Honey, Louie and Blake Don’t Need Any Help At All to Make Texas Look Bad

April 22, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, I admire her gumption to make Texas look like the Honky Tonk Capitol of the World, but this Princess of WalMart could have left off the Dixie flag.


Texas Tattoo

Thanks to Wayne for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Honey, Louie and Blake Don’t Need Any Help At All to Make Texas Look Bad”

  1. BarbinDC says:

    Unfortunately, that looks like a tattoo. Tacky is as tacky does.

  2. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    It’s clear to me and it’s probably clear to you
    That the only people who will be considered as potential significant others
    Will be wearing hoods and robes and carrying their semi-automagical wands.

  3. maryelle says:

    So that’s what they wear under those hoods.

  4. UmptyDump says:

    Thar’s money in them tattoos, Susan. Think of how much extra JJ could make it she opened up one of those parlors on the side. Apparently there’s no lack of available labor, except don’t let any of those employees offer their own personal “deluxe service” package specials.

  5. She’s probably just looking for the morning after pill.

  6. I am so totally confused.

    I always thought the appropriate Walmart shopping attire, was pajamas and house slippers.

    Now, y’all are telling me it’s “formal” with sequins, plus Rebel Flag tatoo????

    Do the Dollar Stores have a dress code. I really need to know these things???? 🙂

  7. Haha. And I thought Texans wore tacky clothes in the 1970s (when I lived there).

  8. Looks like she just finished shopping in the tinfoil aisle and couldn’t find a very big roll.

  9. Maybe she’s getting ready for prom? Or a night walking the streets? Or buying ammo for a dutch date at the shooting range? Kinda hard to tell.

  10. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Who was the artist that painted that dress on her.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Must be something new in women’s fashion, Ralph Wiggam. Maybe a tin foil hat that does double duty as a dress?

  12. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    Are you sure it’s a “Princess” and not a “Prince”?

    Just saying…..

  13. Betty@georgetown says:

    That tat is a trifle off-center. In fact, it seems to lean toward the right…shoulder. And there’s room for so much more. How about a portrait of Cliven Bundy?

  14. I had a brilliant thought but It doesn’t compare to the previous posters. Nice effort, folks, you did yourself proud

  15. Uncle Dave says:

    Technically, she is displaying a seditious banner, not because she is a traitor, but because she is racist. That is supposed to make it OK.

  16. Miemaw — I recently read a comment from a dollar store shopper who said she loved the dollar store because it was so convenient and casual and she didn’t have to dress up like for Walmart. What a recommendation!

    Maybe this shopper is actually a walking advertisement for the “cookie” department.

  17. Elizabeth says:

    Uncle Dave: I think she is both. Racist traitor. And the B-word also applies.
