No, You’re Right, You Probably Shouldn’t Have Said That

April 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mississippi State Senator Chris McDaniel is a Tea Party guy so that puts him at direct opposition against another Republican branch – the Libertarians.

A Libertarian is just a Tea Party member with a bong.

So, anyway, a libertarian ran for Governor and Chris got kinda excited about that.  But not excited in the good way.

McDaniel said of Nall, “It’s so interesting to see this woman, basically using her boobies, I shouldn’t have said that, to using her breasts to run for office. If that’s not the most typical Libertarian platform I don’t know what is. The only thing that could probably make the campaign more Libertarian is a heroin needle in her arm.”

And he thought the most offensive thing about that was the use of the term “boobies”?  Oh dear.

Republican in-fighting is such fun to watch because you can play word bingo with it.  They aren’t very creative so it’s just the same 15 insults over and over.

Dude, heroine needle?  Okay, okay, I admit, that’s a new one.



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0 Comments to “No, You’re Right, You Probably Shouldn’t Have Said That”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Well, this was very informative. I always wondered how to explain the difference between Tea Partiers and Libertarians. I learn something new every day.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Boobies is a catch-all term that encompasses every form of conservative,anal-retentive,inbred rethuglican out there. In fact boobies IS their “big tent”.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Holy Gohmerts! Here it is, Bobby. You and Reince have a real problem preventing these gohmerts from blurting out some ridiculously stupid stuff. Forget sensitivity training and get to the core problem. In all seriousness, get them to a doctor to be examined for closed-head injuries.

  4. Marcia in CO says:

    LOL at this: A Libertarian is just a Tea Party member with a bong.

    Dear Sweet Baby Jesus …

  5. The evidence that this gohmert is eleven years old and not ten is that he realized “boobies” was a mistake after it came out of his mouth. If he were fifteen, he might have realized it *before* it came out of his mouth. If he were an adult, it wouldn’t have occurred to him *at all*. (Could have the ages wrong, but you get the idea.)

  6. Boobies? Boobies? Who says that as an adult?

  7. Good Lord A’Mercy.

    These people truly are bat-crap crazy.

    If “boobies” are what it takes to get elected to public office.

    I shoulda run when I was 18.

    Sorry, couldn’t resist.

  8. Maybe this guy is like Vitter, diapers and all.

  9. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    The man who said this is one of the United States Senators. My God.

  10. donquijoterocket says:

    Regardless that reimagining of the Gadsden flag snake image is a real hoot srsly.

  11. Edward Starsmith says:

    Marion, he’s only running for the US Senate. He’s not there yet.

    He is in the Senate for the state of Mississippi.

    And he’s a special kind of crazy.

  12. I bet he tells people he has to go wee-wee.

  13. This clown’s REAL name is Chris McGomert. A clone of Louie.

  14. boobies!

    (.) (.)

  15. “Boobies”? Isn’t that what McCain said when one of his staff told him that Palin would jump at the chance to be VEEP?

  16. Clemtown says:


    (.) (.)

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Cheryl, I’ll take that bet and raise you that he has a tiny wee-wee and even tinier gohmerts. His language certainly ‘speaks’ of arrested development. Will also “up the ante,” that his wife controls that house, which is why he attempts to be a control freak outside his house. It must really frost his gohmerts, when his wife sings “He’s my Puppet,” to the tune of “I’m Your Puppet.”

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Good question, maggie. Given that he didn’t know his multiple home addresses, it’s questionable if McGrumpy can recall the joy of a set. Had he said “jump and bouncing,” maybe.

    Holy Gohmerts, Clemtown ! Excellent graphic. Hope the moderators are prepared for the influx of RWNJ gohmerts who will be attached to it.

    BTW, moderators, if gohmert is a problem for you, I will voluntarily retire that joke. There’s always new material with the RWNJs. And, there is also the great fun of twitter that did so much for Santorum. Recent fun on the blogs was Mitch McConnell trying to prove he’s still relevant and “hip” (gohmert, your are to hip as hip replacement.) He asked the question and had his ears blown back by the response on his slap me in the face question.

  19. maryelle says:

    Clemtown: Great use of punctuation!

  20. And a great, big booby prize for Chris McDaniel.

  21. Marcia in CO says:

    PKM … yes, you’ve applied Gohmert to every possible situation and in replacement for every possible word! I’m about gohmerted out!! But it was fun while it lasted.

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Kool, Marcia in CO. Juanita Jean provides us with so much fodder, we can move on and smack down so many more RWNJs in 2014 and 2016. Am already thinking of a little fun on twitter with Mitch McConnell and Scott Brown. Holy Turtle and Silly Rabbit. Oh the graphics ….

  23. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    I don’t believe heroin and heroine are exactly the same thing.

  24. daChipster says:

    Yes, PKM, it is time to invoke Gohmerta. The vow of gohmert silence.

  25. KarenJ503 says:

    I can think of one certain well-known right wing evangelical woman who used her “boobies” and anything else she could lay her hands on to further her political career:

    If you look at pictures of her over the past 6 years, her boobie size goes up and down, in and out like they breathe on their own.

  26. Can I get a bumper sticker with the dunce snake?

  27. @KarenJ503, “Pump Your Cup” bras are popular with women like Palin, who rely primarily on looks and what they believe are feminine wiles to get what they want from men.

  28. Elise Von Holten says:

    My 2 year old grand daughter and I were doing outside chalk drawing…head, two eyes, eyebrows, (circle) nose, smile mouth, bigger circle body, (giggle) BELLY button, then, surprise two “boobies” (breast feeding is ending) and then line arms with circle hands and a thumb. Line legs ended in shoesies and her daddy got lumps at the bottom of the circle unnamed, but penisish…and Aunt J had checks and better eyebrows…we drew the whole big family, and when we were finished, she looked at me very seriously and said, “You do good work.” My sides hurt from holding back the laughter as she worked so intently on the drawings, saying the body parts, especially making sure everyone had “boobies” and the family giggle of belly buttons…
    She’s going to be three soon and she already understands that some words bring more reactions than others when you say them out loud…it’s evidently time for her to run for congress, she has more sense than (GOP/Tea/Dick brained) these type people ever will…and she’s kind, generous and loving–something the world needs more of.
