Scariest Thing I’ve Ever Seen

March 08, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Take a deep breath —


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Yeah, we’ll find some poor people to screw over, some kids who don’t need to eat, some grandmas who are getting way too much health care, and some steel workers who don’t need OSHA.

Ole Mitch and his boys are figuring just as hard as they can which people to hurt the most.

I hate Republicans.  I do.  They are evil.  Lord, forgive me, I know that I’m not supposed to hate the sinner but just the sin, but dammit, Lord, these people are brimming over with sin.

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0 Comments to “Scariest Thing I’ve Ever Seen”

  1. @JJ
    Agree. But… sometimes it is possible for the sinner and the sin to be so inseparable as to make distinction between the two impossible. Republicans generally, for example.

  2. Anytime they open their mouths, they lie. I hate them as well.

  3. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    If McConnell pledges to figure out some way to raise the debt ceiling, you can bet your sweet bippy the nation will be deep in another debt ceiling “crisis” sometime this year. I’d be more comfortable if he were to assure us he will fight the possibility of raising the debt ceiling with every fiber of his being. Because, you know, McConnell’s actions are polar opposites from the words that come out of his mouth. He lies like a rug.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, straining the hate out of Republicans is as futile as straining the sugar out of a glass of sugar free lemonade.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    *we* … ???? really Mitch? When did Senator Reid and Representative Pelosi adopt you and the Burgundy Boner?

  6. @PKM
    Presumably the “we” refers to Senator Turtle and the mouse in his pocket.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Prolly a good idea,Sinator McCTurtle,since the Constitution requires our debts to be paid.

  8. Marcia in CO says:

    I agree with JJ … these cretins give me a damn gut ache!!

  9. Marge Wood says:

    I’m tard of politics. Tard as if I’d bin arnin’ all day. Try living in Texas. No, don’t. We gonna run out of water and other amenities of life like public schools.

  10. We can only hold onto our faith that those that do ill will reap their reward when the time comes. Unfortunately, answers, judgements, and punishments come in God’s time and not ours. In the meantime, we can only hope people are paying attention.

  11. Have never figured out why this bunch turned around our country’s tradition of truly helping and instead have a string of victims as a result of offsets. That is just so damn cowardly! Take Katrina for example. Remember what some infamous politician said about what to do first? Find where to cut $$ and shift it over to Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. There is no need to do any such thing. Not in this country, but oh my some of them RWNJ’s wear the strangest kind of glasses. Oh, yeah! Wait a sec! That’s right. They have their own special interests to protect!

  12. I just don’t understand why poor under educated republicans stick with a party who continually screws them and all of us over and over. You think they’d wise up by now. Republicans think talking anti this or that and bringing no solutions to the table is enough for the religious right and their ilk. I wish they’d wake the hell up. I hate to say this but the sooner Ailes the president of Fox News and that damn Aussie goes to their special place in hell maybe they can change some. I hear that Aussie’s son is alittle more moderate.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    We can have it all. A balanced budget,adequate housing for the poor(koch bros),adequate food for the poor(koch bros),adequate healthcare for the poor(koch bros),adequate everything for the poor(koch bros) if we could just eliminate the 99%. Oh yes,I forgot a big boost for our President Netanjackass’ budget for Israel.

  14. maryelle says:

    By their deeds shall ye know them. What McConnell spews and what he actually does are polar opposites. So telling that he didn’t make it to Selma, not did Boner. So much for minority outreach. We Dems have got to get behind our candidates in 2016 and work like dogs to take back the Senate and House, not to mention the Big White One on Pennsylvania Avenue,
    and expose and re-expose every da** lie they tell.

  15. charles phillips says:

    At what point do the sinners become the sin? When they continue their sinning even when it destroys that which they claim to love.

    When they continue to do evil, wretched things for the sake of hate and greed.

    When evil, wretched people own their very souls.

  16. Still trying to look at the redeeming virtues of Republican people in my life…difficult to say the least. And I still blame Democrats because THEY DIDN’T VOTE!! Undoing 2010 will probably take the rest of my lifetime.

  17. Based on recent history the Dems also have a way of getting the debt ceiling increased. They will let the Repubs in the House attach ridiculous things to a clean bill. They will let the Repubs moan, threaten, whine, bully, lie, etc. And they will wait out the tantrum until at the last minute the Repubs pass a clean bill rather than shut down the government and take the rap for it.

    Didn’t we just see this show re the Homeland Security budget? Reruns get worse each year.

  18. Marge Wood says:

    It’s not just the GOP. It’s ALL the SUPER DUPER RICH in both parties. They are busy screwing us all and not caring about the results.

  19. UmptyDump says:

    LynnN +1

  20. Saw this a couple of days ago in a comment on the Daily Kos:
    “Democrat is a noun. Democratic is an adjective. Republican is an idiot.”

  21. Corinne Sabo says:

    McConnell’s casual evil is scary.

  22. Ole Scout says:

    Under and un educated voters have only three values: pro-guns, anti-liberal thinking, because it’s pro-gay, anti god and lastly the value of guts (beer bellies) and glory. Until they are a true minority they will swing elections to the gohmerts, sessions, bartons, pauls shrubs, chimpies, smirkies and missy’s like mcconnell & graham.

  23. Sandridge says:

    Merry says:
    March 8, 2015 at 9:00 pm
    … And I still blame Democrats because THEY DIDN’T VOTE!! Undoing 2010 will probably take the rest of my lifetime.

    rAmen to that, Merry.
    Not only the apparently oblivious natural Democratic constituency, but our clueless and feckless so-called “leaders” who should have done everything that was needed to avoid the slaughters of 2010 and 2014, and didn’t.
