Woman Be Crazy – UPDATED!

July 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Michele Bachmann.  Oh yeah, you need me to say more?

Bachman_Witch_2She wants to put the refugee children in labor camps.  No, no, no, I am not kidding.

Labor camps.  Damn, woman.

She even has it all worked out.

And we’d get private sector business leaders to locate to those facilities and give these children low-risk jobs to do. And they’d learn about the American way of life, earn their keep, and everyone wins in the end.”

Yeah, slave labor – the basis for “the American way of life.”  What the hell is a “low risk job” that a seven or eight year old can do?  Huh?  You want those kids assembling transistor radios or something?  Or maybe polishing Marcus’s shoes?

Conservative radio host Jason Lewis asked Bachmann about the camps, and what life might be like for the children sent to them. “Well, we’d of course want these facilities to be ideal, you know, for the children to work and learn. They’d spend half of their day working, and the other half learning what every child should learn, and that’s English, you know, English and American history. And as soon as they learn English with some degree of fluency, they can attend local schools, maybe with a voucher program, or something like that. And then they could work when they aren’t in school.”

So I guess piano lessons are out, huh?  Tell me, Michele, are these kids gonna cook their own meals and do their own laundry, too?  Will they be supervised in some manner or just let their corporate overlords whip them into shape?

Can we deport Michele Bachman.  No, no, no, I’m serious.  Can we?

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

 UPDATE:  I’ve been punked.  Again, dammit.  This is the second time I’ve been punked by a satire story because it’s just too damn hard to tell satire with Republicans.  This story ain’t true.  However, Michele Bachmann is.

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0 Comments to “Woman Be Crazy – UPDATED!”

  1. One flew east, one flew west, one flew over the Bachmann’s nest.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Memo to Michelle, you should dump Marcus and form a new union with your fellow idiot, Paul Ryan.

    Just when we hope the GOP has bottomed out, they bring out another shovel and dig deeper into st00pid.

    Child labor laws anyone? Chain gangs for the unemployed, death camps for the disabled and a return to chattel status for women, and for good measure, if you strike someone and they strike you back, nuke them.

    The GOP has broken through the st00pid and are shoveling through the crazy layer now.

    Can we ring them back to sanity? Hint, hint whacko birds, VP Joe Biden is your next stop, if you continue forward with your insanitary thoughts and insanity.

    I have no clue as to who the Patron Saint of Insanity might be, but the crazies are there and drinking at the fount.

  3. So is this the new Republican theory? Children don’t need sleep? If they spend half the day working, and half learing English, and more American history than the wicked witch knows, when do they sleep?

  4. Jack pine Savage says:

    Sorry folks. This appears to link to a fake news site. As much as I, a Minnesotan but not in Bachmann’s district, wanted this to be true, it seems to be satire. Damn good satire! But satire, nonetheless.

  5. I’ll pay half the ticket!

  6. Juanita Jean says:

    Damn. Fooled again. Sorry, guys.

  7. Ranger Jay says:

    This story is, I think, a satire piece that has been republished as “fact.” Nonetheless, it sounds plausible that she would actually say things like this. Hence, the “believability” in it that makes it work as satire.

    What is even sadder, is that when this story is “passed along” to other web sites, there are probably gonna be many people that add comments “agreeing” with her.

    Sad, but true.

  8. It is easy to be fooled by any kind of satiric stupidity attributed to Bachmann since she has set the standard low.

    Very low.

    Subterranean, actually.

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    Well, I certainly believed that this was true ’cause you know damn good and well that Michelle Bachmann would certainly say something so st00pid!!

    Well, it was good while it lasted! LOL

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    No worries, Juanita Jean. Satire is good, but it seriously blows, when the ‘reality’ of the wing nuts mirrors satire and parody. The RW kooks drove The Onion out of print. Just a sign of the times and how far out the wacko birds have flown from reality.

    Jack pine Savage, went looking on the innertubes, found no KCTV-7, but a spokesperson for Bachmann has announced that she wishes she had said that, before it was reported. j/k Just Kidding.

    For real, after the Paul Ryan budget and poverty ‘plan,’ in his own words, satire is out, these fools are fodder for late night comedians and, on the sorry side throwbacks to all the warnings Upton Sinclair, George Orwell and so many others predicted.

    2014. No hyperbole. We need to vote and do everything we can to bring voters to the polls.

  11. If this is a parody that fooled people, it is time to remind people of the definition of Poe’s Law (from Wikipedia): “Poe’s law, named after its author Nathan Poe, is an Internet adage reflecting the idea that without a clear indication of the author’s intent, it is difficult or impossible to tell the difference between an expression of sincere extremism and a parody of extremism.”

    In all seriousness, a lot of conservatives say they care about freedom. But if you keep them talking, it becomes obvious that what they care about is cheap labor.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    Well, shoot, how’re these poor kids gonna learn what they could expect if none of the super rich guys’ kids do chores alongside them? I mean, this is supposed to be a democracy. All the kids everywhere should do chores and help clean up. All of ’em. I knew someone once who, when he went to college called his mother after about six weeks and said “When does the maid come?” She laughed and laughed about that.

  13. eyesoars says:

    It certainly does make one wonder exactly what she did with all her multitudinous foster children…

  14. Marge Wood says:

    JJ, we love you anyway. We don’t like getting tricked alone either. I betcha you just did that to make us all feel better.

    Our cat says it’s time for me to log off or else he’s gonna take over the keyboard.

  15. Bachmann’s probably sorry she didn’t think of it for real.

  16. JJ, don’t feel bad, dear. The Queen of England got pinked a few years ago. You are in exalted company.

  17. SteveTheReturned says:

    Why would we ever take this to be satire? In 1994, Galveston County Republicans issued a resolution, calling for AIDS victims to be rounded up and put in concentration camps—and that’s not satire, that’s a fact.

  18. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I can see how easy it was to be fooled, but as I was reading it, I thought “That’s not crazy enough to be Michele; she wouldn’t want to have them in schools.”.

  19. I was suspicious when she said she would send them to school.

  20. Sandridge says:

    Well, As I was reading it I was thinking that Tom (Marshall Islands) DeLay would be getting busy lining this ‘lucrative investment op’ out already.

    But even debunked as a satire, you know danged well that is what they are really thinking (at the minimum).

  21. OK, so that was satire. What’s NOT satire is that she’s considering a 2016 campaign for President. Why, Michele? Because your last one turned out so well?

  22. spritey says:

    Major news providers are punked as well. I find it despicable that someone put a hoax out there during a time when the horrific issue is so volatile, contentious and heartbreaking.

  23. Frankly a third party satirizing Michelle is a losing proposition. Everything Michelle says and does IS satire.

  24. KarenJ503 says:

    I LOL’d when I saw this story here; Juanita Jean, it even fooled the folks at Daily Kos, not to mention a couple of other progressive blogs.

    You can bet the RWNJ talk radio guy who was supposed to have interviewed Michele Bachmann was in a tailspin, but I can’t help but think he and his ilk deserve it. I listened to some of his archived show from last week, and he’s your typical Minnesota RW nutcase, anti-Obama-government to the core.

  25. Jürgen A. Erhard says:

    The “child labor” camp bit should be a surefire sign of satire.


    Alas, that older bit where some states’ Repuglicans wanted to abolish child labor laws because they were not needed anymore (proven by no child labor happening… yeah, circular reasoning is such a complicated concept) was not satire.

    Or was it?
