And Sometimes The World is Just Perfect

August 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jonathan Saenz is head of the anti-gay group Texas Values.  He is especially vocal about the myth that homosexuals would prey upon women and children in bathrooms if we pass nondiscrimination laws.  He’s big on gay conversion therapy and is desperately trying to convince people that gays want to put Christians in concentration camps.  Seriously. Concentration camps.  Well, it would be the damn best decorated concentration camp you’ve ever seen.

images-1That’s fine – he has the right of free hate speech.  I do not, however, think being virulent anti-gay is the least bit entertaining.

This is.

Mere months before Jonathan Saenz became president of the anti-gay group Texas Values, his wife left him for another woman, according to Hays County district court records obtained by Lone Star Q.

The divorce has gotten a tad nasty, which claims and counter claims of mental instability.  I don’t think I need to say who gets my vote.

They are also fighting over who gets the kids.  Well, I, for one, do not believe it ought to be the guy going to the concentration camp.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And Sometimes The World is Just Perfect”

  1. WOW does God (or your deity of choice here) not have a sense of humor. WOW!

  2. SteveTheReturned says:


    (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

  3. Nobody asked me…… but….. these kids would have a better life with two moms…… than with one batcrap crazy daddy.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Following the scorecard: there’s a closeted gay man in a bitter divorce with his lesbian wife. If he were a normal man, gay or otherwise, he’d be happy to be free to pursue his own lifestyle, whatever it might be.

    But no, this closeted nut job persists in clinging to the debunked notion that gay aversion therapy will make his thoughts pure.

    Pure, as in pure BS. Here’s your bumper sticker, Jonathan: “you can’t pray the gay away.”

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    @Miemaw … you got it 100% correct … two moms are much, much better then one batcrap crazy daddy!!

    How funny that his wife ran off with another woman … seems to be the way to do things more and more these days! The men are simply driving women into the arms of other women!! LOL Serves him right!!

  6. Heterosexual marriage has become a euphemism for keeping women in indentured servitude. This is what these rwnj’s mean when they talk about the sanctity of marriage. It’s the sanctity of white male domination they want and woe to anyone who dare object. Jonathan has his own issues to deal with and conversion therapy ain’t gonna do it.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    It would be fun to find out how many gays or bisexuals are in the Texas Values group.

  8. Everyone who can guess WHY his wife ran off with another woman, raise your hand.

    Loved this personal ad somewhere: “To all the men who responded to Box 536, I am now a lesbian.”

  9. Sounds like hatred spewing from both ears.

  10. This says it best:

    God @TheTweetOfGod · Jul 21
    Homophobia is a sacred union between a man and his bigotry.

  11. PKM, what’s worse is that they pray away the gay for PAY.

  12. Well, marrying this guy in the first place is strong evidence of mental instability, but leaving him is a good sign of recovery.

  13. UmptyDump says:

    “Another” woman? Edit that to “A” woman unless there’s more about this guy’s gender background that hasn’t come out.

    Anyway, it sounds like this guy isn’t quite ready yet to be matched up by

  14. Looking at that guy’s mug, I’m surprised his wife didn’t leave him for a sheet of wallboard.

  15. Louis Newton says:

    Isn’t he just the cutest little scrubbed-clean thing? And now he’s free as well. Who wants to be first in line? Yoo-hoo, JONNNnnnyyy!

  16. shortpeople says:

    Why is it that these guys all look like the only guy not being asked to dance at Club Ripples (The oldest gay dance club in Long Beach, CA)? The lonely one in the corner, all by himself?
