Just a Heads Up About Rick Perry. UPDATED

August 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you want to know the background and the current thinking on the Rick Perry indictment, the best explanation I’ve seen so far is James Moore.

Jim really sums it up nicely and puts a bow on top, predicting Perry will be convicted.

Perry is accused of using his veto authority to coerce a publicly elected official into leaving office. And when the veto threat, and later the actual exercise of the veto didn’t work, he may have tried a bit of bribery, which is why he is facing criminal charges.

Not because he exercised his constitutional veto authority.

Read it all and be smart.

UPDATE:  Jim will be on Hardball ‘splainin’ all this at 6:30 Texas time.  MSNBC.  Check it out.


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