Oh Hell Yes, It’s Louie!

October 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, we have the Louie Trifecta today.  Louie has done broke the Dumb-O’-Meter.

First off, I know you’ve seen it in the comments, but here’s a reminder to watch Stephen Colbert singe Louie’s short hairs over gays in the military.

Second off, Louie says that we cannot trust Wendy Davis because … wait for it … she’s been divorced.  Divorced.  You know, unlike like Ronald Reagan, Newt Gingrich, John McCain, Rush Limbaugh …


… Karl Rove, Dan Patrick, Bob Dole, Dick Armey, (have I made my point?)

Of course, they are men.  Men can get divorced.

Third off (I told you he was going for the Wacky Gold, by gawd!), Louie is trying to scam the Federal Elections Commission by taking illegal campaign contributions.


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They warn him …

Although the Commission may take further legal action concerning the acceptance of excessive contributions, your prompt action to refund, redesignate, and/or reattribute the excessive amount will be taken into consideration.

Lemme see, if I robbed a bank and got caught could I get off if I gave it back?  Hell, it’d be worth a couple of tries if that’s true.

So, there you have it, the one day Louie Goof-a-thon!

Thanks to everybody for the heads up!

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0 Comments to “Oh Hell Yes, It’s Louie!”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Wrong “D” word, Loopy Louie. By recent history for Texas, D U M B is the main governor qualification; there was Dubya, Perry and now Abbott to fit that mold.

    How could you have missed that, Louie? Probably because in terms of dumb, you are over qualified.

    Texas Senator Wendy Davis would bring education and jobs to Texas. There’s a “R” in Sen Davis, too, but it’s not Republican. It’s R&R: respect and restore Texas to a good 21st century quality of life.

    A vote for Davis is a vote for Texas!

  2. Marge Wood says:

    I just watched SOUTH BY SOUTH MESS excerpts. Maybe it IS worth braving the crowds to go up town. And you definitely gotta vote for Wendy and Leticia. My conservative cousin even agrees that Patrick is nuts.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    Oh. Sorry I got off topic. Maybe a good way to unseat Louie would be to make a billboard of him and his ah, ideas. Oh, that’s right, nowadays that’s called FACEBOOK.

  4. Marge, I’m convinced that a vote for Texas women is a vote *for* Texas women. And those women we’ve gotta vote for are Wendy and Letitia.

    Here’s my favorite comparison:

    Greg Abbutt was dumb enough to run around in the kind of Texas storm that took out a bunch of trees and cut off power to lots of folks in the Dallas area a few weeks ago. When a tree fell on him and he was paralyzed, he sued his neighbors, collected 10 mill, and went to work to be sure that no other Texans could profit from their stupidity the way he did.

    Wendy Davis discovered on different occasions that she was pregnant with a child who would have been born brain-dead in one case or severely physically and/or mentally impaired in the other, and she and her medical professionals determined that neither her life nor the children’s would have been enhanced by those births, and so she had abortions. Then she went to work to help all Texas women have the same safe, sane, intelligent medical care she had.

    Guess who is better for Texas.

  5. If you put Louie quotations on a billboard, he’d probably try to sue you for making him look bad.

    “If the Republicans will stop telling lies about us, we will stop telling the truth about them.” No, with all respect to Adlai Stevenson, we won’t, because the truth about them needs to be told… as loudly and as often as possible to as many registered voters as possible.

  6. Said Louie, Louie.

    Oh no.

    Said he gotta go…

  7. @Rhea:
    I have read that Adlai Stevenson quote as having been made that during a stop on the 1952 campaign trail. 62 years on and the Repubs haven’t improved a lick.

  8. “Oh Hell No, It’s Louie!”

  9. Colbert’s piece was wonderful. The ending classic. I was in stitches. How can anyone crazy or otherwise think they should vote for him? We make fun of him, but I think he’s dangerous, too. One of Murphy’s Laws is that nothing is foolproof because fools are ingenious.

  10. We cannot trust Louie Gohmert because he has been divorced from REALITY.

  11. Monty gets the prize. Pithy and succinct, your comment whacks that mole.
