Welcome to Juanita’s Whack-a-Mole Texas Congressman Game

July 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, this afternoon it’s Mike McCaul, a pretty boy from CD10, a district running from Houston to Austin.

Michael-McCaulHe’s chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. He’s also the richest member of congress because he married the daughter of the guy who owns Clear Channel Communications. However, he ain’t the smartest. Not even close. I actually heard someone joke about him:  Do you know what McCaul got on his IQ test?  (Wait for it.) Drool.

McCaul wanted us to know that he visited the border.

So he held a press conference.  He said the situation was bad and that broke his heart but, he continued, “I saw some 17-year-olds that I thought looked more like a threat coming into the United States.”

Holy crap, McCaul.  You’re more of a threat to homeland security than any teenager.

Do you know what is a threat to America?  Grown men who make their daughters dress alike.  That’s a damn threat to America.


111th Swearing In 018

Yeah, and kids were just damn thrilled about it, too.



Thanks to Monty and Barbara for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Welcome to Juanita’s Whack-a-Mole Texas Congressman Game”

  1. OldMayfly says:

    Yes, JJ–and make his daughters dress alike in rather unattractive dresses at that.

  2. TexasEllen says:

    Tacky dresses on otherwise attractive young ladies. Perhaps this is McCaul’s idea of defense against teenage boys.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Male gold digger Mikey needs to take his fat four cornered little boy butt back to Washington, DC and worry his block head over passing immigration reform, while President Obama and the adults find a way to follow international law to grant compassionate asylum to the children and families fleeing America’s failed foreign policies.

    “It’s too hard,” whines the GOP. Yeah, it’ll be that much easier later, after you pull your heads out of the sand and other alternate locations.

  4. O cheezwhiz, McCaul! You’re the father of several daughters. All boys over 12 look like a threat to you. To extend this anxiety to kids running for their lives puts you in the same class (???) as Steve King and his calves as big as cantaloupes teen drug runners. One fantasy joins the other on the way to the rabbit hole!

  5. Marge Wood says:

    I think it’s okay to dress kids alike for special events. What I don’t like is when kids spend a lot of their lives having to be perfect in public because what would folks say? THAT is what I don’t like. Nobody’s perfect.

  6. OldMayfly says:

    So true, Marge Wood. Nobody’s perfect.

    And nobody, nobody, nobody is right-wing Republican perfect family stereotype perfect.

    But with Republicans substance is nothing and appearance is everything.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, on the national stage it’s a Republican thing to use their kids as props. Evidence R$money, sloppy salad Sarah, Frothy Santorum, John crying wife Roberts of the 5-4 court and too many others to mention.

    Family Values. We’ve heard that from the GOP. Seen it? No. The party of alleged family values has twice tried to remove Democrat presidents. I’m no fan of the Clintons, but I respect them for keeping their marriage intact, raising & educating Chelsea, while doing their best to keep her safe from the media frenzy. Impeach? Nah, if Hillary chose to keep her family intact, I have no opinion about her not choosing to smack him with a rolling pin. Their business, not mine.

    Our current First Family is amazing in their efforts to provide as normal an experience as they can for their two daughters with all the media scrutiny 24/7. Best wishes to the Obama family and the success of their daughters!

    Jimmy Carter certainly is the man, post presidency, with all he has done. Just a guess, but anticipate the Obama family will be equally good.

  8. austinhatlady says:

    McCaul is my congresscritter, and never has been anything but an embarressment.

  9. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Austinhatlady… you think McCaul is an embarrassment…. try having Randy Neugebauer as your Congresscritter. OMG.

  10. “Do you know what McCaul got on his IQ test? (Wait for it.) Drool.”

    Just so you know, I’m stealing that line.

  11. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I wonder what a 17 year-old threat looks like. Probably the brown skin gives away the otherwise perfect disguise. See you can tell threats by the way they dress alike. Oh, wait.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    and why is Nancy Pelosi in the McCaul family picture? Curious here.

  13. Looks like his swearing-in photo from when Nancy was Speaker.

  14. Mama is diked out in a short dress with a cat-fur collar while the girls are dressed in Amish attire?

    The message is not lost on the older girls, judging from their expressions. The girls should make sure that sewing machine is out of order from now on.
