Lawyered Up

April 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, lookie who is lawyering up!  Rick Perry, that’s who.

Gov. Rick Perry has retained a high-profile Austin defense lawyer to represent him in a criminal investigation into whether he illegally withheld money from the Travis County district attorney’s office, the American-Statesman and KVUE-TV confirmed Sunday.

Rick, Darlin’, Matlock couldn’t get you off.

You can check some background here, but it appears that Governor Perry might be in some manner of trouble and whatnot over threatening a public official when he got all “Me jogger.  You Coyote.” on District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg.

The bottom line is that Perry threatened to withhold funding from the DA’s office unless the Lehmberg resigned.  And, yes, that is a whole lot like what Chris Christi threatened to do with withholding Sandy relief funding, but poor dumb Rick didn’t get somebody to do the threatening for him under the table.  Nope, this cowboy drew a crowd and threatened her on the steps of the capitol and in the damn newspaper.   He is that macho and dumb.

Honey, be kind to both Christi and Perry because they can’t help it.  It is some kind of strange chemical reaction between testosterone and Axe Body Spray that causes them to act that way.


The only reason this isn’t drawing as much attention as the Christi deal is that nobody – including coyotes – takes Rick Perry seriously any more.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Lawyered Up”

  1. daChipster says:

    There is a dangerous schism coming in this country.

    The rich break the law with impunity, and suffer no consequences, or much less serious consequences than the poor. They have better lawyers, friendlier judges, cushier prisons and, if they are rich enough, exemption from prosecution for the crime of, say, driving the economy off the cliff while lining their pockets.

    The mindset that led to this, and the rhetoric that supports it, all stem from the inherently anti-democratic idea that “rich = better” because “capitalism = patriotism.” We’ve been down this road before, where the “business of America is business.” And regulation was considered, if not downright un-American, at least impolite, in higher society.

    The giant “splat” of the economy tanking during the Great Depression, and the resultant 25% unemployment, was only slightly ameliorated by the lesser splats of the financiers faceplanting on the pavement from 40 stories up. At least some of them then had a shred of honor left. Nowadays, they would blame Obamacare, and demand reparations.

    In order to further the cause of the rich, it became necessary to weaken federal power, and shred the regulations and tax structure that leveled the playing field and protected the not-rich from their caprices. And their pet politicians – the Rick Perrys and Chris Chrsities of the world – feel a special exemption from following the law.

    The inevitable consequence of all this was the revival of “nullification” as a viable concept. Now an entire swath of Americans mistakenly has the idea that there is a political basis, and a patriotic basis, for them to ignore any federal law which doesn’t suit them, and to kill over it. Guys like Bundy in Utah, the Kluxer in Missouri who just shot three Jews, and OKC bomber Timothy McVeigh are the prototypes for the people who will eventually be providing private “security” for the Kochs of this world.

    They must be stopped now, with ballots, before it becomes later, with bullets.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Chris Christie and Rick Perry will fight to remain in office for their full terms. More of the GOP double standard. While out in CA, Democratic state Sens. Rod Wright, Ron Calderon and Leland Yee have been suspended by the California State Senate because each faces criminal charges.

  3. So it’s the Williamson County special prosecutor, Michael McCrum, who has the courage to take on Goodhair? This is miraculous, to say the least. Let us hope it does not become all show and no go.

  4. Aggieland liz says:

    DaChip, the story in KC is that Cross/Miller shot people he THOUGHT were Jewish because they were hanging around the community center. Two of them were a Dr and his 14 yr old grandson who were there for the boy’s singing competetion; they were merely visitors AND they were not Jewish. Fortunately, two other would-be targets were missed entirely, and no one has yet given concrete info about the third victim.

    Passover begins tonight at sunset…

  5. dommyluc says:

    Oh, my dearest queen Juanita Jean, have I told you lately how much I worship you. It’s like a bizarre version of “The Picture of Dorian Gray”: the more you make fun of Rick Perry, the more beautiful you become.

  6. There is a saying that a good District Attorney or US Attorney can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. There is no real functional difference between Perry and a ham sandwich

  7. Larry McLaughlin says:

    Is there any chance there is even a speck of intelligence in that head?

  8. Has anyone kept count of how many times pRick has yelled, “Gimme a lawyer!” All things considered, just on that count alone he should be in the Guinness Book of Records.

  9. Punkinbug says:

    This is the just the tip of the iceberg. Every time Rachel Maddow does a piece about former VA Gov. Bob McDonald’s lovely quid pro quo goodies from rich donors, I pray that somebody (Alfredo at the DQ?) would find a list of Rick’s super duper donor gifts and backroom deals & prosecute him, too. Wouldn’t that be a nice parting gift for His Hairness?

  10. Corinne Sabo says:

    Racehorse Haynes couldn’t help him.

  11. Elizabeth says:

    He better not pay his fancy lawyer with any of his special accounts of taxpayer money.

  12. aggieland liz says:

    @Kyle, I beg to differ w you: a ham sandwich can function very nicely as a nutritious and tasty part of my diet most days of the year (lenten Fridays are out); that alone makes the ham sandwich far more functional than the TX Coyote-Hunter in chief. He’s not even just occupying a space on a plate- he’s leaving behind a big a$$ mess that is going to take us decades to clean up!

    & @Elizabeth, betcha he’ll just call in some of his favors and get the beneficiaries of his “policies” to pony up. Meanwhile, we the people are still paying for his security detail!

  13. Marcia in CO says:

    Cross/Miller shot and killed 2 Methodists or Lutherans, can’t recall which denomination it was and … 1 Catholic — that one I can remember.
    But 3 lives were taken because of this asshats ignorance, hatred and whatever else you want to tack onto his worthless bones!!


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