Fun With Guns: The Liquored-Up Gun Totin’ Country Club Edition

April 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a saying that the only thing that keeps Texas from falling into the Gulf of Mexico is that Oklahoma sucks.

And now even more.

From movie theaters to bowling alleys to golf clubs, consumers are accustomed to destinations that come with a full restaurant and bar.

But what about a gun range?

A new Metro business, slated to open this spring, is taking the steps needed to serve liquor on-site.

Hey, they could install a cigarette machine and have their own Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms tee-shirts.

atf_hat_lgSwanson says shooting complexes that offer customers more than just a range to shoot from is the way of the future.

“That is where the shooting sport is headed,” he said.

Honey, Honey, Honey, that’s the way shooting has always been headed.  You don’t think Dick Cheney shot his friend in the face while stone cold sober, do ya now?

Next up:  Surgical centers with a bar for the doctors.

Thanks to Don in Huaco for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: The Liquored-Up Gun Totin’ Country Club Edition”

  1. I see a business opportunity here to print me up some tee shirts that say:

    2nd Amendment & 21st Amendment.

    With an arrow pointing from one amendment to the other that says “I’m with Stupid.”
    (Your choice which way the arrow points)

  2. The tee shirts will go real nice with that ATF hat, colors available to match.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Praise the Lord, pass the alcohol and ammunition! Happy for the herd thinning possibilities, if not for the innocents they will endanger. If there were some guarantee that all these wing nuts would wing is their own nuts, this crazy plan might have possibilities.

    “Accident waiting to happen.” That’s an oxymoron, if there ever was one.

  4. No Fair, this is cheating on the Darwin Awards!

  5. In addition to charging a very high insurance premium, i hope they tack on some for the obvious presence of the ‘stupid’ gene hyper-expressing itself in this idiot. One hopes he hasn’t reproduced yet.

  6. maryelle says:

    What could possibly go wrong?

  7. Corinne Sabo says:

    Gee, drunk gun nuts! What an idea! Remind me to stay out of Oklahoma.

  8. Ralph Wiggam says:

    More evidence to support my position that all gun owners should have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles and they should have to under go at least one unnecessary medical procedure. I suggest a prostate biopsy.

    (The ultrasound probe used for prostate inspection is the same as the vaginal probe except that it has attachments for collecting a biopsy sample. I’ll leave that to your imagination.)

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Corinne Sabo, you might also want to avoid the Nevada Crazy Open Invitational, courtesy of Craven Cliven. We have our own nuts like Sharron Angle and Sue Lowden, it is really superfluous to import nuts from other states.

    Feel free to gamble in the casinos of Las Vegas, Clark County, NV, enjoy some of the best entertainment and some really good restaurants. You can lose your money there, but in the bordering counties you can lose your life. (apologies, Mama, but it is an interesting thought that the brothels in the counties who have them might not like Cliven’s ‘come’ to NV and be blown away program.)

    My wife and I are in one of those ‘bordering’ counties, where 99.9% of we ranchers not only abide by the rules, we appreciate the reasons. Crazy Craven Cliven was a mooching thorn in our side, but his latest “Invitational Open” to crazies from surrounding states hit the ‘enough bar.’ It’s smack down time. Doubt that Harry will carry the day, and fully know Brian ‘corporate’ Sandoval will be useless. But take faith in two good men acting in cooperation, Eric Holder at the federal level and Ross Miller working for Nevada. And, no you can’t steal Ross, we need him here, as we did his father Governor Bob Miller who rebuilt our school system from bottom basement to competitive. Just blows when good guys fix, and creeps like Sandoval can destroy the progress so much faster.

    We’re a gambling state, and my money is on Eric and Ross!

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    So much fodder, so little time, thank you Juanita Jean. “Next up: Surgical centers with a bar for the doctors.” In vino veritas would be a bigger favor to GOP women than the current some lying Hippocratic Oath doctors “No, it wouldn’t be attractive to have your face pulled tighter than a cheap pair of boots.” Racists would be somewhat ironically amusing, if they weren’t so detrimental to progress.

    I like my women smart, not Boehner tanning booth challenged. Seriously, Republican women and men, if white is so right, why do you spend so much time in unhealthy activities to reach the tone of the Latina and Latino, bi-racial or an Asiatic tone? Sorry fools, you cannot achieve beautiful multicultural babies in a tanning booth, unless one of you isn’t white and someone is willing to have a fried butt.

    DNA, diversity is good for the gene pool and even better for society. Goobers, multidisciplinary and integrated solutions are the way forward. Reenacting the Civil War, not so much. Clue, we thought it was a mistake to rebuild you goobers, after we burnt you down. Don’t give us a second chance to fix our mistake.

  11. The smartest replies in the universe are on the Juanita Jean’s page. I’m awestruck…

  12. RepubAnon says:

    Hi, Honey, I’ve had a bit too much to drink – can you come pick (hic) me up? I’m at the range – I’ll be out testing my new AR-15 when you get here… every bullseye gets you a free shot of whisky!

  13. Shhhh…this sounds like the kind of law that the lege in Tennessee would just love. We barely survived the “open carry your guns everywhere, all the time, without a license free-for-all” here just yesterday. But they will try again next year. They always do!

  14. What is it that statutorally does not exist in any state in this country that would actually license gun ranges with wet bars? I mean, isn’t there something somewhere on the lawbooks that would cook this goose even before someone thinks of it? Seriously, this is why my late brother in law, Moose, gave up hunting. Fifths and thirty aught thirty’s just don’t mix! The only industry to really profit from such stuff are funeral parlors!

  15. This could finally be the undoing of the NRA, what with the membership rolls being depleted quickly.

  16. Lorraine in Spring says:

    @PKM As for thinning the herd… I’m with you. I’d donate to an open bar & free ammo party. Then lock them all in. For a week. With no toilets. And the only song on the jukebox would be Patsy Cline singing “Crazy”.

  17. Has anyone here ever seen Drinky Crow comics by Tony Millionaire? I’m reminded …

  18. Don in Huaco says:

    Lock and loaded.
