Okay, Here I Am!

November 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys!  If you have some final votes in your state, post them.

Finally – it’s over.

Ben agrees with Bubba – the results kinda suck.



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0 Comments to “Okay, Here I Am!”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    I was just wondering. I guess you had to help close the polls and haul equipment back to the warehouse. Google Jan Soifer and see what numbers there are for Wendy and Leticia. Are there any other counties running that high? If so, how can Abbott win?

  2. If the projections are accurate, how much lower can TX go?

  3. Auntie BFly says:

    It sure as hell is over. With just 2% of precincts reporting, news sites have called it for a mean old white man for TX gov, a lunatic for Lt. Gov, a criminal for AG. Beam me up or relocate me, oh founding fathers, there is only 40% intelligent life in Texas.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    from Lize Burr’s FB page. (They got LOTS of food etc brought to them.)
    Lize Burr
    1 hr ·
    UMBRELLA BRIGADE! Bring your umbrellas and extra jackets too!

    James Nortey with Jan Soifer and 19 others
    CALLING ALL AUSTINITES: We are experiencing some horrendously long lines at the UT Flawn Academic Center (one-hour wait times, 580+ students in line). We do not want these voters to give up and walk away. If you can, please bring UMBRELLAS, PIZZA, WATER, and GOOD VIBES. Let’s cultivate and celebrate a culture of civic engagement by young folks. Let’s help out.

  5. Mary in San Antonio says:

    Can someone tell me why the Texas Tribune has already decided that Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton have won when only 607 of 8,453 precincts have reported? That’s only a little of 7% and I’m sorry, but can we wait until most of the precincts have reported their numbers before declaring who has won?

  6. I’m in Collin and I agree with Ben.

  7. Yep sucks although not entirely unexpected.


    A solid foundation has been laid. Brief decompression break then onward to 2016.

    Lets continue to register new voters, find a way to encourage more to postal vote and get the required voter ID for those who insist on waiting in line for hours at the last minute on the last day.

  8. Hippie in the Holler says:

    Feel your pain. 6 more years of Mitch.

    Gonna drown my sorrows in bourbon.

    Hippie the Holler.

  9. Miki Fiegel says:

    As an Easterner from a Democratic state, I watch in horrified amazement as state after state voted against the best interests of its citizens this evening…and every year. Your blog is one of the few bright spots in this otherwise dismal republican mess. Thank you for what you do and keep trying to turn Texas Blue. The ghosts of Molly Ivins and Ann Richards are smiling down on you.

  10. Bad words.

  11. As I told JJ personally: She and Bubba did everything two people possibly could to win this elections for the Democrats. Hopefully, the Rethugs will stay true to form and ruin their “brand” for years to come.

    And, maybe, the Dems will grow a pair (so to speak) and start talking about what they actually believe in.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    The votes aren’t even counted. How can they go on and on about who won?

  13. Alas I fear Jon Stewart was right in his analysis of texas d’s hoping for any thing out of that state.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Yes Mary in San Antonio. Folks are still standing in line to vote, votes are not all counted and turned in.
    Hugs for JJ and Bubba.

  15. daChipster says:

    Right with ya, hippie. Mine is Tennessee sour mash sippin whiskey. No reason to stop because no matter how bad I feel tomorrow from drinking, it’s not as bad as I’ll feel from politics.

  16. Miki Fiegel, Me too (although I’m seeing a lot of red in my eastern state tonight- but it’s not over yet). How dumb do you have to be to consistently vote against your own best interests?

  17. Marie Harvey says:

    Dear God!!!How does the nation survive. I am sick.

  18. Marge Wood says:

    We will survive. We. Will. Survive.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Hippie in the Holler, from over a thousand miles away, we were pulling for Kentucky and Alison Grimes.

    Texas, you deserved a Davis and Van de Putte win. You fought hard and did a remarkable job of positioning yourselves for a better outcome in the next election.

    daChipster, relax, enjoy your sippin whiskey. Looking forward to your thoughts on how we can guarantee fair elections.

    Read something interesting yesterday about why the Democratic Party is not capitalizing on the women vote which is estimated to be 51% of the population. Wish I had bookmarked the article to give proper credit to the author and the blog. Perhaps someone here read the same article and can provide the particulars. The premise was that republicans are not entirely the worst enemy of women, but that evangelical women are a greater enemy to women.

    It’s not the fault of the Democratic Party. Seriously, how do you deal with a group of women who are conditioned to believe in a patriarchal society, subjugate themselves and tolerate abuse like victims of Stockholm Syndrome? Wish I could provide more specifics from the article and a link, because it sure did explain the subset of women who marry and vote for Republicans.

  20. austinhatlady says:

    There are a few bright spots. The Democrat in State House District 50, Celia Israel, is in the lead at 60%, but they’ve not called that one yet; she’s my state rep. In new Austin City Council District 1, where I live, Ora Houston is holding at 51% in a nine person race. Kirk Watson looks good for the State Senate.
    However,Austin’s urban rail bond proposal is holding steady at about 42%. Drat.

  21. Marge Wood says:

    I think I need to go write an essay. There is no way to talk properly in a little box about a system that sees that everyone from birth to old age and everything in between is properly cared for. Religion can do it. Government can do it. The thing is it has to be about caring for the least of these, regardless of the method used. When it is used only to make the powerful more and more rich, they lose their vision and we know what happens when the leaders lose their vision. The Socialists in some countries do a pretty good job. The Amish, the Mennonites, the Quakers, the Swedenborgians, and lots of others regardless of the label, take care of one another. Some are better than others. The main thing though is to not get caught up in the love of money which as we know is the root of all kinds of evil. It makes people blind. Okay I will hush and be quiet. We will survive.

