Fun With Guns: Politicians Edition
Arizona is trying to take Gun Capital of the World away from Texas.
Get a load of this: Arizona Republican congressional candidates were having a debate.
Congressional District 1 candidate Gary Kiehne made extreme comments about gun rights at a Republican primary debate Saturday.
Asked how he would protect gun rights, Kiehne said he owns more guns and ammunition than the other candidates and said everyone should own a gun.
When it comes to mass shootings, “if you look at all the fiascos that have occurred, 99 percent of them have been by Democrats pulling their guns out and shooting people,” Kiehne said to an audience of about 60 people. “So I don’t think you have a problem with the Republicans.”
All mass killers are Democrats. There’s an easy way to fix that. Shoot first, ask party affiliation later.
Not to be outdone, which is a monumental mountain to climb after Kiehne, his opponent had an answer.
Candidate Adam Kwasman said he supports gun rights and said, “it’s a God-given, natural right to keep and bear arms.”
And what’s up with God for not giving guns before the ninth century? What’s up with that? Jesus sure could have used one.
Here’s the debate winner …
Candidate Andy Tobin did not attend the event, which was hosted by the Pinal County Republican Committee.
Obviously, he was out buying a gun.
Thanks to Larry for the heads up.
A God given right? Lessee, is that in Jude, the second chapter, along with the verses about women bein’ dumber so shouldn’t get paid as much and dyin’ is a God given right?
1It won’t take long for “all them crazy shooters be Democrats” to become enshrined in the Republican Liturgy of Lies.
2That’s not a Republican Debate, that’s a Republican Debacle.
I’m gonna check my Genesis to see what day it was that “God created the flintlock and the buckshot.” I’m pretty sure it was as JJ mentioned, well after God had looked around, said everything looked good, and rested.
3A little off topic, but I just want to tell you I love it when you post something on weekends. I miss your daily snark. Thanks.
4According to this guy’s principles, he and the NRA will not be happy until each American sleeps, showers, eats, sparks, gardens, and drives with a loaded weapon in hand and maybe drives an armed and armored personnel carrier to work in case one has to drive through a “dangerous neighborhood of Democrats.”
5Saw something once about home-schooled kids– how some of them, like my friend’s girls, were home-schooled because she (with a doctorate) felt she could give them a better education than the local public school, and then there are the other kind….
Little boy in overalls, one of fourteen virtually identical kids in this family: “Gawd giv us guns so we c’d shoot the din’saurs and hom’sexuals.”
Gary and Adam, I’ve gott say… some babies were dropped on their heads. You two must have been thrown at a wall.
6Oh Rhea. Sad. I remember once while teaching a Sunday school class, the kids in there who were home schooled had never heard of Earth Day. Everyone else knew all about it. I do know some home schoolers do better. Some are awful. Both kinds used to come into the public library where I worked.
7Just this morning in the commentary section of our local newspaper, a Fox addict and frequent writer stated (in response to the editorial question, “Do We Need the Death Penalty?) — “The Constitution, Jesus, and the entire word of God is pro capital punishment.”
These nuts are everywhere, and it scares the hell out of me.
8Fun with Guns in the Republic of Arizonastan! What could be better?
9Lord luv a duck! Couldn’t just for one – for once I tell ya! — these Rethugs at least be sober before they open their pie holes and spit word salad! I haven’t heard such twaddle since my children were playing in the sand box with other children and one of the other claimed he had more toys than anyone and that made him king!
And as for damn guns, American Spring was still camped out in my neighborhood just sittin’ around in camp chairs, swilling a cool one. My concern is that they are also armed, so beer and guns do not go real well together.
10I once tried to tell a conservative why good Christians should be opposed to capital punishment for the simple reason that Jesus was an innocent victim of capital punishment and that, unlike him, innocents who are executed can’t rise from the dead a few days later. Even this religious argument to a heavy churchgoer made no impression.
11‘course gawd created gunpowder,how else do you ‘splain the “big bang”? Two elephants doing the old slap and tickle on the Ark?
12You can’t talk to one of those heavy churchgoers that way out on the street. You have to talk to them that way IN CHURCH. Because that’s where that kind of talk belongs. And once they leave the church, they can revert to their normal lying, hateful ways. That’s “compartmentalization”. Richard Bruce Cheney was big on “compartmentalization” and he set up NSA that way.
13I just wish all those mass-killer Democrats would cut it out and put down those guns so good-guy Republicans can breathe easier.
14Trouble is, I can’t remember any self-respecting killers admit to being Democrats.
Probably too ashamed.(of being Democrats,
not killers)
I’m certain Jesus has some strong feelings about capital punishment; I’m just as certain they are *NOT* positive feelings! >:-#
15I will believe that right-wing politicians truly believe in gun rights when they pass laws allowing open carry in legislative buildings. Hey, let’um bring along some liquor too just so they can freely express themselves.
16Jesus was a Republican because he didn’t do a mass shooting… hmm, the logic checks out.