Fun With Gun: Canine Karma Edition

April 20, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The cop’s story is that he was trying to serve papers on someone and a dog came at him in a aggressive manner.  He pulled his service weapon and fired a shot at the dog to protect himself.

Eyewitnesses’ story is the dog was playing with children in a fenced yard.

The Emergency Medical Technician’s story is that the cop accidentally shot himself in the leg.

The dog’s story is, “I thought the dude was Michael Vick so I shot him.”

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Gun: Canine Karma Edition”

  1. When did the police department start hiring frightened little girls?

    Now I feel like I juts insulted little girls.

  2. Marge Wood says:

    I’m siding with the dog.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Dog 10 – lawman brain 0

  4. donquijoterocket says:

    Not to advocate deadly violence ,but if the Policeman was only hit in the leg unless it was a kneecapper I’d say that dog’s a lousy shot. Fortunately the cop was too and the dog survived

  5. I’m so sick of people….. all people with guns….. who shoot animals. There really are not that many “vicious” animals… (dogs especially.) However, there are some really LOUSY people who own dogs. And, they train them to act in an aggressive manner.

    Meanwhile, seems that wth law enforcementmet, there’s the same attitude with animals, as with people. It’s a “stand your ground thing”. (The dog “acted in a threatening manner”…. so I shot him. Besides…. he was brown.)

    My solution is this: Dear Law Enforcement….. Call Animal Control. Arrest the humans.
    Give Animal Control a chance to find the dogs a decent home.

    It isn’t that hard.

  6. He shot himself in the leg while (allegedly) defending himself against a dog? Should I ask what the dog was doing with his leg at the time?

    That story had this linked on the side: Bishop defending Hobby Lobby says women can get birth control at 7-11. News to me, and I expect news to 7-11 too.

  7. maryelle says:

    Another moron bites the dust. So glad that doggie lived to bark again.

  8. Corinne Sabo says:

    Did the dog have concealed carry permit?

  9. Good doggie!!!!!

  10. gonna believe me or that lying dog?

  11. I hate cowards that have to carry guns to feel like a “real” man.. And so scared of shadows they kill innocents. We see those cops sent to cover the whole thing up standing there lying like another rotten coward with the kids and the friendly dog watching. If doofus had been a better shot wonder which kid he would have shot after the dog?

  12. Darwin award understudy….next time shoot a little higher up on the leg.

  13. I fought the dog and the dog won, I fought the dog and the … wait, what?

  14. UmptyDump says:

    Hey Rhea -Now why would Dolan be checking out the birth control at 7-11? Just askin’ …
