Maybe Not So Much

May 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bless Rick Perry’s heart.

A recent interview and a planned political trip to the nation’s first caucus state might be construed as signs Texas Gov. Rick Perry is tipping his hand on a second presidential run.

During a May 4 interview on NBC’s Meet the Press, Perry confessed to botching his first run at the White House, but then said, “I think America is a place that believes in second chances.”

Uh, you might ask Dan Quayle, Anthony Wiener, and Newt Gingrich about that.

There ain’t no comeback from dumb.

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0 Comments to “Maybe Not So Much”

  1. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Perry dumbly got elected to be the longest sitting Gov of Tx. Lots of “DUMBS” involved… dumb luck, dumb asses voting for him, dumb like a fox political appointments. The fact that the dumb folks across the nation won’t vote for him never hits his radar screen.

  2. Well maybe third times the charm. Or is this the second? Oops….
    I have a pet rock from the 70s that has a better chance of being president.

  3. maryelle says:

    The poster boy for Republican cluelessness.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    That’s not really fair,Maryelle. Have you seen a wingnut ever that had a clue? Maybe you could say he’s the “latest” poster boy. That would be both true and accurate.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    We should encourage Perry to run. Granted, he embarrasses Texas every time he opens his mouth; but he won’t get elected, money spent on his campaign will not be used to elect stronger GOP candidates, and you know he will be entertaining.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    I’d rather he ran than Cruz.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Except Perry will end up sticking us taxpayers with his campaign bills somehow. Other candidates didn’t do that. Maybe we need yard signs made: PERRY’S CAMPAIGN SECURITY IS PAID FOR BY YOU AND BY ME. and put them all over town.

  8. daChipster says:

    Wait, wait, WAIT! I thought God wanted him to be President LAST time? If God can’t deliver in spite of Perry’s screw-ups, then either He doesn’t actually want him as President OR…

    …maybe it’s true:

    God CAN make a Rick so thick even He can’t lift it up.

  9. Elise Von Holten says:

    The power of clear intention is very strong. When I moved cross country my beloved picked out our home, sight unseen by me. When my daughter came for Thanksgiving (2 months into unpacking) she stopped in the doorway and asked, “Mom, how did you do it?” “Do what?” “Get my childhood home back!” Thousands of miles away, 15 yrs later, my boyfriend never having seen my pre-divorce home–it was the same floor plan–I had been to busy to see it…I carry a very strong single idea of home. And so it was created again.
    Rick Perry cannot carry a strong idea for more than a few minutes, so I really don’t see him getting out of Texas for more time than it takes to spend a few million $$ of taxpayer money. It takes more than a floor plan to make a home, more than good hair (will we ever be shed of Actors!) and prop glasses to make a President.

  10. Apparently he forgave Mittens Romney’s dad more time than that…

  11. maggie says:

    Rick Perry and John Edwards. Both totally addicted to running for office. Bleah!

  12. Teh Gerg says:

    Yes. America believes in second chances. In Perry’s case, it’s a second chance to fall flat on his face. America believes in second chances, but it’s not freaking stupid.
