Sick Birds

July 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Graffiti on a building meant to house refuges in Maryland.



Me?  I’m pretty much a documented Democrat.

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0 Comments to “Sick Birds”

  1. maryelle says:

    The Republican spelling prowess continues to amaze. Poor eagles.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Meh? I’m more for following the rule of law, which includes giving refuge to the children and families who are in dire straits with no thanks to our failed foreign policies.

    Reagan isn’t around to answer for his crimes, but everyone from Ollie North to Dick Cheney is alive to answer for their crimes.

    Protester With Handcuffs Tries To Arrest Dick Cheney As Politico Cuts Live Feed

    Dick phoned in 9/11 from his bunker; let him phone in his chicken hawk opinions from his home bunker, or just STFU. Let’s give him a choice, which is more than he did for the people in the way of his Halliburton/Blackwater interests. Dick, you, your evil stupid spawn seriously need to bunker down and shut up, or the sane world will ship your sorry criminal butts to the Hague, or a county jail near you. Like it, like it a lot, citizen’s arrest on one of the worst war criminals in recorded history.

  3. That’s a shame – the eagle is our national bird. If the eagles are ill, we should take of them.

  4. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Comes the revolution….

  5. Being from Maryland, I must point out that this is in Carroll County, NW of Baltimore, a heavily GOP area. Also the county whose commissioners are delighted to have won a court case allowing them to open county meetings with sectarian prayers in defiance of the Constitution, thank you rightwing members of SCOTUS. They used to have a moment of silence, but that wasn’t good enough for the “My Church Or To Hell With You” crowd.

    And congrats to the bigot here for continuing the tradition of right-wing illiteracy.

    People make me so tired.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    Did you read that? UNDOCUMENTED DEMOCRATS! Let’s go help ’em be citizens and register to vote.

  7. I suppose any Ill Eagles will read that and fly on….

  8. e platypus onion says:

    Let’s keep the refugees and deport wingnuts,dumbass dubya and Cheney first.

  9. Wow! That pitiful poor signage had a “signature” in it that would identify the hoodlum who did it. Wonder if the cops or the DHS or even the Secret Service is in any way seriously looking into this.

  10. Lorraine in Spring says:

    As a lifelong documented Democrat and suffering Philadelphia sports fan, I know ILL EAGLES and these kids are not them.

    Maryland, huh? Don’t make me boycott crab cakes, dammit. I will hurt someone.

  11. daChipster says:

    Something about this tells me that this is not what it appears to be.

    Ill Eagle is a meme based on a band by the same name, where you plaster stickers with your band name all over the place to make it appear you are popular. Kinda like astro-turfing.

    I think Marge hit the nail on the head and that they DO mean Democrats should register.

    This may be a subtle case of parody being indistinguishable from reality.


  12. Wanna break the Rethug stranglehold in many states?

    Bring back the literacy test!

  13. These guys definitely should never be allowed to run with scissors.

    Or crayons.

  14. Aggieland liz says:

    If you know anything about eagles, they are very pretty, regal looking birds that mainly get to eat by stealing the prey of other smaller harder working predatory birds. They are, in fact, a splendid metaphor for a nation who steals the natural resources of other smaller, poorer, more desperate countries; also for a nation whose politicians steal from the poor to increase the wealth of the wealthy; also for a nation whose banks raped the lower and middle classes with predatory home loans, foreclosed on them, collected the insurance on the loans AND resold the houses to new suckers. Yeah, eagles. “Where the corpse lies, there the eagles gather…”

  15. Aggieland liz: Not all eagles are alike, and plenty of non-eagle birds steal prey from one another. Just sayin’, in the interests of strict ornithological accuracy. Most critters, like most humans, have complex behavior that does not fit neatly into “good” and “bad.” (Takes off biologist & birdwatcher hat again.)

  16. Leviticus 19:33.

  17. aggieland liz says:

    Bald eagles are reputed by biologists and other learned persons to exhibit this behavior. Other birds were not chosen to be our emblem. In birds and animals these behaviors are governed by instinct and adaptation, right? Eagles (bald or otherwise) are NOT known for trotting out Ethics committee bs and handy Bible verses while pilfering someone else’s salmon. Eagles haven’t taken another species to be their “mascot” or “emblem” that I am aware of, either. All I wanted to point out is that our chosen emblem looks pretty good but doesn’t play so nicely – perhaps we chose more appropriately than we knew (nothing like a little irony!) Ben Franklin is rumored to have pushed for the wild turkey to be our national emblem; looking at the American electorate and its collective ability to defeat its own best interests EVERY time (let alone swallowing any lie Murdoch/Aisle/Fox cook up and spoon feed them!) I could make a pretty good argument that Big Ben was onto something there.

    In short, that was more a commentary on the behavior of America & Americans than on the proclivities of eagles. Sorry it was so obscure.

  18. donquijoterocket says:

    These guys,whoever they might be,are not only lax in the spelling department they’re not nearly as creative and artistically gifted as the folks who put the spray can graffiti on train cars I see go past my house. But, since they’re obviously wingnuts maybe we ought to cut them some slack in both departments.

  19. Sam in San Antonio says:

    The eagles are sick because the GOP gives the term”

  20. Sam in San Antonio says:

    “scavengers” a bad name

  21. Corinne Sabo says:

    What do they have against sick eagles?

  22. Zyxomma says:

    Aggieland Liz, many years ago I described our national bird as a perfect metaphor for our country (this was when bald eagles had not yet gotten protection): a far-sighted predator headed rapidly toward extinction.

  23. Aggieland liz says:

    I’m thinking we’re in acceleration mode now Z, and determined to take the whole world with us 🙁 what a waste of potential; it makes me sad to think about it too much.

    If only the 70’s Dems hadnt turned their backs on Mr Carter…
