
July 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember how the Affordable Care Act was the end of civilization as we know it?

Remember how Republicans called it Obamacare to remind people that you caught the Black Plague from it?

Remember how it wasn’t gong to work?

Remember how John Boehner is suing President Obama over it?

Lookie here.

This is the percentage of adult Americans who don’t have health insurance now.  Click the little done to get the big one.

Screen Shot 2014-07-13 at 11.46.52 AM


So, the next time the Republicans tell you that the sky is falling, remember that falling can be a good thing.


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0 Comments to “Remember?”

  1. maryelle says:

    Those Republican negativos are so mad they have been proven wrong yet again. They cannot be seen to admit it, so they go on offense AGAIN. If only we could sue them for wasting our tax dollars. House Republicans already owe us the 24 billion they wasted on the government shutdown, now they add insult to injury. We have to win back both the House and the Senate before our country is in total ruin.

  2. OldMayfly says:

    You said it, maryelle!

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Hearing shovels. The GOPee plan for shovel ready jobs is to shovel their special level of disinformation to any successes by the Obama administration.

    Before the ACA began implementation, Jane and I felt the effects of the benefits. While we like our insurance policy, prior to the ACA, our ins company raised rates at a fast clip on an annual basis, curtailed coverage and partied down on raising our co-pays. That nonsense stopped under the ACA. We are not fans of big insurance and would love to see a single-payer system, but for the moment the ACA has stalled the insurance co greed. Security, if one of us is ever sick, they can’t boot us for making a claim.

    Is the ACA perfect? Of course not, as Blue Dogs and GOPeers took single payer out of the discussion day one and have continued to throw a series of blocks at its success.

    Republican ‘fiscal conservatives’ confuse the breath out of me. While they are off chasing shiny penny trinkets of savings, they miss the big picture that health care for all would bring. Preventative medicine and access to it save the big ticket it’s too late expensive remedies. Like d’uh, if we take care of the children from birth to Medicare, those Medicare recipients will be a whole lot healthier and not a drain on the system, after they finally receive care after years of spotty coverage.

    Same with food and education. Let’s feed our kids, educate them and take them off the path to for profit prisons. Pennies. The cost of feeding and educating our children versus incarcerating them in the for profit prison system.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    I forget how much the schools get per child to educate them–not enough, but educating them inside prisons costs a BUNCH more, I’m thinking $500 vs. $1100 or something. And people in jail who learn to read in there rarely come back.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, as an honest progressive conservative, both the monetary and humanitarian value of educating, feeding and making medical care available to all of our children is a huge monetary savings and a boost to our collective future.

    Ten years from now, or tomorrow, I see no future in throwing away the futures of children. Education is wonderful, but if a child is too hungry or sick to participate, we’re wasting education dollars. It’s a win-win, if all children are sent to school ready to learn. Cannot begin to express my support for early intervention. If a hospital identifies an at risk infant, we need have the services available to the child’s family to boost them through their needs, whether it be poverty, parenting skills and yes, drug rehabilitation. Punitive models have been tried ad infinitum ad nauseum with 0 success and a tremendous dollar cost, and worst, a horrific humanitarian cost.

    GOPeers and their trickle down failure, austerity plans, and their whole range up to and including disrupting the sovereignty of a myriad of nations is a total failure. Give it up GOP. You have run head into the Einstein theory of insanity: “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

    2014, Marge Wood, we cannot wait for 2016. Go BLUE Texas! We’ll try to do our part in NV. We seriously have a GOP Senator Heller and a Rep Heck in Congress. With luck, we’ll send those bad boys where they deserve to be, the Bundy Ranch as bus boys.

  6. The GOP don’t give a damn about getting health insurance for sick people. They’re proving that in Virginia, where they bribed a Dem in the legislature (with a trumped-up cushy job) to quit so the balance would tip and they could refuse federal money to get insurance for 400,000 low-income Virginians. People who would get covered have recently stood in the rain for hours to get free medical care in tents at a health fair. And I bet a good number of those benighted folks will vote Republican….
