One Week With Bears

May 01, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Annette Bosworth is running for Senate in South Dakota.  Republican, of course.

If you could bottle the mean juice in her veins, you could market it as sexually stimulant for grisly bears and fire ants.

On her Facebook page:



So, according to Ms. Bosworth, little children should starve until they are old enough to get a newspaper route.

I have a grandbaby.  When he stays at my house, he is totally dependent on me for food because he’s going through a hard time.  It’s called infancy.   We’re pretty sure he’ll outgrow it despite the fact that we fed him anyway.

Holy cow, Republicans, get a grip.  Sweet Jesus said to feed the hungry.  He didn’t put restriction on that or say Void In South Dakota.

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0 Comments to “One Week With Bears”

  1. W. C. Peterson says:

    Boy, howdy. Those people in South Dakota sure have gotten stupid after I left. But they’re on their own. I’m not going back. I’m now a Marylander, proud of my state’s progressiveness.

  2. It’s Dr. Bosworth. Hope she is not an MD kind.

  3. Cheryl says:

    Add the fact that a lot of food stamp recipients are vets, military families, the working poor and seniors to make her statement even more odious.

  4. Cheryl says:

    Yes, Diane, she is – and evidently has some ethical issues

  5. Rubymay says:

    Okay, now my bloomers are all twisted up again. These pitiful excuses for “people” just keep getting worse and worse. It’s apparent that in their “minds,” poor people ARE animals and should be treated as such. According to figures from the Census Bureau, over 86% of “entitlements” go to the elderly and/or disabled (big surprise), but repubs don’t dare touch that. No, let’s just stop feeding poor families and children. I want so badly to slap the idiots upside their pointy little heads.

  6. Aggieland liz says:

    They. Don’t. Care.
    And they are quite sure that it’s 34 million KNEE-GROES (n if we hadn’t FED damn Barack Obama he could not have been President) and 12 million EE-LEE-GAL ALIENS (who aren’t welcome here unless they are mowing MY yard or scrubbing MY floor, n dammit thats different cuz then they’re MY mescuns!) who are taking the handouts.

    They spout offensive pernicious claptrap like that shocking crap I just penned, and claim they are “sorry that you are offended.” (They don’t care.)

    They can no longer distinguish truth from lies. (They don’t care)

    They believe Mammon is one of YVYH’s names. (They DO care about Mammon, and the gospel of Prosperity Lite-and they don’t share!)

    They are about beyond retrieval at this point. (I must admit: I WON’T CARE!)

  7. Rubymay says:

    Thank you, Aggieland Liz. My bloomers are still knotted, but you made me feel a little better.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Two words: Paul Ryan. He’s the template for the mean spirited nasty politician. What he knows about economics should be written on the edge of a single sheet of toilet tissue, then flushed.

    Those vaginal probes want ‘smaller’ government. Thus, they should stay the Xtian distance from legislation affecting health issues for women and developing fetuses.

    Old wives tale: cats will suck the milk and thus the air out of a baby; not true. Harsh reality, never allow a Republican to kiss a baby. They not only would steal candy, they’d likely be carrying some disease, since the wing nuts don’t believe in science or vaccinations.

    Thanks Juanita Jean! You have a grandson. Now my Mama wants one, too. Actually, she’s been wanting grandchildren for awhile. We’ve been waiting until my wife’s student loans are paid and my business is better established. But with Dad now joining the chorus, it may be time. The little critters sure are cute.

  9. maryelle says:

    Apparently this “doctor” resented having to disclose any history of mental illness and chemical dependency and got called up in front of the board for several infractions. So she’s going into Republican politics where,God knows, nobody cares about those things. Hope she never knows what it’s like to starve.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    I don’t care either except they pass the laws which is why we need to sit hard on our candidates and get them elected AND do something about Citizens United etc. While we’re talking about social issues, remember that Mars (not the planet) has committed to building a wind farm in what we fondly call left Texas to be carbon neutral by 2040. Hurray! That was your public service announcement for today, in case you wanted an excuse to buy a chocolate bar.

