You Cannot Keep Hypocrisy Fenced In
Cliven Bundy. Remember that guy? Hates the government? But owes the government over a million dollars in unpaid grazing fees and related fines?
Yeah, that guy.
So some woman and her boyfriend were driving on a road near the Bundy ranch and couldn’t stop fast enough to avoid several of Bundy’s cows in the road. Kabam! Two injured people and one dead cow.
She’s suing Bundy for $20,000 in medical expenses because he didn’t keep his cows fenced in.
Bundy’s answer?
Bundy admitted the cow was his, but he said the state is responsible for maintaining the fence that keeps his livestock off the interstate.
“It’s a state problem, it’s not our problem,” Bundy said. “We really feel bad when it happens. We sure don’t want it to happen, but we’re not liable.”
Okay, so let me see if I have this right. You want to keep your cows on government property free of charge because you hate the government. But the government is responsible to keep your fence in good repair while you don’t pay your fees to them?
The crowning tea party thinking?
Bundy said he was within his rights to make a claim against Beck for the loss of his livestock.
“The person whose car hit that cow is liable to me,” Bundy said.
Sometimes it’s just so damn crazy that you don’t know whether to take a nap or dance nakkid on the back porch.
Thanks to Deb B for the heads up.
“I ain’t paying, I’m suing.” Seems old Cliven has more than have few loose screws in common with the Phelps clan, aka Westboro ‘Baptist’ ‘Church.’
WWJD What would Jesus do? Sue, of course. /snark
1Too bad I can’t be on the jury, he would loose big time!!!!
2It reminds me of the old story about how the Devil will adopt whatever physical form is necessary in order to do his work.
3Say what? In Texas isn’t the livestock owner liable for damages done by said livestock? Well yes the owner is responsible.
I narrowly avoided 4 cows on the highway, 87, in my part of Texas and called the sheriff dept. The woman who I talked to made kind of a “uggh” sound and said they would take care of it.
The next time, on was on a FM road and a heifer was out, not on the road but in the ditch with it’s mama on the other side of the fence. And I knew who it belong to.
I stopped at his grain elevator/feed store place right around the corner and told him one of his cows were out. He says “That’s not my cow.” I said “Free beef then?”
He didn’t say anything, but he damn sure wouldn’t admit it was his, just in case someone hit it don’t ya know.
4What an interesting business plan! He doesn’t pay to graze his cattle. He doesn’t pay to repair his fences. What else is he stealing?
5Public land, public fence, public cows.
6Hey, JJ, I’d pay good greenback dollars to see the second option take effect!
7I tried to do your “let me get this straight” exercise and I think I sprained a lobe. Bundy has his brain in bassackwards.
Can we (all of America’s taxpayers) please sue this arrogant SOB and either wipe him out financially or throw his smug, stupid ass in jail?
8I thought TX was an open range state. I hit a cow on a county road at night, a black cow. Surprised the liver out of me when the first I know was a cows head was a half inch from my head. Totaled my car. When the police came I asked if the cow could be identified. I was told not to bother unless I wanted to pay for the cow. He explained the open range concept and said I owed the owner a cow, if the owner could be found. Never pursued it.
9One of the things that keeps me going regarding Bundy is that the other ranchers who do pay their fees and take responsibility (neither of which he foes) hate his guts!!! Ten to one if the driver does take him to court, he is gonna get one helluva surprise.
10I’ve always assumed the newspeople had this man’s name wrong; he seems so stupid, I always figured his named was Cloven. As in cattle, deer, goats. You know, your really, really stupid quadrupeds.
11Why all the talk of Texas? Bundy ranch is in Nevada
12Bundy is an idiot. The people who support him are idiots, and they are conspiring to get stuff for free from the rest of us, rather than compensating us for the use of common property.
Texas law is weird on open/closed range. It depends on local option elections. Many counties had those elections in the late 1800’s/early 1900’s, and there is apparently no central list of which counties are open range and which are closed range. Here’s one site with some explanations
13Bundy must have gotten bad milk when he was nursing as a baby. Get near him these days and all you hear is this huge slurping sound. He’s never stopped going around sucking from one thing or another. Parasite.
14Why is it the true welfare queens shriek the loudest about other people using public funds….
15Timbo-cloven refers to the hooves of those otherwise ungulate animals. Maybe Cliven’s tongue is cloven.
16You cannot make this stuff up – pity poor me in NC, the repubs have a candidate for my district (Walker) who has only had a short stint as a Baptist preacher, the good southern folks around here all have his signs in yards. His only agenda seems to be war with Mexico (cos they might be bringing drugs across the border) and impeaching (in his words court martialing the president) he has not decided why!
I seem to be unable to stop banging my head against the wall.
17Cliven is a thief, plain and simple, who like all thieves has a sure and solid paranoic reason for stealing. What they ought to do is shoot every cow he owns, and charge that waste of flesh for the oxygen he’s stealing fom the rest of us.
Meanwhile, “hears” an old joke:
Tinhorn: That’s a fine bunch of cattle over there.
18Rancher: Herd.
Tinhorn: Herd of what.
Rancher: Herd of cattle.
Tinhorn: Well, of course I heard of cattle. There’s a bunch of them right over there!
Here in California we’re in the third year of a bad, bad drought. It is ironic to hear the farmers and ranchers, who tend to be right-wingers who support small government and the free market, demanding that the government step in and spend billions in taxpayer money to provide agricultural for-profit businesses with a reliable, low-priced water supply. (Something I agree with, by the way–the difference is I also support spending government money on other infrastructure and on the health and education of poor children.)
In a free market farmers and ranchers would need to find their own water supply at the best price available and then price their own products accordingly. Too many of these guys believe in big government for themselves and small government for everybody else.
19Getting a headache thinking about all this.
20LynnN-not to be argumentative,but where is all this water going to come from? California already imports large amounts of water. Water rights are being sold to billionaires so they can rule the supply and demand outrageous prices from hostage cities and municipalities. Growers are going to have to cut back on water usage for years before your reservoirs ever stand a chance of filling up with limited rainfall.
Here in iowa we don’t irrigate the land(usually) but still have to contend with large animal confinements that use more water in a month that I could use in a lifetime. We get decent rainfall most every year but water is a finite resource.