Shenanigans: It’s Just Magic Edition

April 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Most of y’all know that I am pulling strongly for Dan Patrick to win the Republican run-off for Lt. Governor because while David Dewhurst is mean and hateful, Dan Patrick is just plain goofy.

So, here I sit in a dilemma.  If I discover something that Dan Patrick has done that will cause the goofy branch of the GOP, as opposed to the mean branch, to like him more, should I just shuddup about it?

This is tough.  I mean it involves what might be under the table money and reporting to the government, so breaking statutes like that might make Dewhurst MORE popular with goofy Republicans.

Oh hell, let’s risk it.  Click the little one to get the big one.

Screen Shot 2014-04-10 at 1.03.54 PM

So the Express Scripts PAC reported getting a refund of a contribution it made to Dewhurst.  Only problem – the PAC never reported making the contribution in the first place.

Magic money?  You be the judge.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Shenanigans: It’s Just Magic Edition”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Honey, you jist use yer best judgment in all these big issues.

  2. Amazing . . . left hand/right hand . . . duh oh!

  3. Wait, I use Express Scripts to get lower cost meds sent to my home. They are going to hear from me about donating to Republicans.
    Must be another company I can use.

  4. maryelle–Yeah, my eyes popped at that one, too. I don’t spend enough money with them to matter (usually something like 12 bucks a year…), but my insurance is through an employer who…oh, cr@p, probably also supports dewhurst! grrrr….

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Gohmert or GOP math! 1+1 does not equal 2, until the figures are finagled to cover a load of gohmerts. Go BLUE and get wise Texas. Gohmerts who cannot fill out a simple form with either a degree of accuracy or honesty cannot be expected to either read or write legislation, when they fail simple arithmetic.

    No dilemma here, Juanita Jean. Dumb & dumber Dan and Dewhurst are providing all the material to write those 30 second ad spots for Leticia.

    $$$ You have a choice this time Texas, donate and help Leticia air those ads.

  6. Yep, my husband’s job’s insurance also requires us to use Express Scripts– at least I think it’s a requirement. I’m definitely going to find out.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    You can get them from Canada.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Also, nowadays I can get my Rxs at CVS. Several years ago they were a LOT more expensive there but now they are about the same price as the ones from the mail order place.

  9. Somebody in that PAC will swear they just didn’t know . . . and they are almighty surprised and they swear on the prime rate that if they really are responsible for this booboo they will take care of it . . . America, just don’t hold your breath that they will ever learn anything from this. After all, in their perspective its just a clerical error and in future nothing will go wrong, go wrong, go wrong …
