
April 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This billboard is on US 290 in Washington County, Texas.

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All the words are spelled correctly, which seems suspicious to me.  However, none of us here at the Beauty Salon can figure out what it means.

Your suggestions would be appreciated.  There’s not much help on their website.  At all.

(By the way, it says it’s “Paid for by Washington County Republicans.”  That’s peculiar because you have to report expenditures of over $500 to the Texas Ethics Commission.  There is no Washington County Republicans reporting.  There is, however, Washington County Republican Party, who filed their last report in 2008 saying they have zero money.  Zero.)

Thanks to Cecil and Vickie for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Huh?”

  1. Kellybee says:

    Maybe the Washington County Republicans are all Tulane University grads, and wanted to say “GO GREEN WAVE”, but ran out of space on the billboard…
    Hey, makes about as much sense as anything else…
