The Neo Militia is Willing to Sacrifice – Uh, Their Wimmen

April 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When I saw on the teevee those dude running around on a ranch in Nevada, which, by the way, was a complete insult to our fighting men and women, I thought the only thing lacking was a mental health professional.

Unknown-1Why the hell are they supporting a law breaker?  This Cliven Bundy crazy old fart says he doesn’t recognize the federal government.  Well hell, it’s on your money and your flag and your national weather service and your Bureau of Damn Ranch Management.

Get your damn cattle off my land, you crazy old fart.

Cliven thinks that if he doesn’t recognize the federal government they won’t recognize him.  Well hell, that does not make him invisible.  Kinda like if I don’t look at you, that doesn’t make you invisible either.  We see you Cliven.  Get your cattle off my land.

But here’s the part I like best about all those batcrap crazy white people standing out in the scrub brush.

It appears that the anti-government activists protesting the Bureau of Land Management’s actions against a Nevada cattle rancher were considering using women as a human shield if a gun battle had erupted during the standoff.

“We were actually strategizing to put all the women up at the front,” Mack said in a Fox News clip pulled by The Blaze. “If they are going to start shooting, it’s going to be women that are going to be televised all across the world getting shot by these rogue federal officers.”

Women and children first!

Beside, Skippy, do you know what “rogue” means and do you own a mirror?

I am a pacifist but at some point you gotta make a point.  These dudes think they need guns to fight the federal government.  Maybe we should show them that we have tanks the size of Fifth Avenue.  Crazy old farts cannot call in air strikes.  The real militia in America, and by real I mean those who fight along side women not behind them, are laughing at them.

Do those crazy people in the desert know they look like a bunch of drug lords or do they truly not own a mirror?

Thanks to Tom for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Neo Militia is Willing to Sacrifice – Uh, Their Wimmen”

  1. They took up arms against the Federal government. They are traitors as defined by our Constitution. They should be treated accordingly.. and quickly.

  2. daChipster says:

    I’m the first to admit I don’t know much about guns, (and have happily made it all the way to 2014 without that knowledge) but doesn’t every branch of federal, state and local law enforcement have a guy or two who is able to shoot the pit out of an olive and not spill your martini from well outside field goal range?

    I’m just saying, I think snipers can manage to miss women and hit jerkwads pretty much at will.

  3. Wyatt_Earl says:

    No tanks! You can film tanks. Put a drone overhead and drop a missile behind them. Maybe one of them has the sense to get a clue. Cliven’s got to figure out he’s not at the O.K. Corral anymore, he’s up against the world’s greatest superpower. You think you’ve got guns Cliven!! Hah.

  4. Old Fart says:




    Craven, pompous rageaholics that are more than willing to beat up on others so long as their skin remains undamaged. Case in point, who is braver, the one with a loaded firearm, or the one carrying air in his hands? KNOWING you’re going to get beat down, and doing it anyway, is bravery.

  5. Old Fart says:

    The sad thing is, they would’ve had a LOT more sympathy worldwide had they left their firearms at home.

  6. maryelle says:

    These are the rwnj’s who fuel the tea baggers and who carry the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag.
    All the while, they tread on public land and law. No rhyme nor reason…serious epidemic of ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder).

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Two things we don’t need in the desert, tanks and tea baggers destroying the fragile vegetation. Other than non-payment, the biggest problem with rogue cowards like craven Cliven is the damage he does with his wanton grazing.

    “Circle the wagons” is not calling in the crazies from neighboring states, then placing the women and children on the perimeter to make for a bigger splash on cable news. Insane idiots don’t comprehend their “splash” is real blood and dead family.

    Fortunately, Eric Holder did not take the bait and go all Waco on them. Craven Cliven has been skirting the law for years. Justice can wait to get his ignorant old hide.

  8. Now we know why the BLM backed off.

    Former Sheriff Richard Mack is really batcrap crazy.

    I suspect there may be some “strategizing” being done by several branches of the federal government…. at this point.

    I hope so anyway.

  9. Batcrap Crazy White People…Yes, I think that about covers it. It’s the BLM vs. BCWP.

  10. Aggieland liz says:

    Oh very good PKM! The wheels of justice grind slowly…to fine powder, I hope!!

