Hot Damn!

May 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So I was at a Democratic county party meeting this morning and a crawfish boil fundraiser this afternoon.  Word got around pretty quickly about the best damn thing that happened all day.  (Well, expect for Ruben’s crawfish.)

Screen Shot 2014-05-17 at 7.10.44 PMWashington (CNN) – President Barack Obama intends to nominate San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro to be his next secretary of Housing and Urban Development, a government source said Saturday.

The 39-year old, three-term mayor first gained national recognition when he delivered the keynote address at the 2012 Democratic National Convention – the first Hispanic to do so.

Now I’m hear to tell you that’s the smartest thing President Obama has done all year!

Julián Castro is better than recess in heaven.


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0 Comments to “Hot Damn!”

  1. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    Well Poop.
    Never mind my “Tell Juanita”.
    I swear, the post wasn’t here a minute ago.

    Just saying………

  2. SomedayGirl says:

    Noooooooo…how ya gonna keep him down on the farm after he’s seen Paree???

    We need him here, working in TX for Texans. There a pathway that goes Southern/ western guv to White House. We need him on that track, not wandering off to DeeCee to get stuck in the morass.

    See also: Cisneros, Henry.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    Good point, Someday Girl.
    New paragraph. Today near the end of the Yeller Dawgs meeting, a local attorney came in. He’d been out blockwalking for Wendy. He was quite encouraging. Wendy has a big bundle in the bank and thousands of volunteers. Y’all jist git on over to the campaign headquarters and pick up a list of doors to knock on. Me too. I need to do that.

  4. Glen Maxey says:

    SomedayGirl: I like him to be in Paree just long enough to be put on a national ticket with Hillary.

  5. or at least with Warren in 2024, after 8 years of Hillary.

  6. Anne S. says:

    A brilliant choice. Pleased to see him come on board to serve a country that needs him, even if it probably doesn’t deserve him right now.

  7. He had stardom written all over him when he delivered that address at the convention! Just knew bigger things were in store for him. As Martha Stewart would say, “This is a good thing.”

  8. Jason Elsome says:

    I have to disagree. It’s a huge mistake for Mayor Castro to leave SA. Historically by this point in time, any administration is fast descending towards lame-duck status. Mayor Castro would be nothing more than a prop.

    Staying in SA and giving Texas rethuglicans hell, now that’s more fun than recess in Heaven.

  9. Litlhorn says:

    I hear what your sayin’ Jason – In a perfect world, he would take this moment in the National spotlight to say something like “First and Foremost I’m a Texan, and right now we are on the verge of making History and bluing the once greatest state in the country…and as honored as I am to be asked to serve in DC for my country, my roots need me more right now…..” or something like that, and the statement alone would bring millions of cash into the Texas Dems coffer’s from all over the country where Dems are trying to take control of states that have lost their statehood to Teabagistan. It would also galvanize a large swath of apathetic Dems in the state to remember who they are and get out and vote….”If he could make that sacrifice for Texas, they could at least get out and vote…”Yes, Proud of him for “Movin on up to the East Side”, but do hate to see him go….

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    @ Alacrity Fitzhughe … don’t feel bad, I sent JJ the notice of this around Noon yesterday, right after I heard it on MSNBC. I have to figure she heard about it from a number of sources!!

    When I heard the news, my first thought was: “OMG, Juanita will be over the moon!” I think I was correct! LOL

  11. Kate Dungan says:

    We need him in Texas more than DC.

  12. Juanita Jean says:

    Okay, kiddos. I should have added in the story: He’s term limited. He’s served four terms as mayor and can’t run again. It’s too late for him to get on the statewide ticket and Fiddler General didn’t attract him.

  13. Ah: Thanks for the update JJ. Maybe you should add a post about it. I didn’t realize he was term-limited and was wondering whether running HUD was a better stepping stone to other offices than continuing as mayor. But given that, it keeps him in the public eye and gives him a shot at the VP nomination. And maybe he can do something useful at HUD, even if he’s only got two years.

  14. Just Suze says:

    Hmm, maybe he can return and run for Lil Teddy’s job.

  15. Kay Carrasco says:

    Ahhh. Term limited, that does change the topography.

    He should go for it, then. And when either Hilary or Elizabeth wins in 2016 (insert huge grin here), there’s no need to think they’d feel obligated to make a change in that department, especially if it’s going well.

    And *then*, come 2018 and Teddy the Terrible’s tantrum time is up, go home and kick some Teddy TAIL! Yeah, that’d be cool. That’d be mega-cool. 🙂

  16. Aggieland liz says:

    Julian has a brother too y’all…a twin if I’m not mistaken and just as true blue 🙂

  17. Hillary for President, Julian Castro for Vice President and Elizabeth Warren on the Supreme Court.

  18. JJ, I believe you are incorrect on Castro being term limited. He is presently in his third two-year term and could run for mayor for one more two-year term. Apparently President Obama wanted him to fill a position a couple of years ago, but Castro believed it was too soon for him. San Antonio is lucky to have had him as long as it has. He’s done a great job.

  19. I’m with SomedayGirl on a cupala points…
    1. Henry Cisneros. 4x SA mayor. Up and coming Texan with what I thought was huge across the spectrum appeal. Then a stray mistress shows up and poof goes his chance of higher Texas or national office. IMO, A vacuum that Bush 43 leveraged to loiter 8 years in the WH.

    2. Paree aint got nothing on Oui Jong Bu.
