It Turns Out That The Appalachian Trail Is a Dead End

September 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican Congressman, the Honorable Mark Sanford, is breaking up with his Argentinian mistress.

I know.  Too bad, so sad.

And who’s fault is this?  Of course, his ex-wife.

Sanford put up a long and crazy Facebook post to explain to his broken-hearted constituents why his wife was totally at fault for the break-up because she thinks he’s crazy.  Life is difficult when you write crazy crap to prove you’re not crazy.  And then you add wacky to the formula by putting your explanation on your congressional Facebook page.

SC Governor WhereFinally, Jenny and her lawyer also go on to ask me to undertake an array of programs and evaluations, each one more riveting than the next. As a public figure people have seen me over twenty years in the highs and lows and most trying of times, and if I was plagued by the afflictions they suggest wouldn’t people have seen me mad or angry by now? In simplest form I don’t understand how I can be elected by a wide array of folks at home to attempt to represent their interests in Washington, but if the Plaintiff’s view was to prevail, be required to take psychiatric and psychological evaluations to be with our youngest son. Posing those sorts of questions is destructive plain and simple, and in fairness to my friends in the media if those type questions are raised they will report them – which is why you have been subjected to reading this response and media accounts.

Well, Sanford can take solace in the fact that he’s not the first crazy Republican elected due to Republican gerrymandering.  We, however, can take solace in diddle squat.

In the words of the poet Roy Rogers, “Happy trails to you, Mark.”

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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