  11. W. C. Peterson says:

    And we’ve got a whole passel of ex military snipers left over from the two stupid wars started by Bush and Cheney that probably still retain that particular skill and would appreciate the extra income. I would consider it a service to this country. It seems like violence is the only thing these wee winky nimrods understand. maybe it’s time we started speaking their language.

  12. This started back in the early ’90s when all the ranchers were ordered to downsize the number of cattle they put on their public land allotment, because it was desert tortoise territory which had been added as an Endangered Species. All ranchers but Bundy complied. Rather than go from a herd of 500 down to the required 150, he actually increased his herd size and stopped paying. This is also a man who had refused to comply previous to that, when drought also required downsizing. The main water source is a small creek that feeds Lake Mead, and that particular bit is actually part of the National Recreation Area. It was an official of that part of the government who told this part of the story and published a map.

    And that’s the rest of the story.

  13. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I don’t like paying for a lot of things either but I do because we live in a society where we’re all equal under the law.

    Or at least that’s what I was told a long time ago.

    Cliven has a choice: he can stay & play by the same rules we all do or he can go buy an island, build his own society & feed his cattle without our financial help.

    And he can take all those guano loco militia nutcases with him.

  14. Yes! Put the womenfolk out in front. Because if things was like they were before the BLM came into existence, when we followed the rules of our forefathers, those women didn’t get a vote or a say in anything. C’mon ladies, it’s human shield time, and when we’re done, dinner better be cooked and on the table.

  15. Let them show the world what a pack of lunatic psychopaths these extremist morons are.

  16. SomedayGirl says:

    Instead of backing up a deadbeat squatter, all those people camping out along the road need to take a shower and get a job.

    /turnabout is fair play

  17. Don’t tank them, don’t drone them, don’t snipe them– that just gives more “ammo” and publicity to the morons who don’t wanna listen to mommy and daddy and ain’t gonna listen to no feds neither. Don’t feed the trolls. They have too many tiny-minded (and heavily-armed) allies in the wings.

    Instead, publicize the heck out of the fact that they were going to hide behind women.

  18. The New War on Women – use them as shields. But don’t worry, their husband/ father will be “screaming” while they are shot”. Oh, O.k., that makes it just hunky dory. Just wait ’til his wife, daughter get him in their “sights”. Who said gallentry is dead?

  19. Hellspitanddamn! Cliven the Crazy has conveniently forgotten that we the tax payers have a shareholder stake in the land that he is ruining. We also have a shareholder stake in both the 82nd and 101st Air Borne. I congratulate the BLM for the tactical wisdom of looking as if old Cliven was being given a hall pass — but it will only take him all the way to court when his assets are frozen to pay the debt. When the great dollar fork-over comes, just how many of those entitled galoots who were with him that day are going to be anywhere near him? The last thing they want to part with in this little psycho-drama is one thin dime for this guy! Hey, people . . . who need people . . .

  20. charles r phillips says:

    Not to raise a fuss here, but I’m not comfortable disparaging drugs lords that way. This Bundy is not fit to shine a drug lord’s shoes in any lifetime.

    As for what should be done, slap a federal lien–if there is such a thing–on everything he owns, including the cattle. Hint; I bet he cheats on his taxes, too.

  21. Brave men willing to use their women as human shields and “martyrs to the cause”. All those cattle weren’t the only steers out there.

  22. Corinne Sabo says:

    I don’t recognize Bundy. He no longer exists.

  23. I really kind of don’t get this controversy. Shoot a few cows and Bundy removes the rest.

  24. Marge Wood says:

    Everyone put away your guns and get out the homemade gingersnaps. Them folks is purely crazy. Fence ’em in and leave ’em alone and let ’em raise their own food and make their own electricity. That’ll keep ’em busy.

  25. RepubAnon says:

    On the one hand, you have to admire people who consider themselves the bravest of the brave for hiding behind the skirts of their wimminfolk when confronting law enforcement. That level of hypocrisy is indeed impressive.

    Of course, what they were hoping for was a photo-op that they could twist into another victim episode.

    As for me, I’d say this guy owes a million plus to the federal government, and has made it impractical to seize the offending cattle. My suggestions are:

    1) Get a judgement against him, then execute against his assets. If he sells any cattle, seize the proceeds then and there. Foreclose on his house, his bank accounts…

    2) Wait for the water to dry up. By July, there won’t be any water for those cattle.

  26. It kinda looked like they made their dreams of fema camps come true. Dreams really do come true. Many of those folks are On a list right now that I sure wouldn’t want to be On.
