We Are Dancin’ To The Juke Box Tonight!

May 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

State Senator Dan Patrick, who is knuckle dragging conservative, is leading in his internal polls.

Every Democrat in Texas is kicking up their heels, because a Dan Patrick candidacy means lots of Republicans will vote for Leticia Van De Putte because Dan Patrick even scares Texas Republicans.

He’s edging up on being Louie Gohmert crazy.

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Fourteen points! Boy howdy, that there is some fancy polling numbers.

I’ll be sleeping with a grin tonight.



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0 Comments to “We Are Dancin’ To The Juke Box Tonight!”

  1. I dunno. We should be careful what we wish for. There are a lot of Republicans around here who would rather have a sharp stick in the eye than vote for a Democrat…

  2. Angelo_Frank says:

    I agree with TexasTrailerParkTrash. The Republican voters usually walk into to the polls and vote a straight party ticket. That way they don’t have to think.

  3. All of which is why the RNC would love to buy and distribute duct tape. Republican candidates cannot win without a sizable slice of the the undecided/independents. The smack nut crazies who offend everyone, including Republicans are the best thing that ever happened to the Democratic Party.

    Now. 2014. Register and give Democrats the best reason ever to vote – get rid of the drag us into the Confederacy slavery day Kochroaches.

    Angelo_Frank, TexasTrailerParkTrash, I concur “There are a lot of Republicans around here who would rather have a sharp stick in the eye than vote for a Democrat.” Fine, let’s let them have a heavy dose of GOP candidates that make them stay away from the polls.

    Let 2014 be the year free-dumb voters stay home and progressives take to the polls.

  4. Jill Ann says:

    I wish I could be optimistic that a Patrick candidacy would lead to a Van de Putte victory in November, but I fear it would just lead to Dan Damn Patrick being our lt. Gov. And that would be horrifying.

  5. Kate Dungan says:

    Lt. Dan?

  6. Isn’t it amazing all the trouble you have to go through just to get the stars to align just right!

  7. Can we really trust a poll that comes out of the Patrick camp?

  8. Ralph Wiggam says:

    It has been said here before, Texas is a non-voting state. I live in a town of one hundred thousand. Fifteen hundred of us voted in our municipal election last week.

    If we can get the people to the polls, most of them will vote for the Democrats. The only reason Republicans win is that Democrats stay home.

    If we can’t get the Democrats to vote for Leticia, maybe we can get enough Republicans to vote against Dan Patrick.

  9. Cheryl Cox says:

    As much as I am enjoying watching the Republicans tear each other apart, I am terrified that Patrick will win and Texans will sit back and watch him get elected.

  10. Angelo_Frank says:

    If Democrats don’t go to the polls on May 27th that LaRouche cult member Kesha Rogers may be their candidate for Senator against John Cornyn in November.

  11. @TTPT: I agree that the response to the Patrick candidacy from some Republicans might be the same as the traditional TX democrat response: stay home (not vote Democrat). This narrows the margin but doesn’t shift the victory.

    @Ralph W: Getting the TX democrats to vote is the key. But I don’t think anyone has figured out what motivates (altruism, fear, hope, outrage, ??) the democrats to vote in large numbers in TX. Their complacency will allow Patrick to be elected.

    I really hope that the TX democrats show some intelligence and commitment (and perhaps a bit of fear) and prove me wrong.

  12. @Mel: What I meant is that a Dan Patrick candidacy would not seem that loony to the Republicans in my county. And even if they thought he was a loon, they wouldn’t stay home, they’d vote for him anyway over the Democrat. And Angelo_Frank is right, many of them vote a straight ticket because it’s easier.

    We were waiting behind a woman at the polls a few years ago and she said she always voted a straight Republican ticket “That’s what I’ve always done. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?”

  13. Zyxomma says:

    Why do I feel queasy? I guess I always feel that way about “the voters stayed home (again)” states. Vote, vote, vote. Every primary, every general, every year.
