Here Comes The Crazzzzy Tsunami

November 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz.  The votes aren’t even counted and he’s talking the impeachment talk.

Should the GOP win, Cruz has plans.

TedCruz_Strings_smallHis top priority, Cruz said, would be non-stop hearings on President Obama, “looking at the abuse of power, the executive abuse, the regulatory abuse, the lawlessness that sadly has pervaded this administration.”

In other words, impeachment.

Ted Cruz knows he doesn’t have the votes to do it but he also knows the vast sums of money he can raise to try to do it.  He also probably knows he’s going to hell but he doesn’t care because he’ll be wearing a fancy suit.

I’m just wondering if the next two years are going to as fun as the last two years of the Clinton administration.  I doubt it because there’s not s-e-x involved.  And Lord knows Ted Cruz ain’t gonna add any spice to that.

Thanks to TexasMiataFrank for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Here Comes The Crazzzzy Tsunami”

  1. Isn’t Cruz a Canadian or Cuban citizen? How come he was allowed to take office in the US of A?

  2. Alright, it’s gonna a be a looooooong day waiting for the count to start. I’m going to try to ignore most of it and get outside and walk in this glorious Fall weather we’re having here in CO.

    I voted last week and offer this as a calming influence for those on tenterhooks as I am

    The damn NYT shows a heavy favorable percentage point spread for Corey Gardiner here and I refuse to believe it!!!

  3. Aggieland Liz says:

    Buzzfeed sez he is the frontrunner Rethug for 2016. /:-P blech

  4. I hope so, as it would ruin Cruz’s chances of being considered a serious presidential candidate.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Daffy Dominionist Duck Cruz, Jr. made the list of Koch hoovering politicians. Texas, if ya’ll could teach your politicians to share with you, you’d be rich.

  6. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Nothing says “I Hate Big Government” than spending 2 years “investigating” the President & wasting taxpayer’s money when we have so many other (Republican caused) issues to clean up. How about some infrastructure investment? Jobs? Education? Environment?

    Ted Cruz should be treated like the Cuban Canadian Ebola virus he is: Quarantine him in Canada.

    He’s no “Patriot”, he’s just a greedy egomaniac with delusions of grandeur.

  7. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I finally got to see the face of the guy who drives the pickup truck that has been decorated since 2007 with signs that convey his message “I’ll keep my money and my guns, you can keep the Change”. He’s sporting a brand new NObama hat with the ‘O’ slashed through. I suspect he’s planning on making Biden be President.

  8. IF – the Rethugs get a little closer to taking half the Senate, leaving the Dems with only a majority of one, or, fi the worst should happen, there will be blood aright but between Cruz and whoever else thinks he is going to be Majority Leader. Thats going to be one helluva battle, another way to waste taxpayer dollars and valuable time rather than deal with the truly important issues of this country. Also expect a march on D.C. by the truly ticked off citizens of this country, just as they did during the Viet Nam war era when even my piously conservative mother suddenly found herself siding with the marchers.

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    @ JaneE … I agree … I can’t even contemplate Cory Gardner winning and I hope to hell the Dems turn out to make sure Udall wins again!

    @ Lorraine in Spring … Amen to what you said!! So true!!

  10. I don’t know what’s going to happen with the U.S. Senate.

    And neither does Teddy.

    However, he and Mitch deserve one another.

  11. Marge Wood says:

    I’m gonna go heat up a hot dog and then go to the library.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    p.s. Yes, I voted.

  13. Please, please, please! Impeach President Obama! That’s a winning plan. Worked out so well with the last Democratic President!

    These idiots seem to forget that in order to convict President Obama that they will need 2/3 vote of the Senate and even the most spineless lily livered Democrats would never vote to convict.

  14. Gosh, as is quoted elsewhere today, I give “less than an eighth” of a crap who ends up driving the GOP clown car. It is almost inevitable they will be summarily flattened by the Hillary bulldozer. And just to tease this up some more … my wife opined that who do you think President Hillary would go to first for her economic advice?? Yes. Who indeed eh!

  15. It’s pretty easy to be “anti-obamacare” if your wife supplies your insurance through her job at Goldman Sachs. Ted, you are a bottomless pit of bullshit.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    I LOVED the Stonekettle comments. Print ’em out and hang on your door.

  17. The Repubs taking over the Senate may not be as harmful as appears at first glance. Yes, they will block stuff, but that’s already happening. They may make nastier noises and pass bills more vile than ever, but the President can block them and it seems unlikely the Repubs can override (if they do it will because some DINOs helped them).

    Most important, if the Repubs control the House and Senate then even uninformed voters will hold them responsible for the quality of governing from now till 2016. And 2016 is an election year.

    The Repubs winning the Senate gives them an extraordinary opportunity to screw up on a huge scale.

  18. @LynnN
    That thinking has me really excited for 2016. As well as excited aboot watching the 2014 unfold tonight. Thanks

  19. @ micr 11:09

    Because Cruz’s mother was a US citizen, he was a dual citizen from birth. He finally renounced his Canadian citizenship in June 2014.

    Notice that ever since Cruz became more prominent, we’re not hearing quite as much about President Obama not being a US citizen.

  20. Marge Wood says:

    We still need to figure out a strategy about how to block the Koch brothers. I read something good the other day but can’t remember what.

  21. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, the younger millennials are about to serve notice on the Koch brothers and the Koch sniffers.


  22. The main problem with a Republican Senate will be judicial appointments at all levels.

    On our side my biggest fear is that the President will once again try to work with them and as we know their view of negotiation is that they get their way 100%

    I foresee ugly things tacked onto must pass legislation, it worked in the past why should they change tactics now.

    You know this whole system of tribal politics we have today grew from seed planted and nurtured by Tom DeLay.

  23. The most impeachable offense is that Obama can come in out of the rain under his own power. Can’t get more anti-Republican than that.

  24. Wa Skeptic says:

    Being “…a natural born citizen….” is the requirement as stated in the Constitution for being elected POTUS as well as being older than 36 y.o.

    Cruz is just an egomaniac who would bring down the entire country just as long as he could see his name in the headline.

  25. Angelo_Frank says:

    Ralph Kramden on The Honeymooners nailed it regarding Ted Cruz…

    “Oh, you’re a riot, Ted. You are a regular riot. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I’ll bet you got the whole building laughing. Ha, ha, ho, ho! You certainly are funny, Ted.”

  26. Marge Wood says:

    Kramden! We used to watch THE HONEYMOONERS when we were first married. “Bang! Zoom! To the moon!”
