Prepare Yourself To Be Shocked

July 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas is in trial over our redistricting maps and things aren’t exactly going our way.  The Feds are saying that we deliberately discriminated against minorities in our Republican-controlled redistricting maps.  And we have emails to prove it.

Republicans answer?  “We can’t help it.”

No, really.  That was their answer.

The U.S. Justice Department told judges Monday that Texas lawmakers carefully crafted electoral maps marginalizing minority voters despite the state’s exploding Hispanic population in a deliberate effort to racially discriminate and protect conservative incumbents.

Attorneys for Texas countered that the Legislature did the best it could, given that it had to devise maps partisan enough to pass the Republican majority, while dismissing suggestions of intentional discrimination.

That was their answer.  The HAD to draw partisan maps.  Texas Republicans are too partisan to expect them to be fair.  See?

And Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott thought he had a snappy legal argument:



Yeah, well, that seems fair.  One party takes power and then uses that power to keep power.   So they can rule forever!

Good Lord, this man wants to be Governor.  Well, it’s hard for Texas to do downhill in that department.

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0 Comments to “Prepare Yourself To Be Shocked”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    I’m sorry you and the good Dems of Texas are in a position to have to deal with the lunacy there!

    I am so glad I don’t live in Texas … the closest I’ve ever been to Texas is when I watch The Little Couple on Lifetime when they are on … they live in Austin because Jen works at Austin’s Children’s Hospital. However I fear Jen and Bill are Texas Republicans … she actually had her picture taken with … gag … Cruz … ugh!!

  2. It’s like the slogan of The Phone Company back when there was only one: “We don’t care– we don’t have to.”

    To be fair, several of Maryland’s 8 districts are gerrymandered for Democratic advantage (but I did vote against adopting that map, because we lose the moral advantage of pointing fingers when our own map is messed up).

  3. Marcia in CO, a friend of ours worked, reluctantly, in the office of post-resignation-Nixon’s lawyer, and she had to have her photo taken with Nixon. His arm is on her shoulder, and she looks like she’s about to snap it off.

  4. The Fifth Circuit is packed with Ted Cruz conservatives. We know how that decision will come out based on their confirming the Texas Abortion bill. Jeez, the money it takes to get passed that court in order to have a fair and unbiased opinion rendered.

    I believe that’s why Abbott is so smug about his statement, the fix is always in on the 5th.

  5. No surprise as to how low they will stoop. Get out and vote Texas blue!

  6. Still the Old White South contingent: “Weee…are the champions (bosses/rulers of all we survey.) Brought up like that poor kid whose Daddy has decided to claim some land in Africa so his darling daughter can be “a real princess,” they really believe they were born to be kings.

  7. Sam in San Antonio says:

    “Cheating is fair only when we do it.”

  8. daChipster says:

    Greg Abbott has that look the dog gets when you catch him with a faceful of cat litter and a mouthful of… and he gives you that look of “Yeah, so what?”

  9. Elizabeth, I have long campaigned on the basis that Repubs actually want a monarchy ala Louis the 14th in France. They would just love them some of that! Only one problem. This all ricocheted on Louis the XVI and now there ain’t no mo monarchy. Boo hop!

  10. maryelle says:

    Sounds like the situation in Florida, with one big difference. The League of women Voters and the ACLU got a law passed which makes it illegal to deliberately gerrymander. Then they went to court over what the Repugs had done. The judge ruled in their favor and ordered many of the districts redrawn. Great work!

  11. It is perfectly constitutional for a Republican-controlled legislature to commit all manner of crime, outrage, and atrocity. Right, Greg?
