Holy Crap: God Forms a PAC Edition
I suspect y’all don’t know about this. I certainly didn’t. But it appears that God has formed a political action committee.
To be honest, I thought God had done this before but used a pseudonym. Apparently not. Nope, God uses his own name. Click the form to see it normally.
God Jesus Elect Howard Worthy State Senator is going to look so cool on his disclaimer at the bottom of his campaign materials.
I guess I’m pretty glad that God is officially in the campaign business now. At least we have a shot at getting Him to say that He does not support Ted Cruz.
Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.
Why does he put God in quotes? (To “God” be the glory.) When talking about his PAC, does he do the air quote thing when he mentions the name of it? Sounds kind of snarky to me.
1Our answer to Cruz, Gohmert, etc. The universe’s scales needed to be balanced and we finally have an idiot to step up.
2What part of “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and render unto God that which is God’s” don’t these folks understand? Or “my kingdom is not of this world”?
I am so tired of these God shouters misapplying the words and principles of the New Testament.
3TO “GOD” BE THE GLORY? Why is it that I suspect that the election of Howard Worthy would bring little glory to God?
4Clearly God has nothing to do with this. And who can blame him, really?
5What unmitigated arrogance! May “God” smite this one and then bind, gag and throw him down a well.
6Checked Howard out, he runs as a Democrat (ouch!), he is a veteran, and he is a former Detroit cop. His choice of PAC names may have occurred to him after he heard that Gov. Goodhair had set up the Ignorant Rednecks “Alect” Rick Perry Committee!, better known by its anagram: I R A PRC!
7He keeps putting a cross everywhere. You think he has a cross in his yard? Look honey, bless his heart. He’s prolly doing the best he can.
8Religion is not the opiate of the masses; religion is the placebo of the masses.
9I Googled his address … there are no crosses in front of his modest little home!!
10Uncle Dave, “former Detroit cop”!! I expect Detroit became much safer after Howard left the force.
11I have a collection of “God” stuff, the very picture of blasphemy–it started with the movie “Dogma”, Mooby the Golden calf, “Buddy” Christ (the booster), then my kids joined in and I have a plastic Jesus figurine that says, “Lord of All” right on the package, a soap on a rope of Buddha, all kinds of commercial cash in on the idea of God–mostly in plastic.
12$$$ worship is really big amongst the illiterati—the US is full of sociopathic would be Caesers.
I think they are all dangerous–people of reason are few and far between in politics–religious nut jobs are the worst of the bunch. Sigh. And I come from a long line of them, so I know it up close and personal.
13Did you ever see In God We Tru$t, with Marty Feldman and Richard Prior as G.O.D.?
Here’s a clip
Lived in Detroit for many years decades ago. So Howard lived in the Boynton area of the city; lots of post-war little houses. Looked up one on the internet about a block or so from Howard. Listing shows 0 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, just a litle over 800 square feet. Thats just about as much as a retiree can handle on his own. Can’t wait until the Federal Election Commission gets a load of his app!
14Okay, so we have a crazy Democrat in Michigan. The difference is we don’t elect our crazies.