The Voter Fraud Sky Is Falling!

September 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Voter fraud!  It’s everywhere!  Just ask any Republican.

I think I’ve told you the story of the only voter fraud I’ve ever witnessed was a while back when a Republican candidate was voting African Americans in the Republican primary with mail ballots right here in my county.

Then there was Bruce Fleming – a local Republican county commissioner who 2 years ago voted in two states in the same election.

Well, hello, Florida.  After a two year investigation …

Four people, including William T. Hazard of Boynton Beach, wound up getting charged over allegations of submitting false voter registration forms. State investigators looked at questionable forms submitted in seven counties, including instances where voters had their party affiliation switched from Democrat to Republican.

Yep, it was a Republican.

Thanks to Sandy for the heads up.

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