Well, That’s A Much Nicer Way to Put It

February 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A newspaper reporter, who described himself as being “in an especially foul mood last night,” posted a picture of President Obama taking a selfie with the cutline —“A fool-proof way to make yourself look like a self-absorbed assclown.”


He apologized.

He changed it to read, “A fool-proof way to make yourself look like a self-absorbed celebrity.”

Yes, that is far more respectful.

However, it is nice to know that celebrity and assclown are interchangeable words.

More self absorbed celebrities.

More self absorbed celebrities.

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0 Comments to “Well, That’s A Much Nicer Way to Put It”

  1. One selfie does not self-absorbed make. Especially not when in his time away from selfies the President has helped extend health care to millions, extended LGBT rights, wound down Duyba’s wars, worked internationally to curb climate change, etc.

    And just what has our self-absorbed, non-celebrity reporter done other than whine? Inquiring minds want to know.

  2. Corinne Sabo says:

    Sounds like the guy was describing himself, not the President.

  3. That picture was from a short video Pres Obama filmed with BuzzFeed to promote healthcare signup deadlines last week for youngsters; I watched it & loved it. As expected, a few too many uptight folks (WSJ article as an example) are feigning outrage over such a non-presidential video.

  4. Most people don’t have photographers photographing their selfie (man, that’s a stupid sentence). Anyway, my point being that this was obviously done for some PR reason.

    I’m not even in a particularly foul mood, but I firmly believe that Cusick should stick to the really important, earth-shattering stuff like sports reporting. Otherwise he runs the risk of sounding like a self-important, blowhard know-nothing with the reasoning skills of a crouton.

  5. It’s always something with these assclowns…er, idiots.

  6. 1smartcanerican says:

    JJ, so sorry to see your state being represented by Abbott and Farenhold (?), seen and/or quoted this morning on MSNBC regarding the lawsuit against the President’s plan for Dreamers. It must be totally frustrating to have to put up with these two, plus other winners in your political stable 🙁

  7. Of COURSE the right is outraged. I mean, what other President had the audacity to put himself on film? You’d think Obama had made a movie with a chimpanzee or something juvenile like that. Or been married twice. Or gotten alzheimer’s while in office and his wife consulted her soothsayer to cover it up. I’m sure none of that unPresidential behavior ever occurred in Washington DC, has it?

  8. Yet another reason to whale on Obama.

    But I did kind of like the cartoon the other day about the “selfie stick”– a baseball bat to whack people taking selfies all the time.

  9. In the unabridged dictionary, next to the definition of assclown is a picture of Ann Romney.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Obama’s just messing with whitey wingnut’s head.And is doing a superb job from all the whining going on.

  11. Damn! The opposition just cannot handle the fact that POTUS is rocking it out!

  12. That’s mild compared to what Convicted Felon Denesh D’Souza tweeted about the picture:

    YOU CAN TAKE THE BOY OUT OF THE GHETTO…Watch this vulgar man show his stuff, while America cowers in embarrassment

  13. And of course the picture is from a buzzfeed comedy bit the President did which, among other things, poked fun at himself.

    So, “Foul Mood FAIL.”

  14. e platypus onion says:

    At least they quit whining about Obama playing golf all the time.

  15. daChipster says:

    My favorite part was where he says “Can I Live?” You know he’s been wanting to drop that line
    on the trolls for 7 years now.

  16. Who looks like the assclown now, Kevin?

  17. If that’s the worst they can say, he’s doing something RIGHT!

  18. Marge Wood says:

    I wanna ask somewhere and since somebody mentioned the ACA, I want a good answer for a house guest who out of the blue dropped on me that even the Democrats are mad at Obamacare and the doctors want it to go away. I tend to froth at the mouth when folks do that. I told him that what I need to do for Lent (not that I had any big plans) was to learn to smile and ignore him when he says something to me that he knows is going to set my hair afire. Anyone have any good facts, FACTS, to counter this? Yes, I’ve read all the stuff about how O. favored certain people and how the cost is too high and I said if everyone had it, it wouldn’t cost so much etc etc. Help, Polite! Micr! MM! Maryelle!

  19. @Marge Wood
    If Dems are “mad” about Obamacare, it is because it does not presently go far enough. There are still Americans that can not get medical insurance. But there are millions that post-ACA have insurance. And that IS a good thing.

    If docs are against ACA then they must be agin insurance too. Otherwise their “against” is illogical. They get paid either way.

    Tea-hadists are against ACA because, in my opinion, they want sickly Americans to die and do so PDQ.

  20. Don in Waco says:

    He’s got everyone fooled. Its obviously his portable teleprompter.

  21. Hey, Marge. Here in Pennsylvania we recently elected a Democrat as governor. The Republicans mailed anti Obamacare to everyone because our new governor supports it and is in the process of expanding Medicaid under it. Here is the lie and corresponding facts:
    “ACA cuts Medicare by $716 B.”
    It doesn’t take a dime out of Medicare, but actually cuts growth in future overspending to hospitals, closes the gap in prescription coverage and allows seniors more benefits than previously offered.
    Millions of people who could not afford health insurance are now covered with good plans. Young adults can remain on their parents’ plans until age 26. It is not workplace dependent. If your boss won’t offer you healthcare, you can afford to buy your own. And the cost of healthcare in this country has been brought way down by this bill.
    A great place to check facts is swopes.com.
    Compared to the Republican plan-NOTHING- it’s a home run.

  22. gabberflasted says:

    Marge Wood. A very simple and correct reply is, ‘ I do not know how to refute ignorance without laughing!’

  23. Thanks to all of you. I’ll try to internalize it. Lent is upon us and I don’t want to give up anything except political discussions with pro-Rush Limbaugh people. Gag.
