No Shoot, Sherlock.
An industry source shared with TPM an email sent Thursday by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which said it plans to ask for new data from insurers that it hopes will “accurately capture” the number of enrollees who have paid their premiums.
The same source described a previous survey from the committee as “incredibly rigged” to reach a conclusion that only 67 percent of enrollees had paid their premiums, by ignoring the fact that the due date for some of those payments was still weeks out from the committee’s deadline.
So, in other words, it was about as accurate as next month’s weather forecast or Jerry Falwell’s creation theory, take your pick.
Egg, meet face.
And in a related story, a new survey admits that the entire conservative movement is bogus. How weird is that?
1Well, there you go.
Thank you, Juanita Jean. The beauty shop is one of my reality based comfort zones–which are really important these days.
2Hmm. If you’re boredd enough, you can go hunt public records and find out if the GOPers in question pay all THEIR bills on time. I don’t think the conservative movement is bogus but I do think there is a LOT of misinformation out there.
3In the ‘publican fantasy world of cooking books, their paranoia is a reflection of their own shady practices which they would like to project on anything remotely associated with the Obama administration. They were not joking about making him a one term president and their heads popped, when President Obama won a second term. They will lie, cheat, steal and fabricate faux scandals to discredit President Obama. If they can throw a little mud on a possible Hillary Clinton bid for office in 2016, that is a bonus in their book.
Ethics? Not happening in the alternate reality that is the GOP.
4Don’t expect the “new data” to be much more accurate. The spin is in. They have lost their guaranteed campaign issue and like Carl Rove, cannot accept the facts or reality. Just as the sun will rise in the east, there will be more Republican distortion.
5PKM, I think at least part of that comes from the right-wing religious attitude. If you think that God is on your side, then the other side *must* be led by Satan, and you certainly don’t compromise or give an inch to Satan….
And the rest of it comes from “We’re rich so we don’t have to care” amorality.
I keep waiting for the (decently) religious Republicans to realize that they don’t want to back up the fat rich bugger Republicans any more, but it isn’t happening.
6Rhea, I think 2014 should be very encouraging to the Democratic Party, as midterms go. The Republican clown car is being driven by theocratic Taliban, looneytarians, Koch-o-Nuts, and proven failures. Democrats need to run hard, run left and move away from the “center” as defined by GOP failed policies like Trickle Down and “war is good for the economy.”
Remember their promise, after lying about WsMD to entrap us in the Iraq war. Happy Iraqi’s and their oil fields would pay for that misadventure. The war hawks are the very same deficit hawks who are now war hawking over Iran, North Korea and Ukraine.
It’s repetitive insanity, and with the help of the inner-tubes and The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., we can tap into what the majority of Americans want: fair wages, health care, equality (marriage, social, education & opportunity), reproductive rights for women, a sane response to ecological issues, etc. Most Americans ‘get it.’ Now our task is to get them to the polls in November.
Humor works. President Obama demonstrates that principle when he hosts/roasts the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner.
Meh? A drink with Mitch McConnell a big PASS. Sorry DaChipster, but that’s a holy gohmertz moment, as I think I’d rather have a beer with the war criminal Bush2 than the pork barrel witch, Mitch.
7I’m afraid the gospel of Prosperity has a little something to do w that, Rhea. Calvinism is pernicious.
8If the House Energy and Commerce Committee can’t get their numbers right this time, maybe they better report to a death panel. What? They got that wrong too?
9To hell with how the thugicans may continue to cook the books, Affordable Healthcare Act is a winner and Dems should totally own it! Look at what the Governor of Florida recently went through when he tried to get some old people down there to bad mouth the law. They dumped him! He had to back to Talahassee with his tail between his whasit. And the thugicans couldn’t see this coming?? Gimme a break! This is why they were behaving so badly! My supplemental insurance was at least 2 years ahead of the new law. They saw it coming and already had made the changes and accepted people with pre-existing conditions and did not charge women more than men for plans. There was no mess or fuss with them. But as far as the thugicans were concerned, they weren’t interested in hearing good news. Hey, the word gospel translates as good news. I guess they’ve written that off as well.
10Maggie, you are sooo correct. My son, (three kids) and wife saw a 7% reductioin in ins costs. My daughter? Single, one child saw a reduction of 22%! That ain’t chicken feed.
11Dems absolutely must run on success as that always works.
When my law firm decided to look into the ACA, we found a 50% savings by cancelling the group policy, got better plans, lower deductible. They now write a check for each individual policy (paying 100% of our insurance) and we got a very nice raise with the savings. So yeah, we know it is working.
12I think that if voters voted based on issues the 2014 elections would be good for Dems. Unfortunately that is too often not the case.
13Wonderful discussion. I’m passing some of those comments along.
14JAKvirginia — Wow! How coincidental is that?!? Between you and JJ, I’m left stunned and (nearly) speechless.