Holy Crap: Book Reading Edition

April 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am high inclined to believe that this is not satire although it’s getting increasingly hard to tell.

Louisiana legislators advanced a bill Thursday that would make the Holy Bible the official Louisiana state book, despite concerns the move could prompt litigation.

Louisiana has a book?

It appears that the biggest objection to this legislation was which version of the Bible would they use?  I am told there is a King James version in the state library but nobody has ever checked it out.

Thanks to Robert for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Holy Crap: Book Reading Edition”

  1. I’m assuming that hardly anyone in the Louisiana legislature has ever read the First Amendment or knows that it applies to states too. Or they don’t understand that there are other religions or none. Or they think laws apply to everyone but them, which seems increasingly common.

  2. maryelle says:

    Figures. The states where cross-burning and lynching were the state pastime somehow need to hold up the good book to keep away the liberals.

  3. Thanks for the real “laugh out loud” time. Louisiana has a book? indeed!!!
    Still chuckling.

  4. Official state trees, flowers, birds, fossils, book, ad infinitum. Enough already! This is not a contest!

  5. I always figured you had to be able to read to have a book, and none of those legislators has demonstrated they even know what a book is for.

  6. Will the GOP lobby for a National Book, say “My Pet Goat”.

  7. This would replace the Daffy Duck coloring book currently listed as the “State Book?” How terribly wrong of them.

  8. Louisiana has a library?

  9. How about they go with “The Confederacy of Dunces”? I think we can all get behind that!

  10. And here I thought they were only interested in burning books.

  11. Kate Dungan says:

    I had someone come in to the Li-berry wanting a bible. I pulled the King James version, she looked at it and said…”no, I want it in English.”

  12. OldMayfly says:

    Can’t remember where I read it–but apparently the first version of this bill was to make a particular volume in the State Library the official Louisiana whatever book.

    This volume is an old, and I guess valuable, edition of the St. James bible. (Maybe something that would cause a stir at the Antiques Roadshow.)

    The proposed bill evolved (pardon the expression) from there.

  13. Corinne Sabo says:

    I was in 6th grade with a guy who transferred from Louisiana and could not read. The schools let kids learn by memorizing and then oral testing. Has anything changed?

  14. Angelo_Frank says:

    Next up will be the mandatory reading by students of this “official state book” in all of the Louisiana public schools.

  15. June Bug says:

    @Brian E; “Confederancy of Dunces” might work for Louisiana, but some other states might be jealous

  16. Aggieland liz says:

    @Maggie, it gives the State leges something to waste time on that allows them to look like they are actually doing work- which they are avoiding like the plague!

  17. @June Bug: There’s only two problems with using “A Confederacy of Dunces” as the official book of Louisiana. One, it’s about New Orleans, and two, it has all these big words that most anyone outside of New Orleans have never seen, much less understand.

  18. UmptyDump says:

    Texas needs its own state book and Glenn Hegar should stay in the state senate to make it happen. He could sponsor “The Shooter’s Bible”.

  19. Marge Wood says:

    It’s all y’all’s fault. When I read this from JJ, I started doing some research. I learned, among other things, that Texas does not have a state book. Or did I look the wrong place? It won’t hurt anyone to have the Bible for the state book. It hasn’t seemed to unduly affect the folks who do say they believe it.

  20. OldMayfly, I know that’s a typo, but “St.” James is an especially good one. It’s amazing that the fundamentalists have made a virtual saint of a superstitious Scottish bisexual who turned away from the austere Calvinism of his upbringing and went all “smells and bells” Anglican.

  21. Angelo_Frank says:

    They aren’t done yet…

    Louisiana Won’t Get Rid of its Unconstitutional Sodomy Ban

