Ya Think They Might Be All Baptist Men?

April 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Houston Area Pastor Council is having a little luncheon at Houston Baptist University.


Ass covered in white sauce will be served for Lunch


Ass covered with white sauce will be served for lunch.

Thanks to Greg for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Ya Think They Might Be All Baptist Men?”

  1. maryelle says:

    Sure would like to know what Mayor Parker’s San Antonio style ordinance is and how it endangers freedom.

  2. I was wondering the same thing, maryelle. It must be something really scary and awful.

  3. So the local Baptist religionists and the politicos have publicly crawled in bed together have they? The offspring from this alliance will be rather like Rosemary’s Baby. HBU has clearly abandoned their Baptist roots. This is a far cry from John Leland, early Baptist American (not to be confused with American Baptists) who was instrumental in the writing of the First Amendment to the Constitution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Leland_(Baptist) and http://www.pbs.org/godinamerica/people/john-leland.html

    I have taken to telling people I am a recovered Southern Baptist (CBF) or a John Leland Baptist when I admit to being a Baptist at all.

  4. US Constitution Article VI, paragraph 3, ends:

    “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

    But that’s been kicked to the curb and danced on with muddy boots for a long time.

    If I stated that I’m an atheist, maybe I could still get elected to this liberal town’s council, but I could kiss the county council and anything else goodbye even in the blue state of Maryland.

  5. It seems Annise Parker, Mayor of Houston, has proposed a Human Rights ordinance. This is very scary to those Kristians in Houston, cause it means they might have to treat the gays, blacks and immigrants of all persuasions as equals. Gawd amighty!

  6. @ maryelle — I have been told it is spelled KKKristians.

  7. Elizabeth says:

    I think that’s a good spelling RA. Separates those of us Christians who think a human rights ordinance is a good thing from the fellows invited to speak there.

    Because whatever they are, they’re not followers of Jesus.

  8. I guarantee that these clowns will go even lower during this event. I want pictures! and audio! They may even surpass Mitt’s 47% speech to the assembled wealthy at a closed dinner meeting. God bless that bartender for recording such an earth shaking occasion!

  9. daChipster says:

    Sponsored by Boats and Hoes?

  10. UmptyDump says:

    A circle of jerks … or shall we just drop the preposition?

  11. Aggieland liz says:

    Yes. San Antonio passed an LGBTQ inclusive rights ordinance:


    And the predictable “victims” are screaming bloody blue murder. Churches, bigots ( oops is that redundant??) and their ilk are hollering that it discriminates against them and their point of view

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maggie, another “47%” gaffe caught on tape would be within the realm of possibilities. With the bloated crop of old white boy hypocrites gathering for this rubber chicken luncheon, there is also a distinct possibility one of the waiters could record having an unwanted pass thrown his way.

  13. Paula Denmon says:

    I hope that there is the ah ha moment on tape. Just wonder how many Texans will care. They still voted for Mitt, even after the 47% comment. Let’s face it.. we are surrounded by mean selfish Cinos: Christian In Name Only.

  14. daChipster says:

    If they are not yet Baptists, or even if they are, my I suggest the luncheon as an appropriate place for total immersion?

    10 minutes or so each oughta do it.

  15. RA @6 and Elizabeth @7 — Amen!

    And Paula Denmon@13 — I had never heard that term, but you can bet I’m going to have many uses for it. Thank you!

  16. gabberflasted says:

    I prefer Xtians. You know, like in X Files.

  17. Corinne Sabo says:

    I bet no National Progressive Baptist minister will attend.

  18. Marge Wood says:

    One of my Christian friends found herself at a huge luncheon where it turns out all the speakers were ranting (sweetly of course) about that ordinance in San Antonio discriminated against those nice ladies. She nearly walked out, later wished she had of. You know, don’t you, that those groups campaign without ever mentioning political viewpoints. There’s a book came out during GWB admin. titled CHRISTIANITY FOR THE REST OF US. I bought it to help me keep my perspective.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood , at one time I thought we could reduce these Koch addicted idiots to the irrelevancy they deserve. History seems to be saying the evil Rummy, Cheney, Wolfiwitz triumvirate were exploiting George the Stupid to move their Halliburton stock plan. Now the media crazy revisionist hucksters will pretend Dumbya didn’t exist, and the war criminals are deserving of the Dominion goofiness Dumbya never disclosed, when he was a candidate nor when he was whooshed into office. When religion meets war hounds, it is beyond ugly.

    We know how many have died in the name of KKKKristianity over the centuries, geez let the GOP loose again. Who they can’t kill with the MIC and Xtians, they would slowly weed out with, as demonstrated by the red states, health care.

    There are YOUR death panels, Sarah Palin. People without access to health care die.

  20. Sam in Kyle says:

    These asshats making up the Houston Area Pastor’s Council and conservative “Christian” pastors who use this as their own PAC. They feel they should bee tax free but able to use their pulpit as a political soapbox. The head looney at Grace Community Church is one of the big promoters of this all male (surprised?) group of troglodytes.

  21. VintageMomma says:

    Houston, we have a problem.

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Sam in Kyle, to all the Dubya Diminished meh Dominion fundamentalists, I say to them the same thing as the MIC corporate weenies, pay your taxes, pay for your wars or STFU and lose your tax exempt status.

    Sorry, Mama for the swear words, but enough of damning the black President for not fixing the Neocon FUBARS as fast as they would like.

    President Obama dragged their corporate/MIC financial ruin out of the ditch, sorry about the fact he couldn’t make the rest of the world forget about the Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz/Halliburton crimes, or make the Wall Street crimes go away. Get a grip, Republicans President Barack Hussein Obama is a Democrat, not your freaking slave. The year is 2014, not your desired mint julep and slavery dream.

  23. @ gabberflasted 16 I understand your desire to use the X for these CINOs. The problem with using the X is that it has been used from earliest Christian times as a symbol for Christ. http://www.religionfacts.com/christianity/symbols/chi_rho.htm see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chi_Rho

    @ Paula 13 I’ve been calling them that for years. These people in NO way represent the Christ as depicted in the King James Version, or any other translation of the extant texts.

  24. I hope they seat Dewhurst next to Patrick.

  25. barbarainbastrop says:

    I am a recovering Baptist and now refer to myself as a progressive Christian. I have found several sites on Facebook and the Web that have people who share my feelings about how to follow the words and actions of Jesus and not the self serving doctrines of some churchians.

  26. There’s an expression I’ve heard before that fits here for me: “I’m not that kind of Baptist.”

    Correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t live in Texas any more, but aren’t they all Republicans? But since it says runoff election maybe the Democrats don’t have a runoff for these offices.

  27. Wouldn’t be fun if Mayor Parker crashed their party?

    PKM, I’m a little slow this morning. What is MIC?

  28. austinrick says:

    What’s the matter, Baylor too moderate to host it?

  29. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Apologies for the acronym, Tony, MIC is the Military-Industrial-Complex. The Halliburton/Koch suckers of our tax dollars who deploy our military to defend their oil interests, then whine about the care our veterans will need after fighting their wars, all the while dodging paying any share of their taxes.

    It’s head spinning, Tony. Two off budget wars with no plans to pay for the service of our veterans. Now the budget hawks complain about the deficit? Their chicken hawks came to roost, and they complain because President Obama isn’t sweeping out their coop, crap and crazy at a speed that would allow them to do it all again.

  30. Thanks, PKM. I’m right there with you.
