Mitch McConnell: Hope and Change
Mitch McDonnell, after spending thirty years in the Senate, is running as the change agent.
If you want change, vote for the 30 year veteran? Has everybody gone crazy?
“If you want change, if you’re unhappy with the direction of this country, the candidate of change is the guy you’re looking at,” McConnell told an audience at a Chamber of Commerce lunch here.
72-year-old McConnell — the top Senate Republican — is running against a 35-year-old Democrat who has never had an elected job in D.C.
Oh wait. It was at the Chamber of Commerce, where everybody is already crazy.
It’s important to remember that Republicans do not let facts get in the way. MCConnell thinks everyone will believe him ’cause he says it, nevermind what this miserable blowhard has been doing for the most of the last decade: nothing.
1I have to agree with Mitch. Kentucky vote for hope and change; vote for Alison Lundergan Grimes!
2And how long did it take for the audience to stop laughing?
3Yertl isn’t capable of turning on a dime, but given some extra time, he can still swivel on his lily pad. “I’m your candidate of change,” he tells his fellow reptiles.
4I expect “change” is a code word for “against President Obama.” The change Kentuckians will experience will occur if the Republicans take the Senate, and start defunding things such as food stamps and KYnect. Their plan: to thin out the number of voters who might vote for Democrats via natural attrition caused by starvation and lack of health care.
5Mitch McConnell for Hope and Change? More like Horror and Catastrophe, I’d say.
6The Rethugs have long treated “1984” as the Bible, handed down by God (and not George Orwell), paying special attention to “Newspeak.”
7This sucker must be running scared. I know the GOP slogan since Reagan has been “Reality is whatever we say it is,” but… dang!
8Rhea, Mitch is Reagan redux. The senile old cooter could retire, should retire or expire, but his staff will keep pumping air into him to preserve their jobs and the Koch candy to which they are addicted. Albeit, to be fair, is there any file footage of Mitch in the last decade or two, it which it didn’t seem as if he required an outside oxygen source?
Mitch’s latest, of which he may or not be aware, was to attack Alison Lundergan Grimes dead grandfather in a vile and fact free ad.
9Not only is he running as the “change agent.” He is doing his best to paint Grimes as some outsider Obama lackey who, if elected, will likely bring Armageddon to Kentucky. He even got his wife on attack ads in the hopes of “reaching out to women” (as if his record does not speak for itself on how bad he has been for women). You can’t turn on the TV here w/o getting one of his ads, which are vicious.
It’s going to be a long election season here. And bad as he is, a lot of people here think he is the “hero of coal” and the anti-Obamacare savior (even though a ton of people here love their Kynect– the local Obamacare). I want to have faith, but I am not feeling too reassured the yokels will not vote for him just because they are on cruise control. Oy.
10OK, people. If you are in D.C. and want an interview with the Turtle, you will be treated to either a phone call or an e-mail explaining that the Turtle has a policy of meeting and greeting only folks from Kentucky and the hell with the rest of the world. Also consider this. There are at least 50% of the people in Kentucky he will not meet or greet. Why the bleep Kentuckians still put up with him is beyond all human computation! I’ve always had the notion that the man spends the majority of his non-meeting and greeting time in the dark shadows of his office sucking his thumb to the tune in his pointy head, “I hate Obama.” Sounds raw, I know, but this is what one finally has to consider.
11Sad little man. So much room on the inside he seems to fill with hate and fear.
12Maggie, I had one face-to-face encounter with Yertle on Capitol Hill back in the late ’80s. Arrogant then … worse now.
13I could make some crude comments here about what he might want to change but won’t.