Your Daily Louie

April 08, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Dear, I think Eric Holder means business.

And speaking of Louie, don’t you wonder what this expenditure was for last month?  Click the little one to see the big one.

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And lookie who gave him money  –

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0 Comments to “Your Daily Louie”

  1. Hippie in the Holler says:

    Dear lord, could we arrange an accident involving Gohmert, an armadillo and perhaps a crazed longlong bull?

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Hippie in the Holler, if it happens on federal land, DoJ might consider it a public service. We used to keep C-SPAN on in the office as background noise, until Loopy Louis went on his give me attention gohmert binge. It’s embarrassing to be an American, when some of those Congress varmints go all gohmert on a mic.

  3. SteveTheReturned says:

    Lord, that scared little kid tone when Louie squeaks “I don’t want to go there?” That’s the most satisfying thing I’ve heard in ages. Thank you, Mr. Attorney General, and…ENCORE!

  4. maryelle says:

    And speaking of contempt, the look on Holder’s face directed at Gohmert is the purest variety of that attitude which I’ve ever seen displayed. I expect that if it had gone on any longer, smoke would be pouring from his ears.

  5. Larry McLaughlin says:

    We’re known by our fruits? Is that what he said? Looney fruit?

  6. Larry, he probably thinks asparagus is a fruit.

  7. I really hope that “Time It Lub” (Lube?) refers to Gohmert’s car.

  8. “We are known by our fruits”???

    I thought he was the keeper of the asparagus.

  9. Holder had some fun with Louie

    After a testy exchange Tuesday with Rep. Louis Gohmert, a Texas Republican who had clearly gotten on his last nerve, Holder delivered a dose of ridicule.

    “Good luck with your asparagus,” Holder said dismissively, in one of the most memorable moments of snark to occur in, oh, at least the last few hours between an Obama administration official and a Republican House member.

  10. Larry McLaughlin says:

    Kyle beat me. I was going to post the same thing.

  11. After reading stories about Louie over lo these many years, I can’t imagine that the man is not surrounded by a vast field of contempt emanating toward him, by those nearby who recognize who he is. After awhile there’s so much of it, he can’t really understand what it is anymore. This concept was best explained by David Foster Wallace:

    There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says “Morning, boys. How’s the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes “What the hell is water?”

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Can only begin to imagine the frustration of our educated and intelligent AG Holder, when dealing with Loopy Louie. Louie’s head just screams “smack me with a mallet,” when he opens his mouth. Louisville Slugger meet Loopy Louie. Dear goddess, yes. Please, yes.

    Kyle and Cheryl, failing the cerebral contact Loopy Louie so richly deserves, maybe we hope for him to be jackknifed between a truckload of gohmerts and another full load of asparagus.

    Gohmerts! So little time and so much distance to travel between Loopy Louie and the Wisconsin gohmert, Ayn Pain Ryan. May I be granted two wishes? Dear goddess, yes. Please, yes.

  13. daChipster says:

    How sad for him that Donald Trump only gave him a grand, instead of the maximum allowable. That’s like tipping someone 3 cents, just to let them know that no, I didn’t forget the tip.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    daChipster, Loopy Louie is so gohmert desperate for attention that he will be thrilled, if his Congress varmint going away party has ten day old stale popcorn and a bottle of hootch sent over by inmate pRick Perry. If Trump contributes a box of 12 straws, Loopy can give one to all his friends as mementos and still have 12 for his “I love me” wall.

    Well gohmert, “3 cents,” Loopy Louie is feeling the love from “F**kface Von Clownstick”, aka Trump. We seriously need to do Jon Stewart a prop and go viral with that hashtag. The hashtag deserves all the viral attention that Dan Savage gave Santorum slime.

  15. Janette says:

    Since I am not skilled in graphic arts and cannot design a Gohmert coat of arms, complete with fleur de asperagus over a field of what the bull left behind, I will salute this fluster cluster by planning my Easter menu. There will be half baked ham, some flaming sweet potatoes, and a heaping pile of asparagus with aspersion sauce.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    Contempt,Louie? Trump deliberately filled his name in the exact opposite order he was instructed. That is a hanging offense if Obama did it. You rat bastard.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    Aspersion Sauce. Is that what they call that. I sure am glad I don’t work there. You know, I really think that Gohmert and Holder speak two different languages.

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, “rat bastard”? When did Loopy Louie elevate to the level of a rat? Rats have given much to medical science and sociology studies, while Loopy Louie is the never ending test of how the pie hole lives beyond brain death. Holy gohmerts, my state, NV has serious issues, but we didn’t elect Sue Lowden or Sharron Angle beyond our borders. Given a gohmert of a chance, those tools won’t be elected/reelected. Compared to the crazy, self-serving Harry appears a better choice.

    Politics is a bad joke, a very bad joke. Praise the deities for good women, especially the women of The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.

  19. Rubymay says:

    Janette — your art work is lovely, even if it’s only in my head. All I can ever say about Louie is: “Oh, Louie, Louie, Louie — you need a court-appointed guardian whenever you’re out in public.”

  20. @Polite Kool Marxist
    your comment makes me recall my favorite rat/attorney joke, to wit:
    Q: Why have scientists begun to use lawyers instead of lab rats for research?
    A: Several reasons: First, they’re more plentiful than rats; second, the researchers don’t get as attached to them; and third, there are certain things that rats won’t do.

  21. Teh Gerg says:

    If only Holder had referred to him as “Representative Goober”.

  22. I am sure that at one point Louie got the memo but never read it. If he had he would have discovered that you never argue, but NEVER, with a guy who once was a judge and was known as a hanging judge!!!

  23. The guy is too cheap to pay for his own oil change?

    Do the people who donate to him know that they are paying for this service?

  24. Marge Wood says:

    Curioser and curioser. What do y’all think about this whole thing with Holder and FAst and Furious?

  25. Marge Wood says:

    Isn’t there some way to create a diversion with those guys so they can quit driving Holder to do something he ought not to do?

  26. Oh, Gohmerts!

  27. Angelo Frank says:

    Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX) said Thursday that there is no evidence Attorney General Eric Holder was “mistreated” during a testy House Judiciary Committee hearing earlier this week.
