Equal Pay Day

April 08, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Today is Equal Pay Day in Texas.  It marks the day where women’s salaries finally equal men’s from the previous year.  In Texas, women doing the same job with the same experience and the same education make 79 cents for every dollar a man makes.


During the last legislative session, State Representative Senfronia Thompson got bi-partisan support for the Texas version of the Lilly Ledbetter Act.  It passed overwhelmingly.

Rick Perry vetoed it.  He said that Macy’s and Kroger’s asked him to, and Rick always does what his corporate overlords ask of him.  That’s because we have scientific proof that Rick Perry is an idiot.

Join Senfronia Thompson and a boatload of women in Houston today to kick some dirt and cause a storm.  My county will be marking the day with a press conference at 6:00pm

A woman in Texas should not have to pay a ta-ta tax.  This crap is gonna stop.

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0 Comments to “Equal Pay Day”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    pRick Perry and too many in the GOP are happy to stagnate the economy to thwart President Obama and please their corporate sponsors. The extended UI benefits bill which should have passed last December may pass this week. Equal pay for women would place a major chunk of change into the limping economy. A third boost would be an increase in the federal minimum wage. Stimulate the economy? Not unless it can go straight up like a funnel cloud to the Koch brothers and their fellow robber barons.

    The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. needs franchises in every state to educate the voters.

  2. Marge Wood says:

    Franchises in every state, coffee dispensers in every office. Wahoo! and I read that women of color and Hispanic women generally earn even less than the 79 cents for every dollar.

  3. maryelle says:

    Make it the storm of the century, so Perry and friends cough up a lung.

  4. Well, damn! I bet pRick doesn’t have any inhibition about slipping a Benjamin into the g-string of some pole dancin’ gal at a “gentlemen’s club” but he sure hates to let all the women who don’t pole dance for a livin’ make a decent livin’!

  5. I’m surprised that a Ledbetter bill passed overwhelmingly in Texas, but if it did, why couldn’t they override pRick’s veto? Or did the corporate overlords belatedly beat some submission into those boys and they wouldn’t overrride?

  6. Rhea, he waited until the Legislature’s regular session had closed to veto the bill. Since the special sessions can only review legislation he chooses, he certainly wasn’t going to bring it back up. Instead he used the two special legislative sessions to stomp on women’s rights (not to mention the rights of those who wanted to testify in committee meetings).

  7. Its for damn sure Macy’s and Krogers did not ask him to veto. They are both interstate employers subject to federal anti-discrimination law anyways. To them this made no difference. Why piss off customers?

  8. @ SusanF, thanks for the explanation. Should have known there was some skullduggery going on. I’m still surprised it passed at all.

  9. Juanita Jean says:

    Well, Less, I hate to burst your bubble, but —http://www.politifact.com/texas/statements/2013/nov/25/senfronia-thompson/macys-other-retailers-asked-rick-perry-veto-equal-/

  10. Thanks, JJ.
