Those Wacky Republicans

September 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s a new week so there must be an update on Republican Soap Operas.

Mark Sanford’s girlfriend says she found out about their breakup when he posted it on his Facebook page.  And that little tidbit was interesting enough to make The New York Damn Times.  She says they had just spent great week in Paris where “we were like in a honeymoon.”

Mr. Sanford had been appearing publicly with Ms. Chapur more often. During the interview, Ms. Chapur relayed her elation over a recent visit the two had made to a parade in South Carolina, where, she remarked that women and men alike appeared to embrace her position at Mr. Sanford’s side. It had led her to conclude, “It was worth it, because people realize that it was a love story at the end of the day.”

Hell, it’s South Carolina.  They were just relieved that he didn’t marry his sister.

Sarah:Moose-Fil-A_2bAnd then Sarah Palin jumps up and says it’s not as bad as it looks.  Okay, so maybe it is, but she needs attention.

With a live band, dancing, and the former governor rocking red-white-and-blue high-tops, everyone seemed to be having a good time.

But then, some words were exchanged. And that’s where the stories diverge significantly.

“Words?”  Nooooooo. Can you even imagine Sarah Palin getting in trouble with words?

What could possibly go wrong when Sarah Palin is exchanging words?

Next week:  Is Newt Gingrich going to sanctify marriage one more time?

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