  11. San Fraser says:

    I was a victim of the “husbands will lose face if wives work” generation- and when mime decided to go for a younger model with her own money in the 70s, ran into a backlash from women beginning to speak up. I remember the judge conferring with the attorneys and saying “she can work” in deciding that alimony was just not in order for divorcing women. Work I did, but even after 25 years my SS is not going to make me rich. And at my age I have given up on finding any kind of a job. Those hiring are thirty years my junior. I for one am damned grateful for the food assistance. That woman would actually seem to prefer that those like me just starve and get out of her way. She has hers, right?

  12. Corinne Sabo says:

    And she wants to eat on the taxpayers’ dime…..

  13. Corinne Sabo says:

    And she wants to eat on the taxpayers’ dime…..

  14. e platypus onion says:

    You missed all the fun in South Dakota. Bosworth,her husband,her personal attorney and others were in the Phillipines in January(medical missionary stuff) and while they were in the Phillipines,she signed several signature petitions claiming she was in Sioux Falls collecting sigs for her to be placed on the ballot for Senate,her attorney then notarized the petitions he had to know were fraudulent and the Secretary of State and AG of South Dakota would not investigate the fraud,claiming neither had jurisdiction over the petitions. So,even though she clearly perjured herself and her attorney,she is still in the running for the US Senate seat,which she has zero chance of winning. She claims to be on a mission from god,so don’t get sidewise to her or you’ll be smited. As an aside,Bosworth was ordered to undergo pshych evaluations and has not done so. She also is in debt up to her ears and refuses to pay her help at her clinic. She is under investigation for having raffles where no one wins anything and the money just disappears. Quite a piece of work.

  15. Al in Az says:

    I found two articles on Dr. Bosworth M.D. One is similar to that posted by Cheryl above regarding Medicare billings and the other has to do with a possible mental disorder:

    Now, I certainly am not a psychiatrist, but if this lady, who is supposedly dedicated to working with the under privileged, can post such a demeaning message on her Facebook, I am wondering if there is in fact a reason why her previous employer acted to have her helped.

  16. Al in Az says:

    Hey Platypus onion – sorry for stepping on your shoes. I neglected to read your post before posting mine. After reading your input I am convinced that this lady has met most of the prerequisites currently required by the RNC for campaigning under the GOP-Tea Party-Branch to hold a seat in the Senate.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    No worries Al in Az. Bosworth uses her three children to solicit funds for her missions. They live in an RV because she doesn’t have any money. She apparently doesn’t charge her patients. She and her husband are grifters. He doesn’t work. They supposedly live in South Dakota but might be residents of Wyoming. She isn’t even registered as a rethuglican which would make her campaign null and void if anyone in South Dakota gave a damn. The gubmint in South Dakota is overwhelmingly wingnuts and they are gerrymandered to stay in power. They are nearly as corrupt as Perry’s bunch in Texas. For more on Bos and SD check out Madville

  18. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I thought she meant we should send the animals to trade school so they could learn to work on cars and air conditioners for minimum wage.

    Or did she mean animals should get food stamps. I’m confused.

  19. Somebody should tell her to turn in that Jesus guy, who was reputed to have fed a few people a time or two.

  20. e platypus onion says:

    Dr Boz is/was an admirer of Che Guevera-before someone explained who and what he was.

  21. Kallie says:

    If we would reduce the salaries and perks of our useless representatives in DC, we could feed a lot of hungry people.

  22. Teh Gerg says:

    Lesson, learned, Dr. Bosworth. And the lesson is: Annette Bosworth is a disgusting jackass. Got it in one.

    South Dakota is such a beautiful state. It’s a shame that it has more than its share of maroons.

