Rick Perry is Not Gay. Not Gay. Nada Gayo.

July 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry is not gay. Well, everywhere except Austin.

In Austin it’s a a different story.

Read to the end.

Yeah, he said that.

“If Rick Perry would’ve walked in, I would have lost my job. I would’ve taken that old queen to town,” Webb adds.

Rick Perry is not gay. Except in Austin.

Everywhere else — not gay.

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0 Comments to “Rick Perry is Not Gay. Not Gay. Nada Gayo.”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    As a straight male, I’m not proficient in GADAR, but I do trust the skills of our gay friends, and the wives married to the closet politicians.

    Michelle ain’t getting the gay of Marcus, but she is way beyond the dumber side of dumb. So, it’s within the realm of probability that Anita doesn’t know why pRick is the way he is. Tell us Texas, how far is Anita’s head in the sand?

    Fashion? Not my specialty, but is there something in pRicky’s French cuffs?

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    For the record and clarity, gay is good, closeted gay is a personal right to privacy. BUT, the big butt is a big nyet to gay bashers who shoot down their own side.

    Anita? pRick? What is it with you?

  3. Great Story!

    And Rick Perry is not a bit gayer than Lindsey Graham. Those are some ugly queens in the GOP closet!

  4. Mary Rose says:

    Rick Perry drinks because he is gay and he is gay because he drinks.

  5. @PKM: Those are “freedom” cuffs, aren’t they?!

  6. And if he actually is, it may be the very least of his problems.

  7. Great story.

    All the angst “Who does he think he is?” about Obama cutting in line.

    The most sensible response, from the gay guy, “You don’t leave a World Leader standing on line.”

    Sometimes they have things to do … doncha know?

  8. All the drama over the cut in line. It was one couple. He asked them. They willingly let him. He paid for their lunch. Do you thing W would have done any of that politeness? It’s just a daily I Hate The Black President drama.

  9. maryelle says:

    Hypocrite, thy name is PERRY.

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    He picked up the tab for that couple who seemed to be feeding an army of family … $300 bucks worth of barbecue!!

    It just doesn’t matter what Barack does, the haters are gonna hate … there simply is NO pleasing them!!

  11. Old Fart says:

    I wonder if part of the “problem” with our President is that his sense of humor extends past killing people…

    I feel obliged to remind the birther that for the majority of US voters that ELECTED him, President Obama is. And that is the fact.

  12. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Class, true class. Eat your heart out Rick, Sarah, JohnC, TedC ,TedN ,LouieG, JohnB,and — oh Hell the entire flipping GOP.

  13. UmptyDump says:

    The Webb-Obama dialogue is laugh-out-loud humorous. Great humor celebrates differences. Nothing the Republicans have done lately is actually humorous. Old, white Republican has-beens hate anybody different than them.
