Thank You, Senator Prissy Pants

May 01, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh dear Lord, Senator Lindsey Graham is just a’ titter about Benghazi again.  Since that story never grew legs, Graham is carrying it around and trying to get people to smell it.  It don’t stink.  Graham, however, does.

Get a load of this caca del toro.

lindseygraham“Our Democratic friends, for the most part, have been in the tank over Benghazi,” the senator said. “Some guy said this about me yesterday on the left: The only reason I cared about this was because I have six tea party opponents. Well, if that’s true, I’m the biggest scumbag in America.”

“I don’t think that’s true; I know it’s not true. It would be almost impossible for Lindsey Graham — given who I am and what I’ve been doing for the last 20 years — not to care about those in harm’s way, who get killed, and not go on to hold the administration accountable that lied about it.”

“The scumbags are the people in the White House who lied about this.”

Keepin’ it classy, Senator Petulant.

Thanks to Brian E for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Thank You, Senator Prissy Pants”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “Well, if that’s true, I’m the biggest scumbag in America.” Well said, Senator Graham, but you are among a bunch of competing scumbags in the Senate. You and all your ‘compassionate’ conservative ilk who voted against a minimum wage increase for the working poor.

  2. maryelle says:

    “Scumbags” does have a nice Republican ring to it.

  3. daChipster says:

    “It would be almost impossible for Lindsey Graham — given who I am and what I’ve been doing for the last 20 years — not to care about those in harm’s way, who get killed, and not go on to hold the administration accountable that lied about it.”

    Almost, but not quite impossible, Miss Lindsey. We’re still waiting for you to hold accountable the administration that lied us into a war that send hundreds of thousands of them into harm’s way, crippling tens of thousands of them and murdering thousands more.

    Now, retire to your boudoir and fall prostrate with the vapors across your fainting couch.

  4. Cheryl says:

    Everytime he says something, I always imagine Jon Stewart saying it instead.

  5. Spot on, Chip.

    Cheryl, where would we be without Jon? Thank goodness somebody is willing to be skeptical about “the news”!

  6. lindsey math: 4 people killed!!! what an outrage!! 4,700 killed in W’s
    phoney iraq war…..ho hum.

  7. Teh Gerg says:

    There’s no way that Graham is the biggest scumbag in America, but he’s definitely way up there and for many, many more reasons than this.

  8. Quoting Mrs. John McCain:

    “It would be almost impossible for (me)…..not to care about those in harm’s way, who get killed, and not go on to hold the administration accountable that lied about it.”
    “The scumbags are the people in the White House who lied about this.”

    That Mrs. McCain would be so spittin’ mad about Benghazi!! and so supportive of Dubya’s Iraq disaster perplexes me.

  9. Ole man says:

    I have asked this on many boards, and so far I cannot get an answer. What is the lie? Why does the right keep saying the Administration lied when they cannot clearly state what the lie is?

  10. Benghazi? Iraq? He’s been a busy man these past 20 years, caring for so many things and all. How can we expect San Graham to schedule time to compare apples to apples?

  11. Rubymay says:

    Oh, settle down, Miz Lindsey — nobody but you believes you’re the worst scumbag, but you’re certainly still in the running. What is that old saw about not bearing false witness? Hmmmmm.

  12. I’d have a lot more respect for Sen. Huckleberry J. Butchmeup if he would come out.

  13. Let’s face it, folks, if Miz Lindsey didn’t get his panties in a big twist on a regular basis, he wouldn’t get any sexual jollies at all.

    JJ, maybe you can find a more up to date picture of the Miz; the one posted has to be 20 years old.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Ole man, I keep forgetting too. I do know it had something to do with the GOP Congress cutting security at Benghazi. That’s all I remember other than the obvious mental pictures of what pictures are stuck in our minds forever.

  15. Corinne Sabo says:

    He admits to being the biggest scumbag.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    How many contractors were killed in Afghanistan? Wingnuts don’t know and they don’t care-because that was dumb bass dubya’s little war for the hell of it. And Bush isn’t Black.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Wingnuts say Obama and crew deliberately lied when they said the attack was because of the anti-muslim video and they sent Susan Rice out with the first intel they received,which wasn’t totally accurate,but it certainly was not a deliberate falsehood.

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    frank, do we really have the true number of deaths due to the Bush2 invasion of Iraq? Bush2, the shrub that keeps on shedding lives. Benghazi? Regrettably 4 lives lost. Quite probably 4 lives who would not have been lost had the Bush1 & 2 era policies had not been so effective in creating new recruits for the anti-American sentiment.

    Senators Vapors and Grumpy seriously need to retire. As Einstein said, paraphrasing, keep doing the same stupid things and expect a different result. Insane and st00pid.

    Enough already with bombing for friends & freedom and that ridiculous failed Reagan thingy, “Trickle Down.”

    Proper Credit to Piyush Jindal for “the party of stupid.” I love summer, but Nov ’14 can’t come soon enough to rid ourselves of the GOP, the clown car of st00pid and miserable mean.

  19. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Ole man, the crime in question is that some people died while a black man was President. That’s all.

  20. daChipster says:

    Presidenting while Blah: drives the rwnj, of which iceberg Miz Lindsey is the lily-white tip, nuts.

  21. When Hillary gets whoever the idiot is the R’s nominate in a debate, and he asks he about Benghazi, I can’t wait for her to ask dachipsters question, verbatim.

    End of argument.

  22. The lie: The intelligence community did not warn us!

    The consequence: 3000 Americans died on 9-11.

    Senator Butchmeup stood silent.

  23. Teh Gerg says:

    Graham the Cracker never ceases being a carbuncle on the butt end of American politics.

  24. Zyxomma says:

    Lindsay Lohan said what?

  25. maggie says:

    ” . . . one of the biggest scumbags . . .”

    There! I knew it!

    It’s a contest!

  26. Marcia in CO says:

    Oh, I can’t wait to see how Jon Stewart and even Stephan Colbert handles this!! Jon does Miz. Lindsey so well!! LOL

  27. dommyluc says:

    You know what a truly great country this is when someone like Blanche Du Bois can be elected to the US Senate.

    “I’ve always depended upon the talking points of strangers.”
