Okay, South Dakota, You’re In The Running

May 03, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

South Dakota is in the running for crazy town, y’all.  Texas will gleefully accept their challenge because we still have Dan Patrick.

They, however, have Annette Bosworth and this guy, Steve Hickey, who is unnaturally obsessing on gay whoopee while serving in the legislature.  He wrote a letter to the editor.  It was weird.

PrintCertainly there are board-certified doctors in our state who will attest to what seems self-evident to so many: gay sex is not good for the body or mind. Pardon a crude comparison but regarding men with men, we are talking about a one-way alley meant only for the garbage truck to go down. Frankly, I’d question the judgment of doctor who says it’s all fine.

What?  I think I know what you mean but why don’t you just say anal sex?  That’s a lot less dirty.

I dunno, y’all, but from the looks of this guy he couldn’t get laid at the chicken ranch with a hen under each arm and a fifty dollar bill taped to his forehead.

You’d think he’d be pleased to get any kind of s-e-x, oops, parking the jalopy in the garage.



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0 Comments to “Okay, South Dakota, You’re In The Running”

  1. Wa Skeptic says:

    Why are so many of these guys so obsessed with sex????

  2. Marge Wood says:

    Sigh. Why is it men always obsess about sex? This is another reason why we need more women in legislative offices. Women will get upset about things that hurt kids and old people and other women and how to fix them. Women may not always agree about the solutions but the men can help pull them apart when they get into cat fights.

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    So, should we ban everything that is not “good for the body” like alcohol, cholesterol, air pollution, or high fructose corn syrup?

    It sounds to me like he is advocating a nanny state.

  4. W. C. Peterson says:

    The Stoooopid is strong in South Dakota Republicans. And the state has a majority of Republicans (amongst voters, anyway). I’m so very glad I left 50 years ago because I’d have probably ended up one of those had I stayed there.

  5. Marge Wood says:

    Laughing. Wa Skeptic, that is funny that we used almost the same wording. Hmm. And Ralph, sure, ban all the bad stuff. I myself have decided to go to buying organic produce because the gummint won’t make the food growers quit putting a dozen toxic sprays on their products. Too bad the summer is going to be so hot and dry; maybe we could grow tomatoes all summer if it weren’t for the drought.

  6. Charles Phillips says:

    I most appreciate the reference to The Chicken Ranch. What I don’t see is, does he even know how to go about asking to “park his jalopy in somebody else’s garage?”

    Seriously though, for a bunch of circus monkeys–no offense meant to circuses or monkeys–who think government control is evil, they sure want government to control a whole lot of my most personal moments.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Give Hickey some credit. I usually disagree with whatever he espouses,but he will,at times,take to the internet and exchange verbal barbs with detractors. You find few wingnuts that will place themselves directly into the line of fire. SoDak has a number of them that will. He does tend to allow his religious beliefs to cloud his political judgement.

  8. The first two posts are an indication of what God creates when he/she is pissed off – bigoted narrow minded people.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Another RWNJ voyeur. Correct Wa Skeptic they are “obsessed with sex.” Seems they are more concerned about every bedroom, but their own. Guess man on dog Santorum isn’t the only one with poorly hidden fantasies.

    Geez guys, get over it already. Go to a gay (with all due respect and apologies to gay men) bar and leave the rest of us out of your voyeur bedroom escapades.

  10. Wait a minute. They have alleys in South Dakota? And one way streets? I didn’t realize there was enough traffic to warrant that. Unless… unless… Dan Patrick saw those things on a trip to Sodom and Gomorrah, or as the twin cities are called in his general area, Minneapolis-St. Paul.

  11. RepubAnon says:

    It’s amazing how often these anti-gay zealots are later revealed to be gay themselves. Folks that write these kinds of letters have a high probability of being caught having a “wide stance” in an airport restroom, or mistakenly entering a leather bar wearing only chaps…

  12. Rubymay says:

    Thanks, everybody! Granted, South Dakota has proven it can compete, but it’s still a poor bet compared to states like Texas, South Carolina, Aladambama, etc. A few crazies won’t be enough to win — ya’ gotta have staying power, and my money is on Texas. (Also IN texas, because I do contribute to the effort to Turn Texas Blue.)

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Oh crap! Nevada is the weak sister of the cray cray states. While we have Craven cloven hoof Bundy, he had to import a supporting cast of crazies.

    BTW Montana, Idaho and participating cray cray crazy states, time to call your village idiots home.

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    I just turned 66.

  15. Kate Dungan says:

    He looks like a rabid beaver.

  16. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Happy Birthday, Corinne Sabo! You wear it well. May you add 99 to the 66. We earthling men need more good Earth women to fix up our messes.

    Point counter point, we saw Chief Justice John Robert’s wife. blech But in all fairness, Paul Ryan needs to present his wife for scrutiny. (hint Paul, we know Elizabeth Warren bailed out your blank page crap, but we sure didn’t mistake her for being your wife.) She is too intelligent.

    President Obama proudly admires his beautiful First Lady!

    Challenge on GOP, what cha hiding?

  17. maggie says:

    I would bet that when he was in elementary school and on up to diploma time, he was not at all popular, even when somebody tied a pork chop around his neck and gave him a dog to play with. Now he is getting even.

  18. maryelle says:

    Pork chops aside, what is equally certain is that there are board certified doctors in South Dakota who are themselves gay, and would refute that which Steve Hickey is alluding, but cannot bring himself to actually say.

  19. e platypus onion says:

    Hickey’s prolly holding out for a Money Boo Boo car elevator to raise his garbage truck up to the back alley level or maybe he believes if his Johnson goes into the back alley,some lib might perform an abortion on it. He’d have to “go rogue” on Palin if he wanted to pick her brain.

  20. RepubAnon, here’s another one for the scrapbook:


    “Wiles in currently in a three-way primary with two other GOP candidates in a largely conservative district.”

    I’m not sure if that use of “three-way” was meant to be ambiguous….

  21. Marge Wood says:

    Happy Birthday, Corinne! Here’s a nice big freshly baked virtual cake with e-candles lit all over it! Hurry and blow ’em out! Make a wish first! All together now, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR CORIIIIIIINNNNNE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUU! and many more…..

  22. Rubymay says:

    Happy, happy Birthday, Corinne! The fun times are just beginning, and I wish you many, many more healthy, happy years! (I sang the words to myself, Marge Wood, because nobody, but nobody, wants to hear me sing.)

  23. I dunno, my Gaydar is pinging pretty loud right now.

  24. Aggieland liz says:

    Happy Birthday Corrinne! Many happy returns and here’s to lots more commenting at the Salon!

  25. Marge Wood says:

    Yayyyy! Confetti in the air! Sparklers! Bubbly!

  26. Zyxomma says:

    Happy 66th trip around the sun, Corinne. May this next one, and all those in the future (may they be many) bring you love, health, peace, laughter, joy, and far better politics!