  22. Yep, sucks to the max.

    What’s really scary is that George P. B. is pulling more votes than Abutt and Patdreck.

    Damn, Wesley Reed is getting beat by Farenthold.
    Pete Gallego might squeak by (losing right now, but only 2/3 reporting). Cuellar is walking. Hinajosa should walk too.

    My little county (little in pop., not size, per Wiki) has a median household income of about $40K, per capita income ~$17K (this is pretty low), mostly working class rural/exurban; votes above 70% Repuke.
    Against their ‘own best interests’ for the last 14 years or more.
    (for comparison, in JJ’s Fort Bend County, incomes are ~125+% higher, one of the wealthiest counties in TX).

    And the rest of the country? WTF is wrong out there?

  23. Yep, sucks to the max.

    What’s really scary is that George P. B. is pulling more votes than Abutt and Patdreck.

    Damn, Wesley Reed is getting beat by Farenthold.
    Pete Gallego might squeak by (losing right now, but only 2/3 reporting). Cuellar is walking. Hinajosa should walk too.

    My little county (little in pop., not size, per Wiki) has a median household income of about $40K, per capita income ~$17K (this is pretty low), mostly working class rural/exurban; votes above 70% Repuke.
    Against their ‘own best interests’ for the last 14 years or more.
    (for comparison, in JJ’s Fort Bend County, incomes are ~125% higher, one of the wealthiest counties in TX).

    And the rest of the country? WTF is wrong out there?

  24. Oops!
    Thought the website ate my comment, ends up with two, or what was the third one….

  25. Man, it sucks SOOO much that my state can make it across the color line….but not the GENDER line. OTOH, maybe if Coakley weren’t the Dem “owed her due”…

    Well, I’d say it is time to think about “ID services”. These people want to tie us up? It’s time to be nimble and jump the hoops; even if we need lawyers to help us fit, this is OUR country!

  26. Well, I won’t be moving home to Texas anytime soon. What a disaster.

  27. Iliinois is talking about Republican Bruce Rauner’s win in the governor’s race on a campaign promise to “shake up Springfield” and dismantle the machine that has plunged the Illinois into the worst financial peril of any state in the union. The huge public pension liability leaves few choices: bankruptcy, ruinous tax increases, pushing state services over the cliff, or some combinations of the three. Rauner’s wishful thinking ain’t gonna happen. Even within the state, most media and the public blind themselves to the reality that Mike Madigan, decades-long Democrat Speaker of the House, holds all the reins of power with a veto-proof supermajority. Not all Democrats are “friends of the people,” and Madigan is one of those. Rauner is going to bellow and bluster, but he better stick out his hands and cup ’em when he runs into Madigan in Springfield.That way Rauner will have some place to hold his oysters after Madigan emasculates him. Democrat incumbent Pat Quinn was defeated tonight, but Madigan castrated him years ago. Truly this was a contest where there was no good outcome. Until Madigan goes, Illinois is doomed.

    If there’s any good news out of here: ice cream and dairy products magnate, Tea Party darling and all-around arrogant bastard Jim Oberweis was soundly defeated for U.S. Senate by Democrat incumbent Dick Durbin. Durbin has always been a classy guy. Illinois voters know that Oberweis was a bad-ass every time he opened his imperial trap. Here’s a notorious commercial from a previous Senate campaign that he also lost.


  28. And it’s whole hog in Iowa. Joni Ernst is going to the Senate.


    Considering the allusion she made in her campaign commercial, is there some way to spay her once she gets to Washington?

  29. Looks like we’re going to lose Mark Begich in Alaska (our senator) but we might get lucky and get rid of Parnell, Sarah Palin’s former lieutenant governor who took over when she quit on us. I would love to get just that one good piece of news tonight. This whole thing has me exhausted and depressed.

    So goodnight, friends. We’ll just keep on fighting.

  30. Woke up this AM to some hope. Warner (D) beat Gillespie (R) to keep VA blue. My new Congressman is also blue. There is some small hope for us and with the right nurturing we can grow it to full size.

  31. One thing I STILL believe in is Karma! That lady is warming up to chomp on lots of GOP/Tea Party butt!They have proved they can win elections by voter suppression, lots of corporate money and lies,lies, lies, but one thing they have proven over and over again is that they CAN’T govern! Not only that, but they can’t override a veto and President Obama has his veto gun cocked and ready. They can’t even impeach himbecause they have no legal grounds to do so and while the House may well bring articles of Impeachment against him, the Senate has to convict him by 2/3 vote. Not happening! I say we just keep marshaling money, facts and grass roots support and hit them without let up in 2016. They will form one circular firing squad after another on their road to that election. No matter who they choose, it will be great fun to dismantle them! Also, 24 Senate seats will be up for grabs, including 14 GOP seats. The shoe will be on the other foot then!

  32. It would be a kindness to offer the GOP/Tea Party lots of cheese to go with their whine when they realize how badly they have screwed themselves in 2014.

  33. I went from a Democrat for a representative to a tea bagger!!!!
    She was smart. Never mentioned she was a republican, not one R on her slick flyer. Talked about cooperating and getting things done.
    You had to go on her website to find out she worked in GW White House and with Paul Ryan.
    Where did she learn cooperation???

    Good God, what has this country come to?
    This is how Nazi Germany started rightwing religious nuts taking over the country.

  34. I can’t believe how big Ben is! What a cutie!
    Sorry. I am so upset this am.

  35. Corinne Sabo says:

    Bubba is the master of the understatement. I had trouble getting to sleep.
