Well, Ain’t That Pitiful?
I think we’re going to start having Pitiful Tuesday, where we all look at the most pitiful Republican and say, “Bless his heart.”
This week is Karl Rove. He’s pitiful because he keeps saying that Hillary Clinton has brain damage. Here’s the pitiful part: even if she does, that just proves that even people with brain damage are smarter than Karl Rove.
The official diagnosis was a blood clot. Rove told the conference near LA Thursday, “Thirty days in the hospital? And when she reappears, she’s wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? We need to know what’s up with that.”
And here’s the other pitiful part: he thinks he’s a doctor. Dumb and delusional is not a winning combination. Even in Texas. Okay, sometimes in Texas. Just not always.
Y’all, that’s pitiful. Bless his heart.
Come on, everybody – bless. his. heart.
Isn’t this the same guy who decided that Dubya was a brilliant choice to be President? Dubya is ignorant and all that cocaine and alcohol did his brain no good at all. Funny how Rove didn’t notice.
1Maybe shooting Dick Cheney will lend Rove his borrowed heart, so Karl has one to be blessed. His math is as poor as can be, while his lying skills are intact. Former Sen/Sec Clinton was in the hospital 3 days, not 30 days as Karl stated.
When does the self-loathing homophobic Rove intend to exit the closet with his playmate Jeff Gannon? Just asking, Karl.
2Hey, if he wuz asking about my brain I’d say first you show me yours then I’ll show you mine! And you would need dark glasses to see mine!
Wow! I knew Rove’s marriage went belly-up but I never heard of Jeff Gannon. Playmate? Do tell!
3I heard yesterday from a rabid lifelong Democrat whose father wouldn’t let her date anyone who wasn’t a Democrat that Bush has been letting out of the bag that he didn’t believe half the stuff he had to say to be president.
4p.s. I had a brain clot once too but it didn’t make me have to wear sunglasses home. Maybe Rove needs sunglasses now?
5maggie, during Dubya’s war criminal years, Jeff Gannon was a frequent visitor.
“Jeff Gannon/Guckert became the most famous male hooker since Joe Buck when he made more than 200 appearances at the White House posing as a journalist with the conservative websites GOPUSA and Talon News, attending 155 White House press briefings. He possessed no previous journalism experience, and had previously been refused a congressional press pass.
If that weren’t enough to raise eyebrows, Guckert made more than twenty-four visits to the White House when there were no scheduled briefings. On at least fourteen occasions, Secret Service records show that Guckert checked in but was never processed out.”
Who was he visiting?
6Rove has brain damage from hanging out at Oil Can Harry’s all the time.
7Polite Kool Marxist, yep I remember when Jeff Gannon/Guckert was in the news (at least the internet news) the mainstream press looked the other way.
Gannon/Guckert had an internet site offering his services. This was when the R-W press was still photographing W with a light slanting down on him for a halo effect, and talking about W’s come to Jesus moment.
If W. had not been born into a wealthy family he still could have made a living as a con man, but not on such a world-wide scale.
8I keep thinking about the ‘Law of Unintended Consequences’ when the Republicans fought Elizabeth Warren for the financial post. That really worked out great (snark) for them. However, it really worked out great (no snark) for the rest of us.
9Now if by some chance the Republicans do take out Hillary before 2016, wouldn’t it be pure karma if Elizabeth becomes the Democratic standard bearer and wins the election. Now that what I would call ultimate schadenfreude.
Wasn’t Rove the one who led a cameraman on a trip through the back halls of Fox News on election night because he could not comprehend the possibility that Ohio had gone for Obama? That looked pretty brain-damaged to me, with apologies to legitimately brain-damaged people. (On second thought, I think a reporter made the actual trip, but it was Rove who demanded it.)
10Racists can’t use words from the 1950’s for black people anymore, at least not in public, so they become elegant racists with their choice of words.
We all know Karl Rove is worried about Hillary’s run for president. But the best he can do is speak in elegant bully language that Hillary is a special ed student?
