News / Not News

July 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I really don’t think this piece of polling information fits under the category of news.

It’s more like things we already knew but now have proof.

A new Public Policy Polling survey found that 37 percent of Republicans who voted in the Mississippi primary runoff election between incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) and state Sen. Chris McDaniel (R) said they would back the Confederate side if there was another Civil War.

The other 63% have already seceded.

I wonder when they’re going to realize that they are admitting to treason?

 Thanks to Larry for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “News / Not News”

  1. This is not surprising, but it is a trend that should be noted. It goes hand-in-glove with this observation about the steady rise of White Nationalism in this country:

    Alternet: America Is Ripe For Authoritarianism

  2. “I wonder when they’re going to realize that they are admitting to treason?”

    About the time the South stops naming things after traitors, like the Lee-Jackson Highway in Virginia. Washington & Lee University just apologized for flaunting a CSA flag other than in its historical exhibit, and some good ol’ boys are outraged about that.

  3. eyesoars says:

    It’s only treason if you do it — and don’t succeed.

    Even so, it’s pretty amazing how poor their awareness of their own self-interest seems to be. They’re getting a lot of $$$$ from that federal gummint they hate so much.

  4. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    The only thing that surprises me about that poll is that the percentage was so low. There had to be some lying going on there. I might believe it if the percentages were reversed, and only 37% would NOT support the CSA, but that is still way too high. Here in east Texas where I work, the percentage would be close to 90% supporting the Confederate cause.

    The only way I see those numbers being close to accurate is that a large number of Democrats crossed over and voted in the Republican primary, and responded to the poll, thus lowering the Klan supporters by a significant amount.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Meh? I’m all for cost cutting. Let’s close all those chigger infested Confederate military bases. They want out of the Union, fine. Take your Buy-bulls and go. BTW You, like Bundy, are on Federal land, so indeed the operant word is go. Git, skeedaddle, show us your best side, the side that is leaving.

    In a perfect world they’d go to Central America or Somalia to play with their guns. The former crazy states would be BLUE and sane. Plus, we’d have loads of space and housing to extend refuge to the families with children seeking asylum here. Yes, I would prefer people who truly want to be here over those whining wacko birds.

  6. I want to know what will happen when they realize that if they secede, they’ll have no right to wave their *American* flags around or call themselves Americans. Cliven Bundy was a fine example of their inability to comprehend that.

  7. On the other hand, the Founding Fathers were all traitors and were well aware of it,

    “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
    – Benjamin Franklin

  8. SteveTheReturned says:

    And when do those in that 37% want to schedule the re-imposition of slavery? I think that’s a fair question, and I think they ought to respond to it. In public.

  9. Kate Dungan says:

    It’s things like this that make me ashamed to be
    a Southerner

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Kate Dungan, keep fighting the good fight; you have no reason to be ashamed. You didn’t raise those fools.

    Great people like you, Juanita Jean and so many others are the reason we can fix the Reagan Years compounded by the Bush 1 & 2 years.

    President Obama didn’t take as much forward progress as we and he would like. 2014, give the President a working Congress. The GOP under Dubya drove us into a huge ditch of $trillions in debt, now they are whining that President Obama is not driving out of the ditch fast enough, while the GOP says no to everything, offers nothing in return and yeah Ted Cruz cost us a wasted +24 billion shutting down the government. Oh, and while we should love him Marco Rubio is knuckle deep in campaign irre

    Someone help me out here, Darryl the felon Issa’s fishing expeditions have cost us how much?

    Meh? I’d like to roll back the clock to the days of the criminal Ken the porn star Starr and fine him for every drop of wasted money.

    Meanwhile Marco Rubio is paws deep in the illegal campaign contribution jar.

    Christie= crook
    Rand=racist liar
    Hucksterbee and the rest of the theocrats=flat out con men

    If the world was real, Hillary should retire, and a decent Democratic governor should have a shot in 2016. Or, we could show some real courage and back/beg Rich Whitney to run.

  11. Seems to me we are already in the middle of another Civil War (Uncivil War?) and that these guys are already backing the Confederate side.

  12. It ain’t treason to them. Its salvation which is a half a twitch past validation.

  13. Maggie, you’re right…the preachers have gotten involved in creating this mess, the ones who, for instance, said we “needed another Civil War” to get rid of abortion, gays, feminism, etc. As soon as the Tea Party and the religious conservatives formed a voting block, they could back each other on the parts they liked. With the rise of televangelism, the hate-based preachers could hammer on their followers a thousand miles away–they didn’t have to travel around the country causing trouble. And as soon as this bunch got Fox News, they didn’t have to listen to anyone else, ever, even for the local weather, and could stew in their own bile, believing the lies they were fed because that’s what they heard.

  14. e platypus onion says:

    Someone needs to enlighten these Southern dingbats that even if they succeed with secession,they will still be at the bottom of every economic and social category,plus they can’t survive w/o gubmint help.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    Next funny choice is whether they copulate with their own daughters/sisters to keep up the population. Their other choice would be to import women from South of the border somewhere,the ones they rail about now,because no North American woman would get caught dead with them.

  16. I guess first of all, I’m amazed anybody would do a “poll” on such an “issue” as this one. But then again, maybe not. You pay people enough money to do something… they will.

    Thing is, as long as we are fighting amongst ourselves, the “too big to fail” money interests in the country, are still making life miserable for widows, veterans, etc., with foreclosures as many and as quick as they can. They like that we fight among ourselves. Makes it a lot easier for them.

    I finished a book not too long ago titled “Gold Street”…. all about the Federal Reserve System, and Banks. It’s a work of fiction, that probably has more truth than poetry. I’d recommend it to anybody.

    It lead me to do some research on how this all started… you can do a google on “The Banker’s Manifesto of 1934,” (The CNN article is especially informative)…..and find good, and bad information, for what happened when Woodrow Wilson signed the law that created “The Fed”.

    Thing I’m convinced of is that all this chaos we have going on in the country is not happenstance. It’s by design. Government doesn’t run the country…. banks do.

    As long as we are fighting each other…. we’re leaving them alone. I can’t remember the last time I heard somebody in the media call for a prosecution on some of the directors of the big banks, who about than eight years ago put the economy of this country in the toilet. JMHO

    But, save your Confederate money, anyway. The South may just accidentally rise again… But probably not. 🙂

  17. Sam in San Antonio says:

    It’s not surprising. The old South and much of the new one is America’s version of Nazi Germany. The only difference is ours lasted over 250 years and devastated generations of African Americans.

  18. Call it sedition, call it treason or rebellion…it’s still the same old schoolyard whine: if I can’t have my way, I’m gonna take my ball and bat and go.

    So go. I’m pretty sure there is a colony somewhere in South America where descendants of the losers of 1865 are still living. Bet they’d be glad to have you. Here’s your chance to set up a theocracy!

  19. PS:The REAL Texas Hero is Sam Houston who refused to swear allegiance to the Confederancy.

  20. Biggomama, it was in São Paulo, Brazil and they were called the Confederados. Their descendants are scattered throughout Brazil and I don’t think they’d welcome today’s Confederate wanna-bes.

  21. Sanborne Addison says:

    Well, nothing secedes like Secesh.

  22. I can’t even begin to imagine living in Mississippi, or most of the adjoining states either. Texas is as southern as I get.
