Dog Fight! Dog Fight!
Just as the fun in the Texas Lt. Governor’s race is about to end, Rick Perry and Ted Cruz have decided to start the battle of “Which Dope From Texas Gets To Run For President”.
It’s gonna be fun.
Cruz threw the first witch slap. You know how Rick Perry has been strutting around the country saying he’s totally responsible for Texas’ booming economy?
Sen. Ted Cruz says Rick Perry has been an effective leader, but dismissed the idea that Perry is responsible for a booming economy that has created more than 1 million jobs since he’s been governor.
Asked Friday about Perry’s job-creation message, Cruz said he’s been a good governor. But he added, “There isn’t a politician in this country who’s responsible for the economic growth we have. The economic growth has come from the private sector, it’s come from entrepreneurs. Nothing drives me crazier than politicians who run around talking about the jobs they’ve created. Politicians are very good at killing jobs, but they don’t create jobs.”
Bam! Rick Perry kills jobs.
So what Cruz is saying is that anarchy creates jobs. Yeah, what this country needs are more robber barons, bygawd!
Y’all, don’t you think that one set of brawling Republican white men should have to stop fighting before another set can start? Cripes, I need a damn score card to keep up with all this.
And John put in this visual of Texas politics.
“Which Dope From Texas Gets To Run For President”.
Maybe we can talk Perry into moving to Wyoming so they won’t both be from Texas.
There is precedent.
1‘Tis the season for all the howler monkeys to fling their poo.
Still Canadian, Ted?
2John, you gonna sell posters? That’d be a great fund-raiser.
3Robber Barons Rule! Hey, that could also be a T shirt/coffee mug/bumper sticker.
4I know absolutely nothing about John, but I’m pretty sure I love him. Yet another extraordinary graphic from a brilliant mind — thanks, John!
5Robber Barons Rule could be the bumper sticker that goes on the van with the I love waterboarding bumper sticker. Somehow they just go together.
6Another masterpiece, John. Love the fried egg steaming on Louie’s head. Nice touch.
7The Stooges are set for the show.
How can I get a coffee cup with that graphic design on it??
8In the race to the bottom both of these guys begin with a huge head start.
9The egg on top of Louie Louie’s head is killer. Thanks John. I don’t eat eggs, but I can still enjoy them with my breakfast.
10Love the graphic but I do not want to be looking at those faces with my morning coffee. One look and I’d beat my eggs to death.
I would, however, like to see then as magnets we could carry and put on Crazzzy Republican cars. You can tell the difference between a Crazzzy Republican and a generic Republican by the “W” and “McCain/Palin” bumper stickers still on their pick-ups.
If they want to claim the The Stooges as their own, they can look at them. I sure don’t want to. At least until John gets finished with them… Well done, John! Love the egg. But shouldn’t it be green?