11Hooboy. NOW I hear all the gossip. I guess all I was paying attention to back then was the Iraq war and Bush’s oil explorations out in the Gulf while Bagdad was being destroyed. I nearly came unglued that night.
12HBO did an awesome documentary on Ann Richards. If you have HBO, you can find it “on demand.” Go watch it.
Karl Rove came up when they covered her reelection. One of the things mentioned was Karl Rove was one of the first to shout lies louder and louder until people started to believe them. It had a really interesting segment on this bottom feeder.
Karl Rove might be brain damaged, but he hooked his star to W and then did the hard work to get that incompetent elected, first as Governor of Texas, then as President. The Koch brothers might be known for it now, but Karl Rove got the misinformation money machine modeled years earlier.
13I cannot bless that which does not exist. Sorry, JJ.
14Karl Rove.
God love him.
Because no one else does.
15@Lynn….. Maybe.
But this is the (I’m trying to think of a word that won’t offend Momma) and all I can come up with is Lying Piece of Crap.
Sorry Momma…. But this is the LPoC who started the rumor that Ann Richards was an alcoholic……. when she was running for another term …… and her opponent…… was …… Shrub Bush. Whispers…….. Rumors……… Gossip……..Nothing factual……
It worked before……….. why not try again?
He Lies!
16Karl Rove has severe brain damage. Well, of course he does. He’s a Republican.
17Rove is the Dunce of Delusion, who couldn’t believe the fact that Obama had won, despite the hard facts in evidence. He is the poster boy for the self-deluded Fox News mental cripples who ignore facts, math and science in favor of feel-good hate.
18May President Hillary R. Clinton laugh in his face when she becomes our first female Commander-in-Chief.
Good God. A woman had the flu (Rove: “serious virus” – I imagine a tummy ache is a big deal for him), kept working at her job brokering international understanding and cooperation, got dehydrated and bumped her head. She spent 3 days in the hospital for a blood clot between her brain and skull (I think), and withstood a grisly, slimy, grueling period of testimony three weeks later.
Women in the work place are still damned if we do (work until we pass out) and damned if we don’t (take some time to actually rest). Rove has really stepped in it this time. HC – virus and blood clot and all – could clean his clock in a debate on ANY subject at any time. Bring it on, A-Hat!
BTW, my 9 year old (10 years old tomorrow!) was born without part of her corpus callosum – the part of her brain which helps the left and right hemispheres communicate. Her birth mother loved her beer more than her baby, so my daughter has to work harder to learn how to do everything. But learn, she does. Also, do not repeat anything in front of her if you don’t want it repeated. She has the superintendent of her school district eating out of her hand and she cuts a wide swath of happiness wherever she goes. No lie.
When she leaves this life, the earth will weep. When KR leaves, the earth will breathe a sigh of relief. That’s the difference between the two of them. “Brain injury” has nothing to do with it.
19George W. Bush called him “the architect.” I call him “the asshole.”
20What Hillary had she has recovered from. What Rove has is terminal.
21Vintage Momma, you deserve your own billboard at least. Thank all of you for helping the world remember how it really was and is. We can all be light and salt and yeast, or not.
22Monty – Actually Bush awarded him the most excellent name of “Turdblossom”. Truer words were never spoken.
23Glidwrith: well, without the “blossom” part.
VintageMomma, congratulations on your splendid daughter.
24Maggots have no heart and are gutless.
25Bless his heart. May it grow twice the size it is now so it will no longer be mistaken for a bedbug.
26Instead of Rove, bless VintageMomma. I understand that in Texas, “Bless his heart” doesn’t necessarily mean exactly that, but I just can’t bring myself to say it about Rove. The man lies every time he opens his mouth, but this time I think he stepped in poop big time. I certainly hope so.
27It was 3 days in the hospital, not 13.
28Those glasses are strictly for people with brain injury? Then everyone in my state has brain injury. It’ called *sun*, Karl. Take your head out of where that don’t shine.