  23. This woman is worse than any animal I ever met. Only human beings can reach this level of sheer meanness.

  24. West River says:

    Let me clear a few things up for you. First of all I’m a Republican and live in South Dakota. No real Republican I know would ever vote for Dr Annette Bosworth. She’s, believe it or not, an independent internal medicine physician. She also has a screw loose in her brain. She doesn’t live in an RV anymore–that’s just a ploy, a tactic that she uses. She DID at one time because she had to sell everything to hire lawyers to help her keep her medical license when she got busted defrauding the Medicare/Medicaid programs & her husband who hasn’t worked in 20 years still wouldn’t get a job. She has also falsely submitted petitions to get on the ballot and should not be in the ballot. The Sec of State & AG’s office are still investigating her…she tells people it’s over but it hasn’t even started. She also is being sued by dozens of employees for back wages and slander. She also held a raffle and took upwards to $100,000 claiming she was giving the money to Veterans & then didn’t hold the raffle. The SOS office has made them return $5000 so far. She’s a poser, a phony, only scamming on her FB page to get donations for a campaign she can’t win so she can line her pockets even more! Get the word out cause she uses Base Connect to mass mail people to send money for her campaign and the people sending her money don’t know her for who she really is! Only 1.7% of her campaign funds of $1.1 million have come from South Dakota!! Stop her now!

  25. Zyxomma says:

    South Dakota is wingnut central (because of its location, smack-dab in the middle). However, I know some truly lovely and progressive people there, and I love the skies and the blessed quiet. The politics, not at all.

  26. I hope Annette Bosworth’s next Lesson in Irony is, why she wants to run for Congress when she knows:

    Congress is paid to pass bills.
    They get paid even if they don’t pass bills.
    They even get paid if they try 40+ times to repeal a bill that is already law.

  27. Rubymay says:

    Ralph Wiggam — I’m confused, too. I strongly suspect that some of the bears in Yellowstone are freeloaders; probably that’s why they don’t get any unemployment benefits. But what’s even more confusing is what the heck that has to do with feeding human beings who are in need. Yes, my bloomers are STILL knotted up. Sorry.

  28. I am sure Dr. Boz is loving all this national attention. It is interesting how the local and national media jumped all over this Facebook post, yet we hear nothing but crickets regarding her falsified nominating petitions. She committed a felony and if is isn’t the AG’s job, or the SOS’s job to hold her accountable, whose is it? Why is she not facing criminal charges? Is anyone investigating the land raffle scam? I already know the answers. It doesn’t matter…she is a Republican and this is South Dakota. I love my state, but this is beyond ridiculous.

  29. e platypus onion says:

    Don’t forget,this uh woman has kids that need to be placed in foster care. Their Mom and Dad are BSCrazy.

  30. I’ve researched Bosworth since she announced her candidacy last June. She’s not really a Tea party wingnut. She’s just reciting Tea Party formulas to fleece retirees and make money. She knows she can’t win, but she’s trying to turn the Base Connect direct-mail database into an ongoing revenue stream to subsidize her clinic and failing non-profit Preventive Health Strategies (the one that conducted the fake raffles mentioned above).

  31. shortpeople says:

    The animals in the parks already have enough to eat and we pay for it (we provide the preserved park land on which they live.) The ban on feeding is as much to protect the idiot prey (tourists) who are much easier prey than nuts and berries.

  32. maryelle says:

    San Fraser: I was in a similar situation. I found out that if you are married for at least 10 years, you can claim half of his S.S. if it comes out to more than yours. It doesn’t affect what he gets, but could help you.

  33. maggie says:

    Like I said one time, they can’t tell ying from yang. To them, little children are nothing more than hairless grizzly cubs.

  34. donquijoterocket says:

    @ Gerg- Where is SD.beautiful?.Parts of it are not too bad.The Black hills Mt.Rushmore maybe but the rest of the state might as well be western Kansas. I will grant it is full of wingers.

  35. Teh Gerg says:

    @donquijoterocket: part of it depends on the season, but a ride across state through the rolling grasslands along the south is gorgeous (though there’s little else there but miles and miles of same). The western forests are beautiful. Badlands Park is a geological wonderland. I imagine it loses a lot of the beauty in the fall and it’s covered in the winter, but the summer is its glory. But I won’t mention bugs.

  36. Elizabeth says:

    Too bad someone didn’t use her philosophy on her when she was born. Dump her out in the wilderness. Let her survive or not–and if not, it’s because she was lazy.

  37. skippy says:

    I would not be sad if a hungry bear ate Annette Bosworth.
