Barrington, N.H., not Portsmouth, Dover, Manchester, Concord or even Rochester, N.H. Boyo was hustled off the the backwoods to test the waters for his epic fail. After Rick Perry, the N.H. GOP is keeping the Texas dufii far away from any cities with TV or radio stations.

    Aggieland Liz, you nailed it: “Texas Republican. White House. OOPS!”

  20. @JanK and daChipster,
    It was worth watching Cruz run at the mouth in order to see Jones and Sen. Whitehouse slap him down. Thanks for the tip.

  21. Momma

    Apologies in advance….. How in the H*** did Ted Cruz make it into the United States Senate?

    Are there really people in Texas …. who are (a) so ignorant…. and (b) so extreme…. that they will elect people to national office… who run on a platform of “HENNY PENNY… THE SKY IS FALLING”.
    Obviously…. there are.

    I am saddened… and ashamed.

  22. He’s CANADIAN, people. He’s not naturalized, and not qualified (in any sense) to run for POTUS.

  23. Marge Wood says:

    i like Senator Whitehouse. Check him out by googling “Sen. Whitehouse and the man with the snowball”. Inhofe is nuts. Sorry.

  24. 1smartcanerican says:

    Zyxomma, I believe his mother is an American, thus he is an American through her citizenship even though he was born in Canada. BTW, Canada doesn’t want him either 🙂

  25. Scary guy trying to explore “space” while neglecting the Earth. This guy is truly “spacial.”

  26. I absolutely double down hate it when people sexualize, militarize, and politicize little children. Yes, indeed, it should be a criminal to subject a child to Cruz’s politicking, much less all of the children in the country who would be subject to this Dominionist demagogue if he were elected to a higher office.

  27. Mary Beth Hilburn says:

    Al Gore said it first. No one listened. Now Cruz is really saying we have climate change? He’s an idiot, and he denies he is having anything to do with the world being on fire. He’s pouring gasoline, and thinking he’s helping.

  28. e platypus onion says:

    That poor guy in the green hat looks like he is having Excedrin headache No. 2016.

  29. Clearly child abuse. Clearly. The little fat dominionist doesn’t want to be president anyway — he wants to be king, or is that God?

  30. Ted Cruz is to sanity as Fox News is to news.

  31. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Irene Hahn, as $arah would say, it’s being “regurgitated.” And, ma’am you owe me big time for having reviewed several of the available videos (admittedly with the sound off.) In the event of a tie, it would go to the runner, or in this case, Daffy Cruz, Jr. But the evidence wasn’t even close to supporting the mother’s claims that the child wasn’t upset. Most of the videos clearly show Cruz halting his rant to calm the child.

  32. yellowdogintexas says:

    @Micr I have heard Haggai speak and he is scary. Believe it or not, he actually held a revival in our high school gym. Of course this was 1965 but still…….

  33. e platypus onion says:

    Brother Love’s Travelling Salvation Show he is not. More along the lines of the Mississippi Squirrel Revival at the First Self Righteous Church.

  34. @yellowdogintexas
    Yep! Summertime ’65, Greenville, Texas! He also scared youth in Denton and Suffering Springs as well.
