This. This Is What I’m Talking About.
Our friend Karen sent me article with the headline —
— about how 25% of people in this country would like to secede and rely on state government.
Mostly, they are folks who have Confederate Dollars.
Let me give you an example of crapola. This is one of the 25% talking —
“I don’t think it makes a whole lot of difference anymore which political party is running things. Nothing gets done,” said Roy Gustafson, 61, of Camden, South Carolina, who lives on disability payments. “The state would be better off handling things on its own.”
Roy lives on disability payments. Arrrgggghhhhhh!
Oh yeah, Nikki Haley would certain allow the state of South Carolina take over disability payments. Hell, Nikki Haley turned down Medicaid money. But Bozo Roy thinks he’ll fare better under South Carolina? He thinks they’ll pay his social security and health care?
Roy! Dammit! Is your disability in your thinkin’ mechanism?
I do not understand people who don’t have a pot to poop in but vote Republican.
Thanks to Karen for the heads up.