Meanest Man Breathing Free Air

April 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If they have a Meanest Man Alive contest today, this dude wins.

Bob-Marshall1Virginia GOP state delegate and congressional candidate Bob Marshall is standing by his claim that disabled children are God’s punishment for women who have an abortion.

“Nature takes its vengeance on subsequent children,” Marshall said in 2010. “It’s a special punishment, Christians would suggest.”

So, the mother of every disabled child has had a previous abortion?  Is that what he’s saying?  So God is really that mean?  Is that what he’s saying?  No, I think he’s saying, “Lookie here.  I’m batcrap insane and hate women!”

This proud Republican also believes that Justice Anthony Kennedy is secretly gay and that abortion should be banned in cases of incest because it could be “voluntary.”

I do not know what goes on at his house, but I think child welfare needs to make a visit.  With a hungry pit bull and a cannon.

By the way, he’s big with the NRA.  Big.  Major.  They let this man have a gun.


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0 Comments to “Meanest Man Breathing Free Air”

  1. Have lived in VA for decades. This ain’t news about old Bob-o. No way. Him batcrap crazy from wayyyyyy back. Still, the way he feels about Justice Kennedy is news. And his views on incest. He must have changed the brand of whatever he is drinking. Calling Bobby Jindal. Drop everything, Bobby, and head over here. There’s another one who never got your memo.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    The Chinese say machines have souls. Someday,this POSs guns will get fed up and go postal on his fat arse and slay the old wives tale that guns don’t kill people. OTOH this wingnut isn’t human so it may be a fatality-technicality.

  3. IronCelt says:

    This guy apparently breathes in oxygen and breathes out hydrogen sulfide.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Unfortunately, there is no shortage of voice hearing gun owners. Nature abhors a vacuum, so those empty heads are prime real estate for demonic voices. But wait a minute, Bob, “Nature takes its vengeance on subsequent children,” now you have gone and confused me with that conflated right turn. What happened to god in your latest version?

    Never mind. Guess it depends on which of those voices are speaking to him. Obviously, Reince and Bobby are not part of Bob’s cranial choir. Boys you might want to amend your memo about stop talking stupid to stop talking crazy, so Bob can feel a part of the new improved GOP inclusive tent.

    Points to Sarah Palin, she was ahead of the pack on stupid and downright prescient on the crazy component.

  5. Wonder if this only applies to Lefties and poor women. Can’t possibly be true of women of the right!

  6. Larry McLaughlin says:

    Kristain alert! This guy never even heard of the Bible!

  7. maryelle says:

    Republicans should stop talking. Period.
    Blaming parents for their child’s disability has to be the height of cruelty.

    Of course, when they can’t shut the heck up,
    it throws a few more votes our way.

  8. Elizabeth says:

    Someone needs to tell Sarah Palin about this. She has a son with Down Syndrome.

  9. Ummm, doesn’t Sarah Palin have a disabled child? Is he saying she had an abortion?
    (Yes! I know she didn’t give birth to that child, but I’m sure he believes she did.)

  10. does it follow that the disabled child should be kicked to the curb as a vengeance from an angry god? he made me cry……its too much that sick and demented men get to have a platform. does he indulge in incest? “clearly” he does.

  11. Larry McLaughlin, I’m sorry to tell you that this jackwagon is a little more familiar with one part of the Bible than you are.

    It’s right there in the Ten Commandments, Exodus 20:5– “For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me….”

    Always thought that was a pretty poor thing for a god to admit and not one I cared to worship, but that it what the book says.

    You write a nasty and vindictive god, you get nasty and vindictive “religious” people following in his footsteps.

    Granted, I think everyone with a disabled child, regardless of their past, should line up to bust this [omitted] in the mouth.

  12. June Bug says:

    “Voluntary incest”!!! Yeah, and that 10 year old girl seduced her father. Are these people actually real humans walking around among us? These fools have created enough vengeful, angry gods. I want a lady god who will demonstrate a little kindness and empathy.

  13. Edward Starsmith says:

    Maryelle, if they stop talking people won’t realize how mean they really are. Let them talk so we can use their words to keep them out of office.

    As for Bob Marshall, some people don’t have the education one can get standing on the average street corner for an afternoon. He’s one of those people.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    It said the iniquities of the fathers would be visited on their children. No where in there does it mention abortion. That is pure dee nuts. To me, the iniquities of the fathers that might show up in later generations are the results of mean and stupid things the parents did to one another and to their children, including voting for really bad candidates who make stupid laws. Frothing at the mouth here.

  15. Gosh, I wonder what baby Bobbie’s Mom did to be punished with him?

  16. UmptyDump says:

    What makes me think that this self-righteous buffoon has no children with birth defects in his immediate family? His piety is remarkable … an Apostle of Hate worshipping a God of Malevolence.

  17. He has credible statistics for this?

  18. Elise Von Holten says:

    A bit close to home…when I was diagnosed with RA at 35, my (most beloved, religiously addicted Xian) Grandmother asked me, “What sin did you commit that God would punish you so?”
    I was so stunned I never recovered. She had been the one place I felt safe. There was then no safety for me emotionally, and all of the abuse in my life (that being a space where physical breakdowns can occur) then came forward and I dealt with it and changed what could be changed…miracles are ordinary–if you are being true to your self.
    I believe we are eternal beings…if one demonstrates that they cannot play well with others…perhaps they should be recycled…it is after all the sins of the FATHERS that are visited upon the next generations…mothers are not mentioned

  19. dommyluc says:

    It’s funny how you don’t hear Eternally Aggrieved Saint Miss Sarah “I’m The Biggest Star! I’m The Biggest Star” Palin screaming about his words concerning mentally disabled children, since she doesn’t mind using her Trophy Child against any liberal or progressive who pisses her off. Of course, her son with Down Syndrome has the most intelligence in the family, so perhaps we should wait for his opinion. Maybe her daughter Trichinosis will put her two cents in, too.

  20. What a sorry sack of shit this guy is.
