Sanctity of Marriage

August 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here are the states where same gender couples cannot get married:

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But yet, Charles Manson can get married in prison.



Oh yeah, marriage is real special.

Thanks to John for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Sanctity of Marriage”

  1. There was some idiot that married Ted Bundy while he was on Death Row and had a kid by him.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Nothing says “sanctity of marriage” better than Newtie’s track record and those of others like him. After impeaching President Clinton, how many of the ‘moral majority’ boys were proven hypocrites?

    Where is this lady’s family? She is in serious need of intervention. And, please dear goddesses, please tell me Manson is not eligible for those special visits that would result in the spawn of Satan producing heirs to his crazy.

    Otherwise, marriage equality is what it is; key word, equality. FWIW Marriage equality effects all of us, or we are willing to have a substrata for ‘others.’ For real, 2014 and 2016, we seriously need to give the GOP a serious drubbing on their failure to grasp any of the equality issues.

  3. The map is a bit outdated. Same sex marriage was declared LEGAL in New Mexico by the NM Supreme Court in December, 2013. Lots of fun weddings going on in the Land of Enchantment!

  4. Marge Wood says:


  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Dianne, good point. In fact there are a number of states that have been successfully challenged. Some states have stays, while other states are marrying the happy couples in the interim.

    Greatest test case ever, to my way of thinking, CA. First marriage equality was the law, then it wasn’t, leaving the RWNJs with a quandary. There’s no precedent for annulment of a legal marriage, unless both parties to the marriage make the request.

    Perhaps more current and accurate:

    Marriage equality, legally recognized civil unions and even Nevada with recognized domestic partnership law, it’s all forward progress.

  6. Sister Artemis says:

    what is it with these women that surround Manson? they all kind of look like 60s hippie throwbacks…. not that there’s anything WRONG with being a 60s hippie throwback (or holdover!), but sure seems like a pattern in these gals that are drawn to Manson….

  7. After reading the article and her quotes, it appears that she is just an airhead, scavenging around for her fifteen minutes of fame – and can’t get it in an honest way.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Cheryl, yours is an apt an analysis as is possible, and added to Mike’s input, our prison system is seriously corrupt.

    Sad day, when rumor is more apt to be true, while law enforcement denials are not so much likely to be true in the prison system.

    Statistics don’t lie, albeit liars can manipulate them. No wonder the science deniers are so outraged. DNA would prove if prison guards facilitated more freedom to Manson than the law allows. And, DNA would sure put a few prison personnel on their heels, when women in lock up are pregnant more than a year after their last day on the street.

  9. “sanctity of marriage”???WHO SAYS???
    The xtians don’t really think so as their divorce rate is thru the roof.
    Islame don’t think so cuz they also treat their women worse than cattle.
    It aint about “sanctity of marriage” it is about political control of others.

  10. Some people object to gay marriage– and gays– because “I can’t stand thinking about what they do!” (To which I like to reply, “I don’t want to think about what you do either, but I manage to distract myself; you might want to get another hobby. And by the way, the 14th Amendment trumps your ick.”)

    I REALLY don’t want to think about this couple.

  11. There just are no words!

  12. Rabblerouzzer says:

    Legal here in California, too. My beloved and I ended our 19 year engagement and got hitched ourownselves last year.

    It’s legal so far in 19 states and the District of Columbia:

    8 by Court Decision: California, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania

    8 by State Legislature: Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont

    3 by Popular Vote: Maine, Maryland, Washington

    Washington, DC legalized gay marriage on Mar. 3, 2010, the date marriage licenses became available to same-sex couples.

  13. aggieland liz says:

    @Rhea: regarding ick – “…and fer pete’s sake PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON! PLEASE!”

  14. aggieland liz says:

    Happily for PKM, and you too, Rhea (and tootsie the ministering angel, though she doesn’t know it yet) the article stated that conjugal visits will be denied because Mr Manson is serving a life sentence. I wonder how long it will be before the voices in her head tell her to kill a guard? And whether it will be the voices of the trees or the water?

  15. She has already carved something on her head because he told her to do it – but nay, he’s not manipulative. Maybe airhead doesn’t know what that word means. She spends her days painting and looking after his websites? Maybe mommy and daddy should cut the purse strings and airhead would have to get a job. It would leave her less time to beg for attention.

  16. Cheryl, I hadn’t thought about purse strings. Good one. She’s 19 so they can’t control her actions, but they can control whether she stays home.

    Then again, they can’t undo his programming if they don’t have access to her. Personally, I don’t see it, but apparently he’s mesmerizing to some.

    I saw one of his parole hearings on TV once. He stated openly that if they ever let him out he would start killing again. I wish they’d show it to this girl. She’s believing he never did the crimes for which he’s been put away.
